Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • "Hello Roaring Lovely, on your last comment, curious as to where you stand then on things when you state "you see a problem with Christianity then you swing to Buddhism, Islam or atheism like a numbskull." So what are exactly your beliefs then?"

    We should spend some times being uncertain, so we may be dispassionate in our search, thats what I mean.
  • It is needed to ground yourself with Gaia and to invoke the Violet Flame as you are grounded - Great Positive Energies lay waiting for a person to call upon them - the feeling is amazing
  • Totally agree with you Joanna, I think just being grounded with nature helps and de plugging from all the noise of the internet helps.
  • Hello Roaring Lovely, on your last comment, curious as to where you stand then on things when you state "you see a problem with Christianity then you swing to Buddhism, Islam or atheism like a numbskull." So what are exactly your beliefs then?
  • It is very bad to, after noticing a problem with mainstream media, one moves recklessly all the way to alternate media rather than 'going within'! It is like a pendulum swinging hopelessly between two extremes!

    It is like, seeing a problem with Christianity, you move directly to Buddhism, Islam or atheism, like a numbskull. If one can lie, why can't the other?
  • Some in the awakening communities believe, when it comes to media, politics, health, other areas, that it's a case of 'take the blue pill or the red pill - one will lock you into the matrix, one will set you free' - when this is just another expression of the duality drama imprinted into the collective consciousness... mainstream v alternative, red v blue... when there are truths and distortions in both, while any veiling's still in play individually and collectively...
    With best of intentions, many remote viewers and channellers could be picking up on shared imprints within a collective psychic/telepathic field too, or filtering through them without realizing...rather than what is beyond...
    We all have the choice every moment though, to stand in a place of Universal Love that encompasses the duality field and sends Love and Peace and Joy into it, for the Whole...
    That's how Unity Consciousness anchors...just as in other galactic civilzations operating in Love...truly, we can do this...šŸŒŸšŸ˜Š
  • With you Hellen, on holding positive focus for humanity, and the Earth and all life here šŸ’›šŸŒ

    I've used a visualization/affirmation practice called the Golden Apple for many years, as a focus for maintaining the integrity of my light-field...and also as a transformer of energies...I'll link the page it's on below, for anyone this might appeal to:
    Four Foundational HeartĀ Practices
    The exercises below assist in maintaining a steady soul alignment, keeping your energy field clear and your heart light. We recommend these practices…

    You see that suing media for lieing is unreasonably difficult. This gives them a licence to lie.

    When US first ammendment was made, they probably never had a monopolistic media controled by cabal in mind. The only thing capable of monopoly was the state itself.

    But if the media becomes part of the 'deep state', then the 'freedom of media' is nolonger about protecting citizens. It is now a protection of the elites against the rest of the citizens demanding truth, the opposite of what was perhaps intended!!

    They say, for instance, that we must prove that the lies were 'intentional', which is almost impossible as intent is in the mind where we can't demonstrate!

    Another one is that we must prove that the lies caused a damage, a meaningless criteria. Lieing is a vice in and on itself, whether or not it causes any damage, and should never be protected by any law!

    Lastly they only consider the damage that the lies does to those who are lied about and never the damage that the lies does to those who are lied to! In the case of a 'democracy' this is dangerous as the public is the judge who listens from the witness offered by the media. It is very unwise that they did not realize this. In courts they did see that we can't make a law that protect lies from the witnesses. It is here did they realize that lieing should never be taken lightly!

    The rule should be simple: if someone demonstrates that media lied about anything or anyone, that media should be fined and / or de-licensed! They do so in courts, why not to media? If you offer false testimony in court, then you do a crime!
    Redirect Notice
  • Sometimes things transpire that bring us to a level that brings us back to one. I've been assured the facts are always found if one asks the universe than shuts off all outside media the right answers come. You can always confirm your findings later to see if your the only one. I'm amazed everyone how far humanity has come in such a short time.
  • Meanwhile, we can simply make a guiding principle that we should never trust ANY media if it reports things that cannot have been directly witnessed by at least 100 people collected randomly from public. In other words media should be just a public mouth, not a lecturer to the public!

    As far as I can tell, reports about COVID does not meet this criteria. Media usurps the duty of science and other 'experts', rather than public.

    But the same thing applies to the alternate media, for instance when it talks of 'stolen US elections'. The asurp the duty of electoral commissions.

    Media also should never do criminal investigations, intelligent information etc. These areas should be left to people who can be sued for telling lies!
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A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Traditional electional astrology event analysis calls for primary importance placed on the transiting placement of the luminaries (the Sun and Moon) toā€¦


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Have a nice weekend..........
ź°€ģ„ėŒ€ė°˜ź²© and Base Attack.........Arrest...War........
Thanks............take care.........."
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