
Opening Up to Your Divinity is a Sacred Mission
In the past week or so, I have experienced nearly nightly visitations from various ascended beings. I am beginning to take this as a matter of course, but a few years ago, I would have questioned my sanity. Let’s face it - the role of being a Light worker on this planet has been a long, lonely road for most of us.

We’ve been sprinkled like spare salt over the face of the earth, into various fields of endeavors, some as parents, some as singles, some gay, some straight, and in every country across the planet. Many of us have had to live with partners, spouses and children who were not awake and resistant to any change whatsoever in their carefully constructed lives.

Others of us have been travelers, moving across the globe, some in groups visiting the energy centers of the planet. And still others have begun to shape incipient communities, often much to the displeasure of surrounding neighbors suspicious of anything to do with spirituality outside traditional religions.

I have lived a divided life for a long time. While I am in the process of coming out (as it were) as a star seed and Light worker by running this blog, most of my co-workers and neighbors do not have a clue as to what constitutes the “real” me. And I suppose this is reflective of my lack of understanding of same.

However, now that we are moving into an energy that is more conducive to light work, it is time that we all begin to explore and open up to our divinity, our true Self, our multi-dimensional being, as an individual starseed and as part of collective humanity.

One thing that I discovered this past weekend was that spiritual work can be very uplifting… quite literally. On Friday night, my guides came in and we began to do a careful Kundalini “exercise” that lasted perhaps a couple of hours. It took me practically all the next day to come down enough so I could function. Good thing I did not have to go to work. The energies were pulsing through me and I kind of floated on a sea of bliss most of the day. Didn’t get much accomplished and didn’t care.

Last night, my Higher Self came in with its Twin Flame and we “discussed” the relationships that exist between the soul extension personality and the “higher” spiritual bodies. If you have ever seen one of those Russian doll sets where the largest doll open to reveal a smaller one, and then that one reveals another smaller yet and so on… well, that is a faint echo of what we are to our greater collective consciousness.

We are Them and they are us. As the veils go down-and they went down with a big thud on 12/21/12-we can begin to open up to these greater parts of ourselves. By greater I do not mean better or more spiritual. We are and have always been a part of the Whole; we just forgot as part of our role-playing on this planet.

As starseed and Light workers, we came here to free the people of Earth who have been caught up in a limited consciousness field for thousands of years. We took on the commission knowing that some of us would also get caught up in the strong negative energy fields existing here; however, being the bravest of the bravest, or perhaps not bothering to read the fine print at the bottom of the contract, we came in, as babies, into a strange place.

The title of the science fiction book, “Stranger in a Strange Land”, always resonated with me, as I know it has for other starseeds. Despite the difficulties of adapting to the local customs, I personally fell in love with planet Earth or Terra as I like to call her. Although stripped of her natural resources, she still offered me many moments of beauty and peace as I spent years hiking and backpacking in the wonderful mountains and sea shores of the Pacific Northwest of North America.

I found beauty in the wild life and wild flowers, peace in walking the canyons, woods and ridges, soaking in the natural wonders all around me. I saw how many of her inhabitants were less than kind to her (to the planet) and her life forms, but they were asleep in a fear-filled nightmare.

They did not realize that they were hurting themselves by hurting their environment. Like the behavior found in some of the mentally imbalanced, they cut upon themselves by cutting or littering or defiling the wilds.
This was and is a people who have been systematically stripped of their spiritual connection to the planet, to life and to each other. Now, it is time for them to begin to reopen to that connection and it is our job, as Light workers, to lead by example.

If you were ever unsure of your connection to Spirit and to Home, don’t be. Realize that your thoughts create your world. What you dwell on will manifest in your world. If you linger in fear and hesitate, circumstances creating more doubt and fear will arise.

In my decision to begin this blog six months ago, I knew that I was opening a door that could never be shut, unless I chose to do so. I have encountered through this Internet connection some wonderful people… and a few not so wonderful to balance the experience. I have taken a stand in creating a space that I hope offers an example, not to follow, but to inspire others whether they consider themselves starseed or Light workers or just regular folk who are searching for meaning in their lives.

On the surface, I live a regular American life. I get up in the morning, go to work, go to the gym and then come home to household chores and my two cats. To my neighbors, I’m a quiet but friendly sort who spends a lot of time alone, walking, writing and gardening. However, inside, deep within my being I am undergoing a massive reconstruction project, otherwise known as ascension.

And from what I have read about the ascension process, it is not an overnight happening, but occurs gradually over a long (or shorter) period in order to allow the body to adapt to the increase of the energies that it can carry. As evidenced by my experience with the Goddess Kundalini, it will take a little more time for me to carry those energies gracefully, yet every day I can carry more.

What is the benefit in being a human guinea pig since physical ascension has never before occurred on this massive scale? Well, it allows each of us to become transformers and transmitters of the light energy that is daily being beamed to the planet from the various galactic light ships stationed around the solar system, as well as Cosmic energies being directed by heavenly bodies (i.e., stars) and the ascended masters.

In the past, most humans who ascended dropped their physical body once their monad descended into it, as the process literally blew out the fuses of the body’s electromagnetic system. This time, ascension is going more slowly to allow our bodies to gradually adapt to the increases. We can speed up the process individually, but do seek the guidance of your soul and Monad when doing so.

We are quite literally bringing heaven to earth. Our planet, the one that we have adopted during this great work, is set to blossom into radiant beauty once the fifth dimensional energies become stronger. We can allow this to happen by focusing on opening up to our true nature, as multidimensional beings embodied here and now. Life does become very interesting when you start expanding your neighborhood to include the Universe.

While processing these very strong energies and undergoing the tests that come with the process of Ascension, do seek out the means to keep grounded and in your body, through meditation, exercise, good food, finding like-minded people with which to share, spending time outside and in nature and anything that gives you some joy and laughter in your life.

We are the Ones we were looking for and now is the time to get on with the project of bringing the fifth dimension into being, a new world and a new age for humanity and our lovely blue-green planet, Terra.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/

Posted on January 14, 2013 http://bluedragonjournal.com/2013/01/14/668/ http://bluedragonjournal.com/author/tazjima/

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