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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"Just gets crazier by the minute. Name a gov bill after a murderer.""
Greetings to you beloved love beacons upon the earth, I am Master Sananda. I am the higher aspect of Master Yeshua- ( Jesus ). I come forth with unconditional love. When unconditional love is present, the true love of the Creator is also present,…
...Mother Divine's Blessings Across Time By Melanie Beckler Blessings beautiful soul, As we move through the powerful energies of spring, I feel inspired this morning to share with you about a sacred celebration that begins today — honoring…
Chapter XIX
Thanks,, reflection is the missing piece of the puzzle,,,and once again things are not the way they appear...It is interesting to observe the universe from all different perspectives.
The mysterious dark matter and dark interesting way to say we don´t know what is happening there. Perhaps we should pay more attention to the spaces inbetween things...might be a lot of things hiding there in plain sight.
Why exactly is magnitude of spatial displacement of etheric portion corelated to the brightness of light that emanates from that portion? The two qualia seem quite unrelated in their essence. Infact, I understand it such that the causality is somehow BI-DIRECTIONAL. You can get it when you do sungazing. Your pupil expands in propotion to the brightness level. Luminiferous aether is perharps made of iris-like stuff? Then when you strike something rough with something else, sparks may form. In the latter, undulation cause light in the former, vise-versa happens.
Corelation does not imply logical follow. The latter is REDUCTION. It does not follow logically that a bright thing necesarily cause undulation in some medium. The corelation is CONTINGENT. Its just like that between green flies and bull's shit. We cannot use shit to understand flies but we can stop to say that everywhere there is a fresh cowdung, there is a high probability of finding flies. Here phyc story tend to end. It gets complex. Perharps PSYCHOLOGY takes over lol.
I was wondering why the night sky is black...aside from the fact that we are not facing the sun. I know they say it is because the universe is expanding and the light is moving away from us. But I do not go with the idea that there is no light there... It seems to me that there is a lot happening there that we don´t know. All these things like ether, light, sound, love, consciousness, etc....they are not really ´´things´´...and the whole universe is made from really is like a dream.
Consciousness needs energy to move, it cannot move by itself. The quality of the energy determines the level of consciousness. This is why when we balance chakras and do energy work it balances and upgrades the thinking. This is one of the main purposes of energy work.