Revised comment;#2 & #3
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Revised comment;#2 & #3
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The political consensus under globalism, has been a two-state solution, for decades and it never created, nor creates peace.....As peace can only come about, with the victory of one side, over the other and the ending of the other....Who won...? Israel....Who lost...? The Palestinians and lately, the Gazans of Hamas.....Their "land" is a bomb site and needs development, fast...
Turn Gaza into a reviera....In fact, nearby Beirut was once described as just that, back in the 1950s and 60s, before the dark cabal maniacs took it over and caused a civil war....
So when President Trump offers a new proposal, the failed world consensus had better take note, as their two-state solution, has achieved nothing...ever.....
If Trump wants to add Gaza to his long list of territorial acquisitions I say, go for it Donald...I will always put civilisation, before barbarism...👍🏻and Trump seems to share my vision...
Trump is fast becoming a modern day "Caesar," but of the type presented by Trajan, rather than Caligula...
The forms adopted by spirit are limitless....
BUT, to date I have never been taught about, nor interacted with, "rhino" beings...
An important observation for us all to take note of, in our studies and classifications, is that sentient beings, with human intelligence, have characteristics, which distinguish them from actual animals and they are:
1) Stand upright. Bi-pedal...(including insectoid types.)
2) Larger brains.
3) Eyes normally located at the front, not on the sides of the head.
4) Static ears, which do not rotate to catch sound waves.
5) Problem-solving intelligence, using logic, not instinct directed by a collective, as with animal species.
6) Higher light quotient, as part of a higher kingdom of evolution.
7) Some form of natural digit, even if in excess, or less than of one thumb & four fingers and toes..(This includes beings with apparent "hoofs," which are flexible bi-digits.)
So they may have animal features, without being actual animals in consciousness.
Only certain types of dolphins break with these rules,but they are animals with larger brains, in fact...The dolphins of Sirius B & C are especially well developed and possess humanoid characteristics, as well as those of animals...Again, this is an example of how spirit always seeks to create true diversity and multiple permutations, as to the forms used to express through...
AE, did this "small heard of rhinos" seem to be animal, or sentient, based upon my list above...??
One question. Do these hologram shows have anything to do with the engineering team Redanro is working alongside with?
Because I have never heard of this phenomenon before with any of the known GFL craft cases.
Hard work probing this case, as the Tau Cetian pilot and scientist, is not allowing a direct and detailed message to us, but he's singing a particular song, using English words.....He won't reveal it to the Sirians, as it's intended for one particular starseed, who took the footage (and we know him,) under the GFL first contact initiative's; "recreation, games and playful fun," category...These Cetian ETs enjoy games and puzzles and especially enjoy setting them, for Earth people to figure out.....and especially starseed relations....
Tau Cetians; Jadar, Tel and Redanro are not letting me know, directly, through telepathic comms, as they want the target person to work it out...a message in a song, of salience to his life plan.....some childhood memory, relevant to his future...
I've been focussing on the image in the video and using psychic probing, as well as logic, to decipher the muted words of the song....Although Cetians are sentient, like humans and have expressive faces, like humans, it's still difficult to lip read such a "bear" mouth...But, using alternative methods, it's finally come through....and it's totally bizarre, but I think I can now suggest which song...and the message in the lyrics..I feel confident that it's now cracked..and I'm getting approving nods from Master Rakoczi....and my guides..
BUT I will only reveal it to him, secretly, as the Tau Cetians have made a preference for that state of play, in this matter...