Revised comment;#2 & #3
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Revised comment;#2 & #3
Rules for Mercury Retrogade ("do's and don'ts") are at the end under "Conclusion." Mercury Retrograde AND a red-colored Moon lunar eclipse take place…
Benefits Of The Eclipse Series & Receiving Them By Patricia Cota-Robles Please affirm these decrees while being grateful for receiving them:1. I AM In-breathing the Sapphire Blue 1st Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of God’s Will,…
Read more…Divine Freedom Lies Within You By The Plains Walker 9th Dimensional Pleiadians Council on FreedomGreetings Dear ones, we are the 9D Pleiadian Council and we are overjoyed to be able to connect with you all.Today we would like to speak to you…
Read more…The Global Stargate Circle Monthly MeditationFrom The Stargate ExperienceVideo Link: The Global Stargate Circle - Meet up and meditate with Stargaters and new friends from around the world… Listen to…
Read more…The True Power of Love By Quan Yin Through Octavia Vasile "Beloved Ones,I am Quan Yin, She who walks in the river of compassion, She who sees the suffering and does not turn away. I come to you now to remind you of the great power that flows…
Read more…How To Manifest By Master Kuthumi & Natalie Glasson...Greetings beloved beings of love, light and wisdom, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honor to be in your presence and to embrace you in my love. My love surrounds you always. I am a gentle caring…
Read more…Manifesting The Impossible By Master Kuthumi & Natalie Glasson Greetings and love I extend through my being to you as I embrace you in a warm loving and wise hug. Please allow my energy to flow through you....It is time to allow all unnecessary…
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And what I said to Philip about point-in-evolution (attained degree) being more important than the ray itself, in defining intuition....We all know the 2nd ray, which is expressed by the Buddha (one of six) who deals with human evolution and the Christ-Boddhistva Maitreya and his disciple, Koothumi...and his, Djwhal Khul, etc....A powerful department in the SH...
But there is a difference in the expression, depending upon that important a good example being Adolf Hitler, who was a 2nd ray soul, too, with a 1st ray persona, BUT, only upon the 2nd "baptism" degree his life expression was very much defined by the 1st ray, in it's destroyer phase, rather than his own love-wisdom soul....
So it's paramount that the personality and it's facets, mind, emotions, slowly lose control and are replaced by the soul incarnated....There are seven methods of meditation, dependent upon the egoic, or soul ray of each....Understanding the vices and virtues of the lower nature, is key, as it allows growth, upon a line of least resistance...
So we can identify our strengths and weaknesses, and get to work, using some sphere of service and meditation, to attain our goal of planetary ascension...
The 2nd Ray is relatively calm, slow stuff works the best for us. Think about the ease and peace of Buddhist monks. The Buddha was also a Second Ray soul…
It’s calm, peaceful & reflective.
Our Personality Ray may show itself more though, so not every Second Ray soul (like Justin, Agarther and me) expresses themselves in the same way.