The Crabs in the Bucket/Basket Syndrome - Crab Mentality

Think about this:

"Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition (or sabotage) which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise. The analogy in human behavior is that of a group that will attempt to "pull down" (negate or diminish the importance of) any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy, conspiracy or competitive feelings.

This term is broadly associated with short-sighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality. It is also often used colloquially in reference to individuals or communities attempting to "escape" a so-called "underprivileged life," but kept from doing so by others attempting to ride upon their coat-tails or those who simply resent their success."


Another good article: "Crab mentality is universal"


If one thinks that folks on this site are free from envy towards those who achieved success, they're wrong, wrong... You can yell and hail 'love & light'! for billions of years and remain the same... Even if you don't agree, think about it.


"Just leave me alone! Damn! Hugh!"


"O, no, no, you're staying with us, pal! You're like us! You're no better than us!"



Just look how obedient to the "destiny" they all are.... 


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  • Here is a nice dance song just released by my friend which I wanted to share:

    <span><a href="">Who you are</a> by <a href="">Krsna-sakti Devi Dasi</a></span>

  • Hello VioletRay, you're right, we need to define terms before we start a disscussion. Otherwise, we would misunderstand the other person and what was intended to be said.

    It is simple: success is some achievement, some accomplishment in any field, be it material or spiritual. Now what is the cause of envy? When we see someone has accomplished something that we haven't (yet). There you go with the competition, etc...Have you ever experienced it? I have, being on both sides, lol!  :D

    If you're not aware of this fact which is going on all the time in the background, there is no way of letting it go, or attain full control over yourself. I undertook huge inner work and spritual practices to attain self-control, which means full self-consciousness. This means that I monitor and control all thoughts and emotions that run through my head/heart. Who is this "I" who controls them all? This is my consciousness, pure spirit soul, or that which you call 'higher self'". Unless you reconnect with your 'higher self' and then with the Source of everything, including you, there is no real self-control. This was just in a nutshell...


    Now, when I talk about my spiritual realizations, it makes people feel envious and then they start attacking... LOL! They're simply envious because they want to believe that everyone is the same, at the same level, etc. when it is not true, and never will be. If they were smart, they'd ask good questions, but no... the envy arises in many forms and faces.

    So this 'crab mentality' is really primitive, and yet is so prominent even among so-called lightworkers, who haven't yet worked really seriously on themselves. you see, things won't just leave on their own, you got to know how to treat them properly and let them go while being able to put your thoughts under control. The roots of all evil is deeper then we think. We must intend to purify ourselves completely and work on it seriously. No pretending, no artificial means or nice words will help.

  • They can try to tackle anyone who booked success, but it won't have any effect to heart-conscious beings.

    I hope these jealous persons will understand somewhere real soon, they too can have whatever they want if it's for the good of all. Competitiveness is nothing more than a false belief in their own willpower, fed by the ego, and overrun compared to actions caused by the heart.


    Much Love to these people. :)


  • Hi divina, thanks for sharing your views.

    Though I'm sure many reading this would love to know what your definition of success is, in regard to your writings here.

    peace love light

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