My third book has been accepted on Barnes and It is a follow up to the Sweteryun Girl book, my second book. …
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Next up on the Galactic blogs we will get into the Amphibian groups in the Anchara Alliance starting first with the Mintakans. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.
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You Have The Power To Create Miracles! By Saint Germaine...&...Let's Increase Our Band-Width To Receive More Divine Light By Patricia Cota-Robles...&...Immense Change For 2025 By Emmanuel Dagher
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Powerful Keys To Master Shifting Into The Golden Age Of Enlightenment 1. STAY OUT OF THE DRAMA The old world is going through its death throes—let it.Don’t get sucked into political chaos, financial fears, or collective panic. You didn’t come…
Read more…Yes ! You Really Can Find Happiness ! By Jennafer Crockett
Yes ! You Really Can Find Happiness ! By Jennafer Crockett Joy and contentment A sense of fulfillment A feeling that all is well....Your desires are effortlessly fulfilled now. Find joy in the present moment, whatever is happening, and be…
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Song Of The New Earth * Ma-Ha-Va-Ti Divine Inspiration by ADI - Green Tara Guru The New Earth is known as Ma-Ra-Va-Ti in the cosmic realms of creation. The vibration of the New Earth is Ma-Ra-Va-Ti. The Ancient Planet we are part of is on her path…
Read more…God's 144,000 Chosen Ones Have Been Called - The 4 Angels Have Arrived With 4 Powerful Messages
God's 144,000 Chosen Ones Have Been Called - The 4 Angels Have Arrived With 4 Powerful Messages The time has come! God’s chosen ones are awakening as the 144,000 step into their divine calling. The chosen ones have been marked, and now, the four…
Read more…We Uniquely Awaken To Our Divine Potential * Patricia Cota-Robles
We Uniquely Awaken To Our Divine Potential * Patricia Cota-Robles I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I invoke for myself this sacred and holy day I invoke on behalf of every person on Earth, in perfect…
Read more…Latest Activity
They were expelled from the planet in 1982 and no longer…"
(Of course this…"
apparently taken at Daytona beach Florida.
It appears to be a group of typical Sirian spherical scout ships with glowing plasma fields, with one craft being fairly close to the…"
They were expelled from the planet in 1982 and no longer reside on Earth...
These complexes were built as bases and also to initiate their disciples...All of the STS lodge...
(Of course this soft on illegal migrants policy, is all being issued at international level; from cabal bodies, such as UN and ECHR.)
As for being a stressed journalist, having to continually report news, on this ongoing CRAP..? 💩.....My advice is to watch the blood pressure and take up yoga🧘🏼♂️...The lower astral can be such a bummer....😵💫
🧿A good observation to note, is the clear delineation between the dark cabal's penchant for centralisation and the MAGA patriot passion, for local-level decision making and choices by people...
🇺🇸Bravo President Trump....I hope my country follows suit...🇬🇧
apparently taken at Daytona beach Florida.
It appears to be a group of typical Sirian spherical scout ships with glowing plasma fields, with one craft being fairly close to the beach.
One of the witnesses said she saw the crafts come out of the ocean, though unfortunately they didn't film the ships emerging from the ocean. But very impressive footage nonetheless.