Greatings, my beloved siblings.
This is my last post here, because I NOW SEE clearly the facts.. Much has shifted in these few last days within me/for me. My incarnation, my dreams, feeling and visions from my childhood, my awakening process, my true purpose... EVERYTHING is now absolutely, crystal CLEAR!
I talked about this before and now for the last time on ACC. From the day 1 of my awakening process I felt/had this deep knowing within me. The knowing wich was whispering to me that there's something TERRIBLY wrong with "the new age movement" and everything related to the "2012 phenomenon". All I had was this knowing and STRONG feelings of it, originated from my own instincts and intuition. At first, I did not payed attention to it and simply dived in to the process of awakening and began with my researches. I simply played along with all of you, dear siblings, knowing deep within that there's more, that the rabbit hole is much, much deeper than we tought. I was not wrong! Now when I look back, I see that I should've trusted my own intuition and instincts more than I trusted "the new age teachers"! I will make this more or less quick, cause I know that a lot of you don't like long blogs...
Before you label me lost, delusional and naive, let me tell you that the INFO I've found was NOTHING new to me. I knew this all along, deep inside, within my heart. When I've studied the RED PILL wich I'll share with all of you, all that knowing, intuition, "wrong" feelings and natural instincts wich I have from the day 1 about "the new age", MADE PERFECT SCENCE! "The red pill" gave me the FACTS about my knowing, wich I did not know how to explain before, even to myself. When I combined MY KNOWING with the facts wich I've found, the whole grand puzzle UNFOLDED in front of my eyes and heart! Combination of facts and knowing triggered my full awakening to who I really AM! I now see through the eyes of GOD. I AM GOD, GOD is ME. SHE is within ME, I AM within HER... :) :) :) I AM AWAKE <3
I finally found out that the doors HOME were always OPEN, NEVER closed, just hidden... The truth is, I/YOU can leave anytime you want and go HOME where you/we belong. Home to The Angelic Realm(5th dimension). You can leave if you UNDERSTAND an SEE.
I could leave right now, this very momment and go HOME if I'd wanted but for now I'm stayin. I AM stayin' not because of myself but because of all of you, who are wondering in the midst of deception, thinking that you're awake. Believe me, YOU're not, You are still sleeping. I'm stayin' because I truly care for all of you dear siblings, I'm stayin in "the hell" of 3rd density for now, because I love you all deeply.. Because I do not want to see you suffering and searching for the way out in the area where you won't find it.. I'm doing this aswell because of the fact that this is my role within the divine plan wich i did not see before. My role is to be the messenger, to spread the message for those who are ready to see it.
We tought that we were researching the depths of the rabbit hole but in fact we were only scratching on the surface of it!!!
Manny of you will see this as untrue and anbelievable. That's your problem, not mine. You have a free will of choice and I respect that! I'm not here to be liked nor to convince you that what I'm offering is the truth. I'm only here to present you the option so that you can choose and discover for yourself. That's all! All I can do is to show you the door but the next step you have to make for yourself.
Bellow is in some way, virtual red pill(youtube channel FredomOfTheSoul) if you wish to know how deep the rabbit hole really goes... If not, I respect that aswell. I LOVE YOU and I will love you ALL always and forever.
(Some highlights of the youtube channel(the red pill): The truth about who we REALLY are... The truth about RE-INCARNATION ->RECYCLING.. The truth about what is really going on -->"the paradigm of suffering - the matrix of suffering"... The real dark masters(the fallen ones)...) For all wich will make the next step I recomend starting with "Creating New Heaven & Earth" and "The Angelic Realm & 72 Oversouls", for better and easier understanding...
Within Divine LOVE, TheOne1111, Immortal Angel from Angelic Realm(5th dimension)
The Truth has set me free :) marianinia, I agree with everything you've said.. The truth has manny, manny faces, because everyone see's it from a different unique perspective. There is only ONE truth, the highest of all distorted ones and eventually everyone will pierce it ;)
The truth is like electricity wich flows through conductors. As the truth flows through every individual soul conductor, it gets distorted. Distortion happens because of the learning process and when ONE is ready to see, the only thing left to do is to take the distortion out of the equation, to be able to se the source truth, wich was always deep within, covered with infinite veils of the illusion. We all accepted the illusion, because we had/wanted to learn about it..
What my goals are? Well, I've found what I was looking for, so the only goal there is to hold the doors for a little while for others who decide to go HOME ;)
the one, I actually have seen and traveled threw gateways.. way beyond this earth yet still here. I was offered to a chance to leave with the Arcturians, my family but like you I decided to say because I did not want anyone to suffer and had to share many secrets of the universe
welcome neo, what took you so long? destiny was waiting. Now that you're here tell us your goals. If you like of course!
much love peace and respect