11 Important Tips To Raise Your Consciousness
What does “raising consciousness” actually mean? It is often portrayed as some sort of super-human accomplishment that will grant us spiritual super powers… but it is simply about becoming freer within ourselves. The freer we feel within – not “because” of this or that – the LIGHTER we are. Becoming enlightened is simply about lightening up. We can now forget about becoming something more “special.” Raising our consciousness is simply the process of lightening up our load of baggage so we can move freely and fluidly as the light beings that we already are!
Here are 11 tips and insights (with links to talks and guided clearing meditations) that have personally helped me lighten up my own load and shift my consciousness.
1. Be You in Every Moment
Yep, it’s that simple. Replace pretense with your presence. You don’t have to wait until you feel “good,” “perfect,” “enlightened” or wait for something to happen for you to relax into your own being. You don’t need to look at anothers journey and compare, judge or doubt yourself either. This type of thinking just tricks you out of the perfection of you in this moment anyways. No matter what you are feeling or what the situation is, just be you and let the rest unfold.
“Find that place which is effortlessly at rest within itself. Be there—be one with that.” – Mooji
Talk + Guided Clearing on Judgment & Comparison
2. Let Go of the Fear of Feeling
This is a big one. Discovering who we are is no different than opening the door of a house – the house being a metaphor for our human mind. It’s a great step, we’re letting some light in! But does it mean we have visited it thoroughly? Does it necessarily mean we have experienced each room, opened every closet, and even spent some time in the “scary” basement? Perhaps we have quickly peaked in each room, but have we taken the time to explore them fully, meditate in them, open the windows to let some light in, and perhaps do a little clean up? Are we okay with leaving the doors open for us and others to see?
The light of our awareness isn’t limited to entering what is comfortable and acceptable to the mind. It is here to illuminate all rooms – even those dusty closets with all of the old, emotionally charged baggage we have been reluctant to explore. What has laid dormant within each room is often ignored. But now, the winds of change are blowing all doors open and many of us are feeling and re-experiencing many emotions that we have once protected ourselves from feeling again. The only thing that blocks us from seeing the blessing in letting the wind blow us open is the fear of feeling. When we choose to not be controlled and defined by this fear anymore, we naturally keep all of our doors open knowing that it cannot break who we are, but only identities with old patterns that were limiting our inner-freedom and peace anyways.
“The intent of this journey isn’t to ‘feel good,’ but rather to feel whats actually unfolding within us right now. in other words, our intent isn’t to feel better, but to get better at feeling. Our authentic state of presence is joyful, harmonious, peaceful and loving. However, to awaken to our presence initially requires journeying through the current condition of the emotional body.” – Michael Brown, The Presence Process
How to Navigate Emotions + Guided Clearing
3. Identify With Nothing (Not Even a Spiritual Identity)
Dis-identify from labels: Can you identify as nothing in particular? For example, look at a bunny, a bird or a flower. Is the bunny hopping around thinking it’s a bunny, is the bird singing because it knows “that’s what birds do,” and is the beauty of a flower experienced via it’s name, or is it simply witnessed in silence? The same goes with us. Let’s not dismiss the BEING within the term “human being.” The less we let ourselves be defined by identity, the more space we allow for our own authentic presence to shine through, and the lighter and more alive we feel. Take a moment to breathe in this very moment and identify as NO-THING. There you are…
Dis-identify from thoughts and emotions: This is also a great reminder when it comes to letting ourselves feel. We are currently living in times where a lot of stuff is coming to the surface for release, whether it be belief systems, blocked emotions, trauma imprints, identities and perceptions. The smoothest way to move through it all is to not only release the fear of feeling, but to not always jump to identify with what stories and emotions come through. This can be a challenge, but it helps to know that dis-identifying is not something we DO, but is something we ARE underneath all that we’re trying to do! Underneath the mental noise, we are HERE, observing what passes and feeling all sensations without judging or identifying. When we consciously move from identification to detached observation, we shift from resistance and confusion to peace and clarity.
“Feelings are Just Visitors – Don’t Identify” – Mooji
Full Article: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/04/30/11-important-tips-to-raise-your-consciousness/