Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • AE, the structures under the pyramids and the underground maze, that extends across the entire Giza plateau, was built in ancient times by the Giza Intelligences, also known as "Bafath....."
    They were expelled from the planet in 1982 and no longer reside on Earth...
    These complexes were built as bases and also to initiate their disciples...All of the STS lodge...
  • The less said about Kent County Council and it's middle class liberal guilt-tripping over illegal migrants, the better...Glad I don't live in Kent, which seems to be rather like a former southern border state, under Biden/Harris...

    (Of course this soft on illegal migrants policy, is all being issued at international level; from cabal bodies, such as UN and ECHR.)

    As for being a stressed journalist, having to continually report news, on this ongoing CRAP..? 💩.....My advice is to watch the blood pressure and take up yoga🧘🏼‍♂️...The lower astral can be such a bummer....😵‍💫
  • 🗽🫵🏻Abolishing the US Dept of "Education," is a good move by POTUS, and a clear indication that Trump cares about actual education provided at state level and based upon true merit, rather than centralised wokery and brainwashing, offered by Washington pen pushers, with lefty agendas and ideologies...

    🧿A good observation to note, is the clear delineation between the dark cabal's penchant for centralisation and the MAGA patriot passion, for local-level decision making and choices by people...

    🇺🇸Bravo President Trump....I hope my country follows suit...🇬🇧
  • 🛸Randy, your friend's acquired TikTok footage was very revealing and if those chatting folks in the video say that they saw it coming up out of the ocean, I believe them, as it's totally true...Just a shame they could not actually film the seamless trans-medial vectoring, between sea and air...But we're all still hoping that someone does manage to get a Sirian formation on film, completing such a maneuver...eventually..And then the "experts" can drop the "UAP" "USO" designations and see these craft as simply scoutships and probes, using aetheric energy fields for propulsion, while cocooned within electro-gravitic, ionized plasma envelopes...Cheers, Drekx😎👍OMega🕉
  • Hey Drekx, welcome back friend. My friend just sent me this footage,
    apparently taken at Daytona beach Florida.

    It appears to be a group of typical Sirian spherical scout ships with glowing plasma fields, with one craft being fairly close to the beach.

    One of the witnesses said she saw the crafts come out of the ocean, though unfortunately they didn't film the ships emerging from the ocean. But very impressive footage nonetheless.
  • Q for Drexk-does the GFL know what those pillars beneath the pyramids ar all about?
  • lol Malcom -or 'they' will figure out a way to create so much energy with the pillars and pyramids that every living thing on Earth explodes while they hide in their bunkers.
  • And for those who missed the video the other day Benny Johnson talks about what was seen from the declassified JFK files that came out. These files expose tons of CIA corruption which include weather control, bio weapons, the overthrow of governments, global media control, and conflicts the CIA tried to use to get WW3 going. The files mention the CIA knew in advance about Lee Harvey Oswald and they let him carry out the assassination. JFK knew about the corruption in the CIA so the CIA had to get rid of him. The files also report that the FBI was working on a report that made sure conspiracy theories did not spread regarding whether Oswald acted alone. That means Oswald did not act alone. Also mentioned in the files is that the CIA was assisting Israel in the development of nuclear weapons. One needs to ask if the CIA did all this corruption back then then what have they been up to since then up until today? Definitely more info coming soon.
  • This was one of the topics mentioned in the video I shared the other day regarding what was shown in the JFK files that came out, but for those who did not see that this link explains how the CIA tried to help Israel get nuclear weapons.
    Declassified JFK Files: Transcript Reveals Israeli Scientists and US Experts May Have Played Roles…
    Ep 3601b - Evil Is Embedded Globally, [DS] Being Dismantled In Each Country, US Is The First Domino
    Dr. Gundry Explains Which Foods Contain The Potential Toxin Go find that video at Evil is embedded globally, the […
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You Have The Power To Create Miracles! By Saint Germaine...&...Let's Increase Our Band-Width To Receive More Divine Light By Patricia Cota-Robles...&...Immense Change For 2025 By Emmanuel Dagher

   You Have The Power To Create Miracles! By Saint Germaine & Lee Degani Lee Degani: I just love this message from St. Germaine that reminds us of the power of  using our imagination!   Saint Germaine: Greetings. I am St. Germaine and I come to you…

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"AE, the structures under the pyramids and the underground maze, that extends across the entire Giza plateau, was built in ancient times by the Giza Intelligences, also known as "Bafath....."
They were expelled from the planet in 1982 and no longer…"
18 minutes ago
Malcolm commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Book 3; Ruby Ceit by Aidan Gregory is Available at Barnes &
"Far-out Manhattan pulp fiction...maybe."
2 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"The less said about Kent County Council and it's middle class liberal guilt-tripping over illegal migrants, the better...Glad I don't live in Kent, which seems to be rather like a former southern border state, under Biden/Harris...

(Of course this…"
5 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"🗽🫵🏻Abolishing the US Dept of "Education," is a good move by POTUS, and a clear indication that Trump cares about actual education provided at state level and based upon true merit, rather than centralised wokery and brainwashing, offered by…"
6 hours ago
Edward posted a status
** Internet....!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"🛸Randy, your friend's acquired TikTok footage was very revealing and if those chatting folks in the video say that they saw it coming up out of the ocean, I believe them, as it's totally true...Just a shame they could not actually film the seamless…"
9 hours ago
RandyFirstContact left a comment on Comment Wall
"Hey Drekx, welcome back friend. My friend just sent me this footage,
apparently taken at Daytona beach Florida.

It appears to be a group of typical Sirian spherical scout ships with glowing plasma fields, with one craft being fairly close to the…"
11 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Justin89636's blog post The Mintakans And The Mintakan Solar System
"Oh in case you didn't see my thank you on your comment wall thanks for your answers Drekx. When you get the chance thank Taljda as well. She was the one who checked my light quotient for the tours a few years back before I earned the necessary light…"
14 hours ago
AlternateEarth posted a blog post
My third book has been accepted on Barnes and It is a follow up to the Sweteryun Girl book, my second book. 
15 hours ago
Edward posted a status
** Pentagon Removal ....(오각형)......!!!!!!!!!!!
15 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Q for Drexk-does the GFL know what those pillars beneath the pyramids ar all about?"
15 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"lol Malcom -or 'they' will figure out a way to create so much energy with the pillars and pyramids that every living thing on Earth explodes while they hide in their bunkers."
16 hours ago