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  • Oh now see what I mean you just have to revert to a negative comment response again, when ever I beg to differ, so close minded I'm demonstrating astral polarity now lol what next will it be,... so really my point was right on the dot and totally valid, as Is that a type of apology and or a admittance of sorts from a guilty conscience to Philip I wonder!...sure reads like one Drekx,..yet we all know about these rays and have done for years on our spiritual paths via Madam H. P. Blavatsky & Alice Bailey, I'd say there wouldn't be very many left in here that were still just learning such things to be honest...also their voices have been silenced by the main comment boards number [1] ray of power & political turmoil splashed over it on a daily basis I believe. many have tried to break through it, but to no avail sadly many have even left the site now-a-days as all groups are silent as well, such a shame considering the amount of information in them. I noticed the other day John going off his face that even his free will with words were silenced and then deleted, I have no idea what he said exactly but he is a rambler after all it had something to do with Trump taking over Canada I think, and he was peeved about the audacity of it, thats all I could figure as he got silenced so he let loose again and I dont blame him really cos he speaks his truths...
  • Thank you Vlada / Raiven

    Thank you for your support 🙏

    The very fact that I have quoted from the very document Drekx has suggested I learn from (2 minutes before Drekx posted the link) will hopefully demonstrate to Drekx my true level of understanding on Esoteric Knowledge and The Level of my Intuition.

    The quote ...

    Ray IV – Few 4th ray souls are in incarnation, but many 4th ray personalities are. Their major task is to harmonise the new ideas with the old, so that there can be no dangerous gap or break. They bring about a "righteous compromise", and adapt the new and the old so that the true pattern is preserved. They participate in the bridging process, for they are the true intuitives.

    I think says it all Vlada - Raiven 😉

    Again thank you for your support 🙏
  • Thank you Drekx

    For your wonderful comment and I am impressed by your extensive knowledge of The 7 Rays.

    Although I was keeping on the 2025 aspect and as simple as possible in regards to the complexity of the teachings of the 7 Rays (only a few have studied these teachings)

    Whilst you are correct about the incoming 7th Ray (in manifestation since 1675) the 6th Ray influence is still present (It began to pass out in 1625) hence "The Conflict"

    I wouldn't necessarily class skills such as Telekinesis, Telepathy as Psychic (Although it is defined as Parapsychology in government intelligence agencies) but more Unmanifested / Unrealised physical abilities as we connect the Physical brain to the Conciseness (The Evolution) as these skills will become more commonplace and more accessible to the collective which in time Collective Conciseness will Evolve.

    In regards to the Intuitive abilities and purpose of the 4th Ray please note the quote below taken from "The Arcane School" The Science of the 7 Rays which explains the purpose of the 4th Ray and the it's Intuitive qualities.

    Ray IV – Few 4th ray souls are in incarnation, but many 4th ray personalities are. Their major task is to harmonise the new ideas with the old, so that there can be no dangerous gap or break. They bring about a "righteous compromise", and adapt the new and the old so that the true pattern is preserved. They participate in the bridging process, for they are the true Intuitives.

    I hope this will clarify the point i was trying to make albeit in a very simple way.

    Again thank you Drekx for your observations 🙏 - This website is for sale! - evolve Resources and Information.
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  • Vlada...My response to Philip's views on the 4th ray, were intended to be informative and complementary data, allowing a deeper understanding of the topic....And to place esoteric truisms upon the matter, in place of the misunderstanding he expressed, that one particular ray could be more "intuitive," than six others....Of course, not the case at all....His stated concept of "Intellect to Intuition," was far removed from a ray principle, but rather a general trend for all seven rays expressing their virtues, over their vices and all seven egoic rays have the potential to attain mastery and intution, not just one of the seven, as he seems to believe....And a parallel with lower concrete mind, attaining higher intuitive mind... Something which all egoic rays evolve to accomplish, using their unique methods...Seven methods, same outcome....

    Thus, it's not about me, but about an esoteric truism being defended here......As for his, or your, "thunder and limelight" I care not for such a trivial concern...Your response demonstrates astral polarity only...Maybe you could try harder in future..?
  • It is not ethical to try to steal someone else’s thunder or limelight Drekx one would think you would know this at your age.. In reality, one needs to give credit to Philip or anyone really who comes & makes a great contribution to the site and or on this thread for a change. It’s never a nice thing to steal someone’s thunder, and we all should try hard to acknowledge another person’s words right!,.. cos its not all about you and or your own made up aspiration's and accolades with know it all theories all the time 24/7... so when one person says something you either slam them in a negative manner for even having a opinion in the first place or you over power them with your own words to drown them out and bring things back to looking at you again like a peacock shaking its tail feathers with look at me look at me!... Its a shame you dont hold this 4th ray of creativity in the arts yourself everywhere & not just in your head to which I would beg to differ you actually have at all, but you may learn something from it on how to be creative with a more natural flow of simply being without your ego attachments instead.
  • Can someone from D.C. confirm this? BREAKING

    "I just flew into DCA.
    Before landing, our pilot announced he had to fly in from another direction due to “unauthorized drone activity” over the White House" - Rep. M.T. Greene
  • I would like to elaborate a little, on what Philip Davies has suggested, in this very thread. And to suggest that it is actually the point-in-evolution, that determines a particular skillset, with regards psychic prowess, rather than a particular ray...The 4th ray is just as much able to express intuition, as any other. However, it's the quality of expression, that makes it's energy so noticeable and especially within the arts..

    It's the AGE of Aquarius, governed as it is, by the 7th ray, that laces all with magic, but it's true that 4th ray souls (egoic ray) are increasingly coming into incarnation....And under the law of cycles, have been out of incarnational lives, for a few hundred years.

    And if we look back a few hundred years, when they were last incarnated in physical forms, we have a good indicator as to why the music, art and architecture, were so beautiful in those days...The ray of harmony through conflict, beauty and art......It's an energy which defines the human struggle and conflict, to attain a desired harmony....(under the law of correspondences: the 4th kingdom and the 4th ray.)

    And, an objective reminder of those previously alive and brilliant souls, incarnated in the 18th century and returning in these days, we have an excellent example in JS Bach....Probably the best music composer ever......Well, certainly in my opinion and he was less recognised in his own time, but after he died, his genius was resurrected by a fellow organist named Felix Mendelssohn, who loved the music of Bach and was also a composer in his own right....
    JS Bach had (and still has) a 4th ray soul, or egoic ray......He also had such a mind, as well as a variety of differing rays....The 4th was the most pronounced in his incarnational makeup, as history has come to realise....

    And a reminder that such souls of harmony are returning into incarnational lives, in this period of history....For my part I possess a 4th ray mind and my totality of rays are as follows: 3-7-4-6-7.....(So a 3rd ray soul...)
    However, my grandson, who has just returned from his out-of-cycle phase, is of the 4th ray expression.....Good to have such souls back, living among us, in these days...May they bring back the harmony, the world so desperately needs...

    And with Sandara's blessings, I shall present a marvellous rendition of the famous Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV 542 - Played by the accomplished organist; Van Doeselaar, of the renowned Netherlands Bach Society.....
    The whole piece is brilliant and I particularly enjoy the fugue part of it....
  • Thanks Philip, I'm watching the documentary now and will share it with all my friends on my telegram, my only social network left to communicate, since all the others have been cancelled because "they" didn't like what I was posting. Even my children book "I am a little light point, if you are curious, you can google it" is been boycotted, because it will give power to the new young generation and that is dangerous for the rulers...
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