THE MOTHERSHIP and their time-travel capabilities
The technology for the wedding cake ship was downsized from the design for the largest and newest spacecraft built by the Pleiadians. A product of information provided by the Timers, this large galaxy-class ship measures 17,182 meters, or almost ten miles, in diameter. It was assembled in space and is not designed to be used in a planetary atmosphere. It represents a major breakthrough for the Pleiadians, for it is the first ship of its kind that can bridge the gap between universes. On Earth we would term this giant spacecraft a Mothership. The main part of the ship looks like a large egg standing on end, while on the bottom there are three smaller, round sections that are interconnected by huge braces. The three smaller sections have another brace extending out of the top and hooking into the main part of the ship above them. One of the round objects provides a hatch, or hanger, where visitors can store their smaller craft while they are on-board the huge city.
This is a completely self-contained world capable of providing a home for more than 140,000 people who live on-board. Most of these people enjoy living in space and very seldom return to the home planet. Everything is provided for here, including a large area constructed to duplicate the outside conditions found on a planet, such as gardens, lakes, and small mountains so that the inhabitants can commune with nature. Living quarters, schools, manufacturing facilities, virtually everything that is needed to sustain life is on-board, for the great ship has been designed to be a complete living situation for its crew and is completely self-sustaining.
Since the population was so large, they designed huge airways that connected the different parts of the craft in order to move people around the ship. These airways run inside of the huge braces that hook the three smaller sections of the ship to the main body. This allows passengers to easily move from one area of the ship to another. The largest airway extends all the way up the middle of the main part of the craft. This giant open airway allows access to any level of the ship on small floating platforms that are used to move people up and down the airways and make it easy to get around.
The air inside of the great Mothership contains not only a higher content of oxygen than on Earth, but other elements have also been added that reduce the need for sleep and keep the occupants awake longer. It is very similar to the atmosphere on their home planets. Along with the air, another consideration is the food. Just like on the surface world, the crew of this great ship eat a very light diet of vegetables and fruits. They have engineered the food so that by simply munching on small amounts of these specially grown fruits and vegetables, they can reduce the need for sleep to as little as only four hours per day, while hunger can be calmed for as long as 90 hours, if necessary.The Command Center for the great Mothership is located at the top of the main body of the ship and is where everything is controlled.
You can see right through the ceiling of the Command Center. Even though it is solid, you can see the stars overhead as if you were outside. They
have a way of projecting some kind of radiation beam at the ceiling so that you can see through it, causing it to appear invisible. This way everyone working at the Command Center can see exactly where they are and where they are going, not to mention that the view is spectacular.
Visitors from many parts of the universe come together on this great craft, so communication would be a problem without the special language converters that are worn. It can read your mind and pick up your thoughts just before you speak. It then creates the words you need to say in the language you have selected, and causes you to speak it. When you normally learn a language, you practice for weeks and build your vocabulary and learn all the grammar. The converter already knows the language, so it only has to know what you want to say, and then it feeds your mind the knowledge of the language you have selected, and you can speak it. It contains the knowledge of thousands of different languages and allows good communication for the many different species that live and visit there.
In the Command Center hundreds of Pleiadians and androids (robots with artificial intelligence) assist in the control of the ship. The androids are created organically by their scientists to do specific tasks. They do not have a spirit as humans do, but are programmed with tremendous intelligence to do certain functions. Most of the functions of running the ship are done by androids, since they are very well-suited for this kind of work. They can stay alive for long periods of time, are disease-free, and can be programmed for any kind of work, personality, and character. They are used extensively all throughout the Pleiadian society to handle most of the manual labour and technical work because they can be programmed with very advanced intelligence. The androids do not contain computers as we know them, but their brains would be an extension of the idea of a computer and are organically made from human material grown by their scientists. For spiritual reasons the Pleiadians do not believe in the idea of cloning, so they have instead advanced the concept of a computer into this level of technology.
Another type of Pleiadian Mothership
You know, for me, it was never about the ships. It was never about the gadgets and technology. Or the novelty of meeting some advanced race and riding around in spaceships. To me, it was always about what I could learn from them, to enhance my own being, expand my own consciousness, what can I learn from them, to help me grow and evolve. And hopefully, they will learn something from me. I doubt it, but you never know lol
It was never about the novelties. It was always about meeting them, exchanging knowledge and insights, sharing some good times, doing good work, having some joy and fun, and creating bonds and friendships. Which is, what life is about. That's what it's all about.
I honestly couldn't give two craps less about, oh a big mothership, oh where's my solar system tour lol Oh fancy technologies, oh my. Or the novelties, of having powers, and telepathic and psychic abilities. Which you know is how 80% of people are going to view it. Oh, what novelty can I get out of this lol What powers can I get out of this. What ride can I get out of these guys. It was never like that for me.
It was also never about the novelty of some new light body. Which I would image is how most people will view it. Oh a new light body, a more perfect body, oh lol Again, it was never like that for me. I'd actually prefer not even having a body lol Or being able to manifest any body at will.
I can't wait to meet them, honestly. It will be a nice change, from the usual people I'm forced to deal with lol
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the mothership idea. Through some interesting experiences I've had throughout life beginning all the way back from childhood, I can't say anything is impossible. Still, it's been a stretch. I wish I could see it. :-)
Tammerella ...There are quiet a few Pleidians already reincarnated in human form on Planet Earth now. You might encounter a few in your daily life without realizing that they are Pleidians.
From the link below you can find out your Planetary Origin..
Barbara Marciniak is one to follow for Pleidian info below
Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media-free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our "gods" are.
Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious — and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become "bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth.
"An underground sensation." — Publisher's Weekly
i am fascinated by all kind of motherships except the Dark one.....for sure i love to be a visitor or traveler to these amazing & incredible space technology!! i know that i can't stay there for too long :) Namaste <3
Have anybody tried yet the new version of the iShiprint (I just made up the name)...yes the one imbedded in your own being. YOUR EYES
Well it new features are:
Instant close image reading of small & large ships surrounding the sun (ethereal beings)
It Registers what seems a parallel Sun
It Register their shifting tracks and bends
You may get to see them aligned as you just thought to like seen them doing that!
You can carry the print a little longer and still registering shiftiNG tracks while you shift your focus
Adjust your vision Resistance to see the sun directly with not dark glasses, believe me it doesn't damage your eyes as thought. You will be able to see the yellow, blue and red colours emanating from the sun. It worthwhile the tickling filling of your whole body, specially if made at noon. Here you don't see them yet.
Best time is before the sunset , say 4:0 pm-Queensland Australia-adjust to your local time
BLINK As fast as you can...and there they are!!!
Better than those infrared cameras. Sorry not hard prints yet developed
John M is pointless arguing and i suggest you read the article on....
HERE IT IS JUST GOING OFF TRACK...and i shall say no more as it is also waste of time
The qualities needed to go to 5th Dimension New Earth are no harming nature, no harming any living entities and leading a highly tuned spiritual life.
Animal eaters do not go into 5th dimension but lower to the hellish planets as stated in the VEDAS.
In the 5th Dimension Animals do not eat animals but are friendly to all.
On the Gaint Mothership or on 5th dimension New Earth only those who have a high percentage of love and light will be allowed to stay.
I would expect that living on the mother ship would NOT be a forever after thing but a free choice to stay or return to A planet if so desire. Here I see the opportunity to travel the universe for x amount of time and perhaps finding a living planet that suites your needs and depart at that point. Free will, not a prison on a spacecraft. Look forward to the adventure...limitlessssss.