Revised comment;#2 & #3
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Revised comment;#2 & #3
Rules for Mercury Retrogade ("do's and don'ts") are at the end under "Conclusion." Mercury Retrograde AND a red-colored Moon lunar eclipse take place…
Benefits Of The Eclipse Series & Receiving Them By Patricia Cota-Robles Please affirm these decrees while being grateful for receiving them:1. I AM In-breathing the Sapphire Blue 1st Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of God’s Will,…
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Read more…How To Manifest By Master Kuthumi & Natalie Glasson...Greetings beloved beings of love, light and wisdom, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honor to be in your presence and to embrace you in my love. My love surrounds you always. I am a gentle caring…
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I thought I would share my friend Alice Cellia webpage Glactic Souls.
You can obtain a Free E-Book called....
Awakening Your Divine Potential - Your Role as a Starseed in the I AM Presence.
I think some here will Love it.
Daily Incantations that are Beautiful and well Written.
I hope you enjoy Alice Cellia's Glactic Souls as I do.
Love & Light 🙏❤️🙏
Alice is beautiful soul so I am happy to introduce Galactic Souls to The Ashtar Command Crew.🙏
Let me know what you think and be sure to claim your free E-Book ❤️
The beings of Lakwedak (Tau Ceti star nation) are a very high vibe and it's all real, even though for some, it seems we are all living in a science fiction fantasy....For myself, well I've got used to fantastical things becoming commonplace and I see that our friend AE, is also finding that his opportunities to video friendly ETs, is becoming something of a habit...I would recommend that anyone who has not seen his vids, does so...We have posted a couple on this thread, just below.....
Fantasy, fantastical, but actually REAL.....Time for a funky musical interlude, dude...
I also know that Master Rakoczi has a ship of his own (well, in Agartha they don't own anything and requisition ships for use, freely)...He calls it the Constellation, named after the Aquarian constellation...Not certain what ship Jesus uses, BUT, everyone can be confident that he has one, or two....
Agarthan ships are bell-shaped, so no worries about that...;-)
I feel a lot of joy about this....A great idea to project a hologram of the pilot's laughing face, on the exterior field...The guy was making jokes, and singing in English...Practicing the spoken language of Earth..Shame we didn't hear him, also...But we could telepath with Jadar and Mikala, about those events..
The deep state hate all this and would much prefer we all feared "alien invaders." But we don't and frankly I trust these offworlders more than many frenzied Earth humans, currently.....Cuddly vibes....🌟🌟🌟🐻🌟🌟🌟
As per my earlier comment, made under a week ago...(So a quick selection and it's something to do with Jadar of Lakwedak, expediting the vetting process for you, with her...'ll love it and them...
(Jadar was the ship's commander, not the pilot, BUT, they are very similar in appearance, so no matter..And he had already requested that you be on the tours, (get this) before I even suggested it...Sandara will very likely pass you for muster and the vetting process takes about a week....I'll confirm your placement around next week...Cheers bro....Drekx)
Anyone who would enjoy the "billboard" style hologram projection on the exterior plasma field, of the Tau Ceti scoutship, see AE's excellent video, which is provoking a global interest....And everyone sees that distinctive rhombic hull, with interest, as unique...
Note that these beings are not animal bears, but rather sentient intelligent beings, like humans and have the ability to express themselves, with smiles and expressions, just as humans can...The pilot is actually joking and singing in the vid..And he wanted to remind all observers, that most ET craft are not manned by the little grey Zeta types, so often assumed to be ubiquitous in "UFO" lore, when in fact, they are not..
And most had never heard of the Tau Cetians, but now they have...
Also, the tour is onboard a Sirian mothership, which also possesses numerous other GFL star nation members, including diplomatic reps from Tau Ceti...Fellow Cetians, such as those from Nu Ceti are much shorter in height, incomparison to the Taus, who stand at 8 feet, in some instances...Sirians and Lyrans average 7 feet (the males.)