The Age Of Aquarius: Cosmic Ages

The Age Of Aquarius: Cosmic AgesBy Sarah BiermannThere's no doubt to me that we are in the Age of Aquarius. I don't have to look at the astrological chart (with a cluster of at least five planets in Aquarius as I write) or calculate the Universal Number for the 2009 (which is 11 the number associated with Uranus and Aquarius) to know we are in the Age of Aquarius. I can feel it!I realized that I didn't really know what an Age is or when exactly this new Age started. So I did research… (Thank God for search engines!). What I found surprised me. It seems that no one agrees on when exactly the Age of Aquarius starts! To quote Daniel Giamario, founder of Shamanic Astrology, "The question of when the Aquarian Age actually begins is a highly interesting field of inquiry, and worthy of several entire books."Like a wobbling top, the orientation of the Earth's axis is slowly but continuously changing, the northern end tracing out a conical shape in a cycle of approximately 26,000 years (called a Great or Platonic Year in astrology). Polaris, the North Star, will one day be replaced by a different North Star. Just as one year has twelve months, a Platonic Year also has twelve months and each month is a Cosmic Age.Another thing that changes is which constellation the Sun is in during the Equinoxes (the point when the Sun crosses the Equator). The position of the Sun stays in each constellation for approx. 2,150 years, precessing one degree every 72 years (although some say that this is speeding up). This is called a Cosmic Age and this movement through the constellations is called Precession of the Equinoxes. Signs and constellations are not the same thing. And it is this difference between the Signs and Constellations that causes so much confusion and misunderstanding. The confusion originated when the reality of precession was forgotten in the dark ages and at that time the signs and constellations were mistakenly called the same names. The signs describe the seasons of the year and are defined by the solstice and Equinox points. They represent a seasonal energy that is determined by our experience of the Sun at different times of the year. The zodiacal constellations are like the backdrop through which the signs move. Approximately every 26,000 years every sign will move through every constellation. Due to the nature of the precession of the equinoxes, the progression of the ages proceeds in reverse order through the zodiacal signs.Each Age is characterized by the qualities of the constellation that the Sun is in during the Equinoxes. Since currently focus more on the equinox on around March 20th that is the most strongly felt energy, but the opposite sign (September Equinox) also influences the Age.It is not possible to define an exact date when the Age changes. Many of the constellations overlap each other, including Pisces and Aquarius, so the Sun can be in two constellations at the same time. If you have a planet near the cusp of another sign, it is considered that it is also influenced by that other sign. This is also true for Cosmic Ages and is called the orb of influence which can be up to 800 years. The bottom line is that we are being influenced by both Pisces and Aquarius.Since it is not possible to exactly define the beginning and end of a Cosmic Age, I am going to use rough dates, just so you get the feel of the Ages.THE AGE of TAURUSRoughly 4,000 B.C. to 2,000 B.C.This was the Late Bronze Age (though in some cultures this lasted much longer). Many cultures worshiped the bull during this Age.Isis with Bulls Horns and Disk of Re (Ra)The great Egyptian civilization with its emphasis on agriculture (taught by Isis who is often represented with Bulls horns on her head) and new technology of building (the pyramids) echoes the influence of earthy Taurus. Both the esthetic nature of Taurus and its solidity are reflected in the beautiful art and architecture of this Age. Around 1500 B.C. in what is called the Exodus, Moses led the Jews away from Egypt and slavery. As Moses was on the mountain receiving the Tablets, the people created a Golden Calf which they were worshiping. Yahweh was ready to kill them all, but Moses interceded. The Tablets were destroyed and in their place Moses brought the Ten Commandments. (God was saying, "Dudes, the Bull is so last Age!".)THE AGE of ARIESRoughly 2,000 B.C. to 1 B.C.Aries is the goat. The Jews painted the blood of the lamb on their doorways to avoid the Angel of Death. The lamb was the principal animal of sacrifice among the Jewish people. This era is known as the Iron Age, when mankind learned to fashion weapons from iron. (Aries rules the metal iron.) This Age was also characterized by its militancy and aggressive spirit. During this era Alexander the Great conquered the world, Assyria and the Greek city-states rose to power and in the latter part of the Age, militaristic Rome became the MOST powerful empire ever known.THE AGE of PISCESRoughly A.D 1 to A.D. 2,000The enormous influence of Christianity changed the world during this era.. (Pisces is the sign of spiritual knowledge). The fish (symbol of Pisces) is also the symbol of Christianity. Christ called his apostles "fishers of men". This Age is marked by sacrifice and struggles (qualities associated with Pisces). The motto of Pisces is "It is better to give than to receive". During the Age of Pisces, there is a belief that what Spirit really wants of us is to be "in service" and to sacrifice (think of Jesus). In many eastern religion and current metaphysical beliefs, it is the height of spirituality to be a selfless healer. Many of us have lived our lives trying to fulfill our missions.Pisces is a water sign as symbolized by baptism in water. Also to be mentioned here is the Holy Water, available in churches, with which Christians cross themselves. Priests sprinkle Christians who accompany them with Holy Water. The pope still wears a mitre, which is his hat in the shape of a fish.The opposite sign of Pisces is Virgo, the Virgin. We have the worship of the Virgin Mary and of course celibate priests and nuns.Finally, a sign of divinity, of faith and also of heresy, the sign of Pisces is associated with religious conflicts and crusades. Christians have often fought against enemies under the pretense that they did not share their religious convictions. These crusades were headed by pious, faithful, well-intentioned knights, all keyed up by religious fervor. Since the Age of Pisces is not yet over, we still feel its effects: in fact, religious wars are still raging on in the world, although this phenomenon will progressively disappear as we are influenced by the Age of Aquarius.THE AGE OF AQUARIUS(circa A.D. 2,000 — A.D. 4,000)The symbol of Aquarius is the Waterbearer, though it is an air sign. I think we can expect to have water be a major theme in this Age. Already we have seen water (or the lack of) bring change via hurricanes, droughts and tsunamis. I expect we will develop new technologies using water for power and healing.Check out this car that runs on water!Dr. Masaru Emoto has done fabulous research with water. Read an Interview with Emoto in an earlier magazine from Spirit of Ma'at.Air signs are all about communication and we are certainly in the age of communication! In the Aquarian Age our communication with the divine is no longer filtered through a priest or guru, instead it is a direct and personal connection within each person.Aquarius energy is electric (electricity) and innovative. It is an age characterized by technical progress and inventions: printing, media, medication, internal combustion engines, automobiles, airplanes, rockets, electricity, electric lights, telephones, radios, televisions, movies, photography, photocopiers, fax machines, watches, clocks, radars, telecommunications, Aquarius expands the mysteries of innovative, unique, avant-garde, revolutionary experiences designed to maximize the evolution of consciousness.Other qualities of Aquarius include compassion, uniqueness and collaboration. We are being called to create community with our spiritual family.The opposite sign of Aquarius is Leo, which carries the energy of radical self-love! This is a very different energy from vanity. Real self-love means that we feel ourselves as being part of God, always loved and lovable. Bring it on, baby!The glyph of Aquarius is the wave.I'm all about the wave!ImagiCreation is definitely and Aquarian invention!Listen to my free audio, Welcome the Age of Aquarius!About Sarah BiermannSarah Biermann is an internationally renowned Intuitive Healer, Channel, and the founder of ImagiCreation. Clairvoyant and highly empathic, she works directly with the language of the unconscious mind. Able to clear and transform limiting systems, implants, past life material and much more, she can be reached or by phone at: 415-672-1279Please visit Sarah's website, for free articles and channels, audios, videos , free seminars and events. Experience the Golden Mesh and the Un-create Wormhole, a powerful guided process to clear out unwanted energies from your body.Visit Sarah's blog for my series about the hidden meanings of words, Playing with Language, and much more.
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