Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • Speaking of Greta Drekx. Is she just really brainwashed or does she know what shes preaching is BS? I always think shes just been brainwashed and has no idea shes talking nonsense, but maybe she does and shes just messed up idk. She definitely seems a little crazy that's for sure.
  • I did post my EV report on the Greta Thunberg blog...However, she seems to be more interested in "Palestinian causes" now....LOLšŸ¤£ Of course, she's a deep state asset, with a well-rounded propensity for causing trouble...
    Greta Thunberg's Alarmist Tactics Suit Elite Agendas
    Dear Friends, Greta Thunberg is designed to offer a PRETENCE of grassroots-driven, climate change actions, demanded of governments. In reality, she i…
  • Speaking of China. It's not just the CCP who are crazy. The people seem to be completely unaware of basic hygiene and seem content to subject their food to toxic waste products, from sewers....Rather strange nation, all round..

    I will state, up front, that I've NEVER visited China and have no desire to journey there, ever...However, many western people and corporate staff do travel there, on a regular basis and probably don't realise, that the food and drink they inevitably consume there, is TOXIC waste.......Errr.......Ever thought of a pre-packed lunch..? Might be safer...!! LOLšŸ¤£

    Welcome to the Red Chinese, lower astral plane experience.....If it feels like a nightmare, that's because, it actually is one....šŸ²šŸ¤®

    And some elite westerners (politicians, media and corporates) seem to be so beguiled, that they actually believe this third world backwater, is a "superpower..??" Truly laughable....

    "China's Revolting Spit Oil and Gutter Oil and Why it Will Never go Away"
  • China it seems has problems all over the place. I knew they had problems, but it's way worse than I thought. Much rebuilding needs to be done there that's for sure.
  • Of course, the rule of thumb is; if it's made in China, it is most certainly sub-standard and highly dangerous.....And we can apply this to the EV market, as well as so much else.....
    Not that I would even consider purchasing an EV, as they are absolutely impractical, BUT, Chinese EVs are even worse than Tesla models, of course...Much more likely to spontaneously combust and kill everyone nearby, with toxic fumes from the battery....High insurance costs and range, is the lesser of problems with Chinese EVs...The biggest issue is; can you survive...??
    Best option....NEVER, EVER, buy Chinese.....šŸ²šŸ¤£
  • Covid Vaccine cover up talked about here and the harm the vaccines caused people. The masks they forced people to wear and the harm they can cause as well is also talked about. The ridiculous lockdowns are brought up as well. Nuremburg 2.0 for all these criminals who created this scamdemic coming soon.
  • In Alice in Wonderland, they painted the roses red....In Red China, they paint the trees green.....LOL Welcome to the Chinese, lower astral plane experience....šŸ²šŸ¤£

    "China is planting Fields of Stones stuck to Metal Bars - No, Really."
  • And it gets worse in China, as they have been subject to uranium dust, in rainwater, which is escaping from a mine in inner Mongolia, travelling in the air and rivers, to various Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai & Guangzhou...

    The coal mine was re-opened in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, last year...Initially causing the deaths of two lorry drivers...Uranium mixed with coal...
    Now the radiation is spreading to the cities, and falling with rain droplets...

    Of course, the corrupt Chinese authorities, are pretending that the people suffering severe symptoms, are simply "asthmatics."

    Welcome to the Red Chinese, lower astral plane experience.....If it feels like a nightmare, that's because, it actually is one....šŸ²šŸ¤®
    US Bankrolling Creation of Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains
    Under the guise of creating bird flu vaccines, U.S. government agencies and private funders like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are bankrolling…
  • obama is a human wrecking ball
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A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Traditional electional astrology event analysis calls for primary importance placed on the transiting placement of the luminaries (the Sun and Moon) toā€¦


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Greetings my beloved masters of the universe. Exciting times are upon us! From September 2ndĀ ā€“ October 5thĀ a portal is opening which will help you to make very important decisions about your life which will impact your life for the next 3 years.Ā Weā€¦
8 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
""Beloved Edward' says in Korean-Autumn Counter Attack and Base Attack Arrest War-because of satanic egomania the evil aggressor will almost always tell you what they are going to do to you
Tell us 'Beloved Edward' are you South Korean or Northā€¦"
10 hours ago
Edward left a comment on Comment Wall
"Beloved brothers and sisters......
Have a nice weekend..........
ź°€ģ„ėŒ€ė°˜ź²© and Base Attack.........Arrest...War........
Thanks............take care.........."
13 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at #Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell Douglas in the field of exotic technologies.ā€¦"
14 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Dr. Paul Czysz is a Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. He spent 8 years in the Air Force at #Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and another 30 years working for McDonnell Douglas in the field of exotic technologies.ā€¦"
14 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Tom Valone, PhD. discusses new alternative energy and propulsion methods that have been kept secret from the public. He also touches on the Bob Lazar conspiracies surrounding disc-shaped craft at the facility near Groom Lake, Nevada.ā€¦"
15 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Tom Valone, PhD. discusses new alternative energy and propulsion methods that have been kept secret from the public. He also touches on the Bob Lazar conspiracies surrounding disc-shaped craft at the facility near Groom Lake, Nevada.ā€¦"
15 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Mr. Robert Blazina is a retired military man with a top-secret clearance. He worked transporting nuclear weapons all over the world. He personally witnessed a UFO maneuvering in the clear night sky at an incredible speed straight up. Another time heā€¦"
15 hours ago