
You will know when you enter the point of enlightenment. It emphasizes a position of freedom and liberation from this dense karmic maze...You may still have cravings for certain paradigms that do not yet exist but you are off the karmic wheel and live as though absolutely nothing can adversely affect you....Through millenniums there has been a single spiritual mantra to “stay in the moment,”...We need to bring that into our daily awareness...The unconscious conscious being just occurs, without specific agendas other than how to create more peace and love in this world.



You will know when you enter the point of enlightenment. It emphasizes a position of freedom and liberation from this dense karmic maze. In one manner of thinking, you have accomplished everything you intended to learn about this world and realize that you have an understanding of everything that occurs. You may still have cravings for certain paradigms that do not yet exist but you are off the karmic wheel and live as though absolutely nothing can adversely affect you. The unconscious conscious being just occurs, without specific agendas other than how to create more peace and love in this world. The mind works very similar to a computer without the emotional background. We live in an environment where the mind leads and the emotions follow. The paradigm shift we are looking for is having the emotions lead and the mind follow. The mind currently opens far too many windows during the day. This has to be limited.


The unconscious mind is more primal instinctive and is largely negated when a variety of windows are open. Have you ever driven home from work or shopping, going the same route over and over again, to the point that when you arrive home you don’t remember much of the trip? There are many different unconsciousness periods everyday. Sleep, of course, is mainly unconscious as well as meditations, eating, playing or listening to music, doing art work or taking a long walk. Freedom from windows of thought allows them to occur naturally and then gives us the option to cancel the window opening. Bills, appointments, relatives, friends, all of these things require windows of thoughts as well as many other judgments, opinions and prejudices, so look at your life and figure out when most of the windows are open and thoughts are spiraling around.

Through millenniums there has been a single spiritual mantra to “stay in the moment,” which begins in unconscious states. We need to bring that into our daily awareness. The emotional subconscious template in our lightbodies and the mental template are largely responsible as the ego uses the windows in these templates. The astral subconscious template is where our dreams occur and they reveal whether we are in the moment or not. If we are dreaming about work, or about frustration of past times, then we are out of the moment.




Dreams are an important means of working with the unconscious. What few understand is that we can control the nature of our dreams if we set the stage prior to sleeping. This way the emotional and mental templates cannot leak into our dreams. We must clean up our dream states before we attempt to stay in the moment in our daily life.


The imagination is the root of most psychic endeavors but if we apply our imagination, we can control our dream states. Every night, do a brief candle meditation by just staring into the flame until no thoughts occur. Then as you lie down, begin staging a scenario that places you in an alternate reality. This might be something you wish you had experienced but as yet have not had the resources or time to create. Any vacation you wish you had undertaken, any relationship you wish you could experience is available. Even the intervention of starships or ascended beings or any global event you might want to occur is on the menu of options. Be creative and allow you imagination to create many different scenarios. Stay with the event until you fall off to sleep, then when you begin experiencing past events that did occur and people who were in your life in past, you are on your way. This allows the dream state to function like the ‘karmic illusion bardo’. The karmic illusion bardo is an afterlife event that occurs when we first pass over and our entire life goes through a review that highlights many of the emotional template problems and mental template problems.




In creating alternate dream realities, start the short story and create chapter by chapter until the fantasy works itself out and then proceed to the next one. What you do not know is that your higher self will be involved in developing these alternate dream realities. Log your dreams every morning or any portion of them so you can see where emotional and mental blockages are being worked on. You will begin seeing changes in habits and attitudes in your normal life and staying in the moment will be desired rather than allowing the ego to chase the past and future out of fear and guilt.




You will begin to understand what is illusional in this experiment and what is real and you naturally become more unconscious by having very little in your life affecting you. Then emotions begin leading and the mind following and like Sunat Kumara always told me ‘Do what brings you joy, Peter'




Namaste my Friends



For more about Peter, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/peters-journal/



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