Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • The US constitution does mention the use of gold and silver, when creating and backing a people's currency.......I know that some seem to think bitcoin is the way, but it's not......It is simply a method for the use of small economies, around the world, to regain their independence from central banking, before an international gold standard, is re-established....And of course, there will be gold, silver, platinum, paladium and rhodium, as well, as part of an enhanced global projected "US" constitution (GESARA)

    The BRICS+ (many others) are the "wild west" phase......But when America destroys the Fed, and adopts a constitutionally polarised model and Treasury bank, others will follow, such as the UK.....Then the "wild west" becomes more a law and order system, of genuine international co-operation between sovereign nations, respecting one another, in peace...
  • Yes, each of the dimensional planes possesses seven sub-tiers..The Sirians can lower their natural vibes down, to visit us here, on lower astral, or as before 2020, on the physical tiers...The lower physical has merged with the lower astral, so still remains apparent, though subject to heightened spiritual law, such as the way time works and the way that we can manifest and develop psychically, now...for better, or for worse, depending on polarity and focus...Because of focus and karma resolution, humanity has been catapulted from one lower tier, to a higher octave lower tier....Solid, liquid and gas, being the physical aetheric lowest tiers, or subplanes of the aetheric..So through the more spiritually resolved higher aetheric planes, which are used/reserved by the Agarthans, along with the higher astral planes, above the fifth, and into lower fifth dimensional planes, up to level three, fifth dimension, for Earth..

    The Sirians naturally exist (most do, apart from renegades) on the sixth and seventh tiers of the fifth dimension.....The Council of Nine, who are highly evolved Sirians, exist on the second tier of the sixth even more refined matter...
    And the Plejarens exist naturally, as a collective, on the mid 5th dimension, unlike the higher vibe Sirians..Individuals may rise higher..

    For cultural reasons, Sirians are clean shaven, albeit they can lower their vibes to grow beards, if they want to...
    All Plejare (males) grow facial hair......
  • Randy-I've never heard of lower 5th D-
    Ep 3293b - The [DS] Players Are Being Exposed & Removed, The Path Is Set, Time To Take It All Back
    WellnessCompany’sMedicalEmergencyKit. Use Code X22 For 10% Off The [DS] players are being exposed one by one and they are…
    Ep 3293a - Trump Sends Message On The Direction Of The Currency, Think Constitution
    šŸƒ Help take years off the clock with CollagenšŸƒ --> Click Above ^ To Get Up To 53% OFF !!! Macy's is now closing 15o stores.…
  • Interesting comment AE. The Atlantean men purportedly observed in the jungles of Brazil had beards. So I am guessing they could be in the lower fifth. As we are already supposed to be in the lower fourth dimension.

    Sheldan Nidle has talked about how the Sirian men have such high energies, that they are incapable of growing a beard or any significant facial hair. Sheldan said the Sirians can lower their energies and grow a beard if they want, but I have never heard of a bearded Sirian in his natural environment.

    Whereas Plejaren men do have beards, and customarily grow them as part of their culture.

    So I am guessing the Sirians live in the higher octaves of the fifth dimension. Anyway, that would be a good question for Drekx and his contacts hehe.
  • Mt Shasta and Motto Grosso are probably both 4rth dimension
  • Much has been written about the lore of Lemurians who have been seen around the town of Mt Shasta, and are believed to be living underground, in the city of Telos. Here Robert gets into the evidence and lore concerning the Atlantean colony underneath the Mato Grosso in Brazil, and other tunnel systems in Brazil, guarded by the natives, which lead to the Inner Earth.
  • More on the Ascended Masters here. We also quickly get into how our sun nearly went nova in the early 70s, but was stopped by the creator so that we may survive and continue to evolve.
  • In this discussion we go over sacred geometry, divine wisdom, the building blocks of physicality, and more.
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A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Traditional electional astrology event analysis calls for primary importance placed on the transiting placement of the luminaries (the Sun and Moon) toā€¦


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Having the nice weekend??
I am planning to.....
* the Research Center
* Arrest
Pls help us............
5 minutes ago
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"I am South Korean..........
6 minutes ago
Anna Merkaba posted a blog post
Greetings my beloved masters of the universe. Exciting times are upon us! From September 2ndĀ ā€“ October 5thĀ a portal is opening which will help you to make very important decisions about your life which will impact your life for the next 3 years.Ā Weā€¦
9 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
""Beloved Edward' says in Korean-Autumn Counter Attack and Base Attack Arrest War-because of satanic egomania the evil aggressor will almost always tell you what they are going to do to you
Tell us 'Beloved Edward' are you South Korean or Northā€¦"
12 hours ago
Edward left a comment on Comment Wall
"Beloved brothers and sisters......
Have a nice weekend..........
ź°€ģ„ėŒ€ė°˜ź²© and Base Attack.........Arrest...War........
Thanks............take care.........."
14 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at #Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell Douglas in the field of exotic technologies.ā€¦"
16 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at #Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell Douglas in the field of exotic technologies.ā€¦"
16 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Tom Valone, PhD. discusses new alternative energy and propulsion methods that have been kept secret from the public. He also touches on the Bob Lazar conspiracies surrounding disc-shaped craft at the facility near Groom Lake, Nevada.ā€¦"
16 hours ago