By CM thru Candace
Dec 22, 2011 - 10:44:13 PM

TARGETED MESSAGE FROM CM ATON TO THE LAST CABAL:Merry CHRISTmas!I know how much that bugs you so I threw it in for good measure.Our Earth Allies, aided by the Agarthans and some others of our Lighted Federation of Star Nations, are busy tying up loose ends, meaning you, and some of you might find yourselves literally tied up facing several weapons, a pen and papers for you to sign.SIGN THE PAPERS!Let Me make one thing perfectly clear. WE don’t need you to sign the papers. WE can go ahead without you at this point. WE hold jurisdiction over this planet and the entire system, not to mention the rest of this universe, which is MY creation.Ye ones seek to ‘be like Mike’ and create your own world and then a whole entire universe in your image. Ye have not the means to do so nor would such a thing ever be allowed. Yet you cling to this dream, for you have made it your reason and purpose in life. It is an empty and hollow life that seeks its own destruction, for that is the only outcome that you will experience if you continue to insist upon clinging to such megalomaniacal delusions of grandeur. Ye ones will not be the gods of this or any other universe. Ye have failed to develop the spiritual values necessary to earn the right to progress upon that path.If you’re going to dig one hole, then dig two. You know full well the meaning of this and yet you fail to understand that both of these holes are for you and that you have dug them yourselves.Much as your national or federal governments claim to supersede the laws of your states or localities, so do WE. It is with this in mind and with the full backing of universal, superuniversal and grand universal federations and councils, that WE do therefore, now move to enforce OUR RIGHT to govern and advise as WE see fit and to remove ye ones, by any means necessary and as WE see fit to do so, from this planet entirely. Whether you sign the papers or not changes nothing in this regard. WE are simply allowing our Earth Allies the time and opportunity to make as much headway as possible for the sake of the planet and humanity.We know your plans and fully expect you to go ahead with them and so WE have decided to act irregardless of your actions as WE see fit to do so, having all rights and powers on Earth as well as the heavens. WE can do this and WE are doing it and that is that.Sign the papers for your own sakes and for the sake of all involved. If that does not suit you, even to doing what is in your own best interest as beings that still hold a possibility of survival, then so be it and the full measure of it shall be upon your heads. Ye ones took the weight of this measure upon yourselves thousands of years ago and ye have never tried even once to remove it from your heads. So upon your heads shall the reckoning of it be.You may sign or not sign. It will benefit you to sign. It benefits Us in no way since WE act above and beyond you in more ways than you can imagine or comprehend.WE have signed our own papers, so to speak and WE have promises to keep and they will be kept in a timely manner whether ye ones believe or not. By now, all means of escape for you have been blocked or removed and the truth now stands before you in all its glorious reality. Ye ones may choose or not choose to go quietly into the Light. Rest assured that it is the last and only choice you will be able to make concerning your fate until you are given the choice of survival or uncreation in adjudication before the heavenly councils and Divine Seat of Judgment.Until that time, I bid thee adieu and Merry CHRISTmas!

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  • No I meant exactly what I said, you just didn't understand it, so let me clarify for you once more lol

    You guys need to understand the idea of representation. Obviously 6 billion people can't be at a negotiating table lol So they would choose representatives who represent them to represent them at the table. That's what everybody does, it's what companies do, governments do, organizations do....because you can't put every member of an organization at a meeting and hear each one of their ideas. So they choose an individual....who represents the collective. That happens everywhere.

    And that representative, has to know things. It can't be just anyone. We can't have like the clubbers...who don't study the world, or history....and don't understand basically anything of be representing the collective of humanity. You would want someone like the Dalai Lama, who actually knows things, and has a deep spiritual understanding and a geo-political understanding of our world, to represent us. And he actually cares about people and about representing what everyone wants. You need that type of person, you can't pick just anyone.

    And key phrase there....what everyone wants. And that can't work unless people are smart and informed and have a deep awareness. Also, we can't have a few people, who might not be so smart, to be saying well I don't want this or that, even though everyone else wants it and it would actually be good for the whole. This is what the idea of "democracy" is....and again, a democracy can only work if the people are intelligent and informed and involved.

  • Well what I mean by "normal" is folks who don't have any real awareness about these kinds of things, you know, new age stuff, ETs, Ascension....people who are still in the "old world" way of thinking. And there's a lot of them out there, basically everyone....I meet them everyday lol And it's good to meet these kind of people, because....not only do we get a real feel and understanding for what the old mentality is, but we can better appreciate those who are like us and share our similar mentality.....and also how we can bridge both together. And that's going to help when it's time to teach them. That's why I think it's important to get out and live life and have a foot in both doors, instead of being in a bubble of seclusion.

  • i fully agree reikara, considering that what this discussuion concerns is dealing with humanity as a whole, and the best intrests of it as a whole, not just a select few, thats part of the reason the whole "lightworker" thing as a label is kindof off, because everyone is a worker of light, and if people want to call themselves 'lightworkers' they need to take into consideration everything and everyone's intrests, because thats what its all about, not feeding ego based things

  • No that's just your interpretation of it, and it's a wrong interpretation lol Oh why don't you lighten up Rae. Stop being so negative all the time.

  • jancar, there is no such thing as a normal person, we're all unique, but we can find similarities to one another, and  theres a large portian of the population in our local area [earth's surface] who tend to act and think in a certain way that are comparable to eachother from person to person, but we have to recognise everyone as an individual with thoughts and emotions of their own, each feeling their just as important or correct as the other, neither of us are the center of the world, we're all individuals with a full set of thoughts an emotions, anduntil we can look at eachother recogniseing that fact and respecting other's wishes while keeping their highest good in mind we're not headed anywhere other then where we are at now, i recomend we each put ourselves in another person's shoes [as far as imagining and conceptualising it] who is going through a shitty time, and try to imagine what it would be like, then see if we feel compelled to help, and do service for another, or atleast acknoledge how lucky we are to be born into an existence where we have fricken inernet and can engage in pleasures, rather then be wishing for more more more and continualy being selfinsh, and not just selfish as in wanting things or taking from others, but being so centralised in the self mind without haveing awareness of those around us enough to care about what they're going through or understand where they come from. also we need to do this utilising the full extent of our compasion we can muster and embrace. so again, we need to do all this or suffer the same fate as those before us throughout history who failed to change and overthrowed their opressors, just to be pushed back into supressionm again. time to start learning opeople, even when the knoledge and understanding conflicts with beleifs or is hard to look at.

    John M

  • Well I wouldn't say they're mind controlled lol I mean that's a bit over the top. They just believe what he believes in, that's all. And I believe alot of what they believe in too, despite the differences, we basically are on the same page about things. I mean compared to the general public, and "normal" people you know lol We all basically are on the same page. We are all so similar....we might not all agree on every detail, but in the bigger picture, we all are on the same basic wavelength. I think we should keep that in mind, and in our hearts. Merry Christmas everyone!

  • also one quick thing to add to my post concerning the positive et beings thwarting the dark luminotti's plans, i dont beleive they do it as often as they prefer because its kindof a cold war scenario, like "you do this to us and we'll kill a bunch of people" so they act as often as they can behind the scenes, but not to much as they dont wish to have the dark luminotti people do something in response that would jepordise everything, again with that part its just  my theory as far as why things are a certain way, but im posative that the reason they havent made themselves known is because theres plenty of people on earth who simply dont want et beings on their planet [whether they know there are or bnot] so as beings [the posative et beings] who are trying to help, they do it in a way that doesnt infringe on the people who are unawakened' rights of shutting themselves off, ultimately it has to be our own choice and only once all of humanity is fully awakened and fully intune with ourselves, and completely free from the dark elite's control and functioning as a sxcociety, do i see us getting any posative et contact, and even then i expect it to be small messengers rather then giant crafts. again this is all just my own opinions and my own sense of logic, and i encourage others to observ, connect the dots and think without their biases independantly, because my goal is to advocate self reliance and realism in a grounded yet open to possabilities stance, and drekx, i still would like a response in regards to my previous post's questions here.

    John M

  • drekxy, the divine intervention i feel will be the one that comes from our own actions standing up for what we know is wholsome and good and to do so in a well educated and grounded fasion, i feel the positive et beings do play a roll but that its from behind the scenes, thwarting the dark luminotti's plans when they choose to do something out of line, i feel though that the et beings who have our best intrests in mind as a whole want to see us evolve on our own and make social changes of our own, rather then intervene, cuz i feel that thats a general policy they have is to not interfer with species that dont have a firm grasp, and let then evolve socialy and intelectualy of there own accord, so i dont think ships are gonna come down and save us, but i think things will reveal themselves naturaly as we learn more about our surroundings and come to understand it fully as time moves, also if the dark luminotti is thwarted, we're gonna need to get organised and everyone should be informed and understanding of real threats and how to deal with it calmly, so that we dont let another asshole regime work its way uinto place, and for that to happen everyone needs to wake up to their etyernal divine essence within so that we can live in modetration and still enjoy ourselves and not feel a need to attain power over others, so theres gonna have to be some kindof moral teaching intgrated into future scocieties structure, and not just based on "you do it cuz you should" but because "you do it this way, and everyone can get along happily and feel good, dont we all want that?" so our teaching methods need to be individualised and independant thinking and acting should be encouraged, rather then 'follow the crowd' logic which is what our current social structure is based on. so essentialy in order for a happy scociety to exist everyone needs to be well rounded, grounded, interdimensional beings living in the 3d, also drekx, id like to explain how a part of the universe [3d earth space] can shift into 5d while other parts of the universe are still remaining in 3d, how does that work exactly? does earth disapear off the 3d plane? and if so, what about the moon? what about venus and mars? what will happen to theuir gravitational system with earth gone? have you thought about any of this or do you just preach without understanding? id like to know your thoughts on these things drekxy...

    John M

  • Andronover,

    Come now....My friends who support me are not "mind controlled." They see things as I do...that is all...

    This world does need a divine intervention..It does need First Contact and mass landings...Humanity cannot do this alone...TOGETHER, WE ARE VICTORIOUS.......!! 

  • John , you are reasonable.

    This civilization failed the 9/11 test and other tests also.

    We had our freewill to do something about it but we closed our eyes.

    Not you , that I´m quite sure of , but the majority did.

    This is a prisonworld since the "fallens" was thrown down here and you , I  and about 200 millions others have worked hard to prevent this civilization from  destruction and now comes our reward.

    Every soul will be placed where it deserves to be.

    Papasources laws are perfect - don´t doubt that.

    The "masslandings" that DO and others proclaim is just a darkcreated  utopia.

    I feel sorry for those that follow people like DO.

    Its called mindcontrol.


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