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"For 16yrs Chris Bledsoe has been seeing and inviting ufo orbs to his and others vision, he's been investigated by the highest ufo experts, history channel have done videos of him, fox news and other media have interviewed him, he's been on many…"
Be The Joy That You Would Feel Joyful About Be the blessed person that you would love to know, and that blessed soul you shall always be.
...I stand in the center of my truth, radiating balance, strength, and authenticity....I transform fear into courage, doubt into clarity, and chaos into creation....I am aligned with the cosmic rythm, embracing my divine purpose with faith and…
Meditating With The Violet Flames & White Light Creatrix Energies By Steven Hutchinson Ideally, you call forth from the Great Compassionate Light the Violet Flames and White Light Creatrix Energies and visualize them permeating your heart space,…
"Heres a compilation of him summoning them to show themselves to him..""
"Chris Bledsoe claims he's had full contact & has been for years and he apparently summons them to show themselves to him to be filmed..""
"Hi! I can relate to supra-consciousness as it were."
Our world has been put into a coma for years by the media and paid truth tellers to the point where it is impossible for most people to tell the difference between real and fake news.Once again, we the people are on the verge of a breakthrough to…
Chapter XII
“Dark Mission” reveals how NASA operates as defense agency with hidden agenda
02/27/2025 // Kevin Hughes //…
discovered in 2006....
Lugansk 'pyramid'
In August 2006 Ukrainian archeologists claimed to have discovered a "pyramidal structure" dating to 3000 BC near the city of Lugansk in eastern Ukraine. Apparently it turned out not to be a pyramid but a temple complex built on a hill — still plenty interesting, of course. As excavations continue it will be interesting to read about what is discovered at this site and what ramifications it has for our understanding of history.
Thanks for posting such interesting stuff. ALWAYS appreciate your posts!