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    My new short story-Bum Rush
    Hope you enjoy this short story-More stories at my blog on the bottom of each story'     Skip to main content Martian Concerns/Science Fiction Fan…
  • LOl drexk-I have a darker view-the demoncraps stole many seats in the house and senate and are now going to turn right-blm/antifa will disappear- contraband smuggling which they have benefited from will slack off-homeless issues sill be dealt with and promoted on through msm propagand-but illegals will continue to flood in and given amnesty-and all the rest of the bs that goes with a commie take over and apply Stalinistic security bs as much as they can -Stalin was apparently in organized crime, a gangster
  • Jancar will just love this vid...LOL 🤣 Pelosi gets fired from politix and ends up working at McDonalds....With Trump as a drive-through customer....
  • Thank you for Dave's Commentary. Enjoyed it.:)
  • As you think about Zelensky's latest lie, note that if believed, it could be a valid casus belli to start WW3! (like Pearl Habor Attack). So a westerner should have in mind how dangerous the guy they are propping up is!! Who knows when he might stage a now very convincing false flag?

    A lier is worse than a murderer. The west should not arm a lier tooth and nail!!
  • It should be now clear who is more likely to be peddling propaganda, whenever western media contradicts that of Russia or even Iran etc! When nord stream pipeline was attacked, Poland immediately thanked U.S. for it! Latter, of course when they realize no one was happy about it, they retracted! Now when a missile has struck Poland, Ukraine immediately insist that it is Russia. Eventually he has to retract upon revelation that it was struck by Ukraine's own anti-missile. Trudeau (absorbed into fake news) just talked of some 15000 Iranis being sentenced to death! Latter, of course he is forced to delete thw Tweet!

    You see? It is very clear who is more likely to be manufacturing 'facts' to favour their own political agendas. Clearly it is the 'west' that has this propensity! Every time we are lucky to get a lier red handed, it is always some western media, leader or whatever. Don't forget the lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam ties to al-Qaida, Saddam being the sole cause of problems in middle east, lies about Vietnam war etc!

    It is always U.S. and its allies who 'speaks the native language of the devil'!


    "Revelation 13:11-18

    New International Version

    The Beast out of the Earth

    11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. "


    By appearing to 'fight for liberty, democracy' etc, it 'looks like the lamb'. But by using lies, it 'speaks like the devil'.


    John 8:44

    New International Version

    44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
  • Please read this when you can and leave a comment
    My new short story-Bum Rush
    Hope you enjoy this short story-More stories at my blog on the bottom of each story'     Skip to main content Martian Concerns/Science Fiction Fan…
  • OK friends, now we can provide an update on the world situation and the Plan....I would advise people to listen to Dave's commentary here, on the vid below....It is the current state of play on the need to prepare for the worsening economy....And where the trajectory will take us all...Destination is the golden age, in spite of negative experiences to wealth, for many....

    A reminder to view full video, before it is taken down, by the YT dark hats...
  • don't let the information stream dry up, during my training I will impress the Sirians with the know-how from your experience ;) LOL
  • The Sirian language term; "metraknen venabu," means utility wear and is the name they give the famous white jumpsuit...I was given a chance to try my own, back in 2009, or thereabouts, when they wanted me to become familiar with it's use and also, allowing me to safely interact with soccerball-sized probes, which were swarmed at me from a tetrahedral probe....These amazing probes have their own AI and do not accidentally crash into things, but glow oranges and reds, as they zig zag in flight....Albeit, not true flight by any aerodynamic principle, as these amazing little craft can suddenly stop a fast velocity vector and remain in mid air, slightly bobbing and spinning like a gyroscope.....At this point in the demonstration I was permitted to reach out to a stopped craft, nearby....It buzzed and hummed as I approached....Even a crackle of static electricity, was heard...My gloved hand touched it and I thought that it might easily move, BUT, amazingly, it was rock solid.....Like gravity nailed it to that 3D spot in the air, about 4-feet off the ground...
    It bobbed, or oscillated still, but I was unable to move it, or stop it's pendulum effect....
    Amazing to see and actually feel these tiny spherical probes....

    The probe was frozen to the spot, in 3-dimensional space, and I could not move it with physical force....HOWEVER, I was told to speak to it and visualise it's direction, as commanded and I did so, with a quick response, as soon as my thoughts struck it's AI receptors, it shot up like a rocket and out of sight.....That was a silent launch and demonstrated much to me...More happened, during this learning phase, but I'll explain about that, at some other time...
    Drekx Omega ~ Sirian Utility Wear May 4 2015 Sirian Utility Wear and Operational P…
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A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Traditional electional astrology event analysis calls for primary importance placed on the transiting placement of the luminaries (the Sun and Moon) to…

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Having the nice weekend??
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Greetings my beloved masters of the universe. Exciting times are upon us! From September 2nd – October 5th a portal is opening which will help you to make very important decisions about your life which will impact your life for the next 3 years. We…
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""Beloved Edward' says in Korean-Autumn Counter Attack and Base Attack Arrest War-because of satanic egomania the evil aggressor will almost always tell you what they are going to do to you
Tell us 'Beloved Edward' are you South Korean or North…"
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"Beloved brothers and sisters......
Have a nice weekend..........
가을대반격 and Base Attack.........Arrest...War........
Thanks............take care.........."
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at #Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell Douglas in the field of exotic technologies.…"
16 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at #Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell Douglas in the field of exotic technologies.…"
16 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Tom Valone, PhD. discusses new alternative energy and propulsion methods that have been kept secret from the public. He also touches on the Bob Lazar conspiracies surrounding disc-shaped craft at the facility near Groom Lake, Nevada.…"
17 hours ago