Cosmic Laws1- HOLD ON TO THE HIERARCHY OF LAWS, OF KNOWLEDGE AND OF DUTY. The hierarchy is order, order of individuals according to the trait of character for order. In the world of universal Law, this trait is dependent on the level of consciousness. This is the one and only criteria. Therefore only a ladder of consciousness levels, together creating a UNITY (the Unity of all the Consciousness in the Universe.) Everything is unique and without comparison. Nothing is an imitation of something, or a copy of something and nobody is a copy of another human being. Everything has its singular and unique position in the hierarchy and in the order of the whole. According to ones level of development one receives a lower or higher place on the ladder of consciousness. There is no status of equality meant as being equals. Everyone gains a certain level on the ladder, but no-one is ascribed to one level. According to how one works, one can attain a higher level, stop ones development and even come down in the hierarchy if ones tool/body takes over. Facts and diversity of the positions reflect the eternal order and justice. It has nothing to do with judging and division into "good" or "bad". The place one achieves and maintains in the Hierarchy of Consciousness indicates how great a circle of conscious work and responsibility that belongs to one. It has nothing to do with privileges and special rights artificially belonging to the hierarchy. Even if every individual is on the path of development alone, this is not only for his own sake. The growing energetic quality of one, gives strength to individuals on a lower level and thus helping and guiding them. But they do not walk in their "footsteps", the direction is common but everyone has to walk on his own feet, get his own experiences and in this manner discover the common knowledge and the Laws. In the world of the humans the hierarchical laws have been distorted and lost. Lost through "thinning out" and being spread over an abundance of different hierarchies. From this comes the hierarchy of the community, other different hierarchies as the religious, the hierarchy of authority - of science, spiritual, moral and political. We can also find hierarchies of values, needs, of priority etc. Often, but not always is the hierarchy connected to power. All hierarchies are travesties, that is an unjust modification of the Law of Hierarchy. These were made by personalities for their own benefit. From this we get their inconsistency and multiplicity because of what for one is important and valuable has no value for another. Human personalities try to gain dominance so that others will accept his opinions and then as a rule with the help of different institutions. The Hierarchy of Consciousness, the only living, creates itself from "inside" and without any conflict. As a result of personal endeavor and work an individual may obtain a certain stage of development. One may call it step on the ladder, but one is never on this step at someone else's expense. No one takes over an others place or removes ones "possibility of promotion". Neither are we promoted or chosen by anyone. Natural advancement gives no personal gains or special rights. It is quite different in the personal hierarchies. These are created by imaginary needs, therefore they are creations living their own life, which turn against their own creator. The structures (be it official, administrative, scientific or religious) one builds to increase ones power, develop broad specters of privileges and reprisals. A higher place in the hierarchy is understood as higher "freedom" which is given by the different forms of dominance. It is like this in all offices where on all levels "something" can be fixed, "something" can be earned, "something" can be given, in the military institutions, in the church, the higher the position in the hierarchy, the greater the sins that can be forgiven. In the Living Hierarchy things look different. The higher the level of consciousness, the greater the understanding of the Laws, and an automatic reduction in the possibility of using egotism. In the end when an individual reaches the level of the Awakened Consciousness, there is no room for egotistical though processes. The individual gets a different freedom, freedom from doubt and choice of mental combinations. This is freedom of knowledge (...Let your will be done - not mine.) Also the contacts and the conditions between human beings change and are so different from what we know from the artificial hierarchies. The higher the inner consciousness is in an individual, the more open he is for others. He stops manipulating people and using them. He understands that he does not exist for himself but for the other. He has "in himself" many individuals - in his specter of emanation, inspiration and care. At the same time as he does not demand that they should conform and he does not expect gratitude for help and protection. A conscious individual with a subordinated personality, takes less and less for himself. "To have, to own, mine" - does not concern him. He understands better and better that a greater unity with the universal laws and the change into a tool guided by the universal consciousness in the human body, makes him into the ALL. And all does not need anything. The whole does not need anything from a detail, it already contains the detail in a natural way. A human being who is a living step in the hierarchy punishes and rewards himself. The rewards is further development and the punishment is a lack of development. Here is valid the rule: "of own will, on own responsibility". If the "own will" is according to inner impulses and guidance from the Master, in accordance with the correct way of development for that being, he will rise and gain new understanding and enlarge his area of responsibility. But if the "own will" becomes an egoistically way of thinking directed by the personality, be it the physical body, the soul or the intellect, the personality will take the responsibility according to the law of action and reaction. 2. THE LAW OF CREATION. To create is to call to life new values. All creation is a conscious process and is the production of a living whole. Living,- that will say the one with the material part and the one with the energy part (+) and (-), the physical part and the spiritual. Creating living forms can only be done through action in accordance with the principles of the universe and the universal laws. In this manner the creation is always a completing part of a whole. In the beginning of his development, man never creates, but produces and imitates things that are already in existence. At the moment where the fruit of ones labor begins to become a certain wholeness, according to need, man enters a new sphere and learns to create in cooperation. This means working with other people, first with independent creation of small details and later a whole. After having learned the secrets of creating and its possibilities, man becomes a teacher for the younger ones in the cosmic hierarchy that follows him. To help a human being to develop is also to create. As he creates on the level of his possibility, man learns at the same time. He expands the circle of his creative knowledge and possibilities by learning from those higher up on the hierarchical ladder. In this way he creates himself. EVERY NEW THOUGHT, A NEW FORM WHICH ENRICHES THE EXISTING, IS A CREATION. PERFECT, REAL CREATION BASED ON THE UNITY OF THREE ELEMENTS: THOUGHT, WORD AND ACTION. Thanks to these, energy can enter into the world of matter and "become a body". Such a perfect creation is available only for consciousness. Individuals harmonizing with the unity, who are conscious when the need arises, know how to activate the chain of reaction leading to the realization of the new value which fulfills the need. The so called ordinary, concrete human being often play the part of "living tools". Sometimes even unconscious of that they are participating in the act of creation. If there for instance should arise a need to enrich humanity with a new discovery, a new invention, or a work of art, someone will "by chance" get a dream, something begins to sort of "sprout" in the head. One begins to think intensely, one sort of gets a "chance" glimpse. Sometimes, different people in different locations on the planet, without contact, begin to work on one and the same thing. A thought born of unity seeks a way to the human world, often through struggling and heavy bodies. Many creative people can witness about how hard that struggle can be at certain times and how painful the psychic reaction is. Often they experience creation as a painful inner struggle, a pressure that they would like to release. Works are often born in pain. This happens between the human being who is ordained to give the idea a form, and the work itself, when there arises a disturbance in the energystream. From the point of view of the consciousness the act of creation looks like this: "To see a need activates the decision to fulfill the demand. An idea is formed of how to realize the task. The consciousness finds a suitable tool so that the idea gets a chance to materialize. But first the subjugation of the tool is necessary, so that it can be used." From the point of view of the human, which tool (body, psyche) is best suited to realize the idea? It looks like this: "The human being, for instance an artist or a scientist begins to feel a vague wordless nonintellectual tension. The inner irritation. A sort of atmosphere of waiting turns up. Later, either slowly or quickly it grows in him a picture of the work. The original idea. THE ORIGINAL IDEA IS ALWAYS INSPIRED BY A HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. A human being experiences this as a glimpse of intuition, insight or revelation. It is that. This is energetic fruition "conceived by the spirit". Around the original idea whole "laboratories" of thoughts and associations are activated with consequent strong emotions. This "laboratory" belongs to the human being and is created by his personality. But the original idea belongs to the unity. It belongs to nobody. But a being with an inflated personality and ambitions to "be something", gives himself the honor and looks upon himself as a genius who decorates his head with laurels. But a human being who is honest with himself and others, who can see the truth, will say: "I was only the tool, a hand that guided the pen or the brush and was given the chance to that which is outside one, facing one, which does not belong to one. It takes form on paper or on the canvas. For that reason, so many really great people surprise the world with their nearly childish simplicity and modesty. Their greatness is that they do not stretch their hands out for something that is not theirs. The concept that the human being is only a tool and that the real creator is "God" (CONSCIOUSNESS) is known from all the religions and mystical systems. Creative and ingenious people are witnessing this. All religions being works created by personalities and for personalities forget the original principles and build themselves out into empty forms. The mystical systems are not popular with the so called masses, because they are "boring" and ask "too much". The perpetual talk about working with one self to remain a pure and worthy tool, weighs too heavily on them. Witness descriptions from creative individuals remain their private affairs, for they cannot be translated into an archetype fitted into a collective thinking systems. By and by as the inner development of an individual goes on, the outer consciousness begins to understand this relationship. Through ones own and free will one begins to turn to ones own inside to search for inspiration and stimulance. One also becomes less and less dependent on other peoples judgment and expectancies, applause and dissatisfaction. One finds ones self, ones fate, ones way, ones task. One begins to build (for the first time to create) a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. The law of creation (that is to multiply, not to damage and not to kill) like the other universal laws on the earth have been taken over by the personality and by this has become distorted and falsified. The personality has with the help of egotism given itself the knowledge and honor of that of creating. It has removed the reforming of matter and energy from a picture of wholeness. CREATION WHICH IS ALWAYS CONNECTED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE NEED, IS REPLACED BY PRODUCTION CONNECTED WITH LUST. From this moment of the machinery of gain begins to work. The result of this is a divided world full of violence, war, abuse and brutal exploitation of nature and its resources. Instead of coming closer to one self and the universe, to consciously partake in the creation of the world, the humans have channalized all their knowledge on the road of competition and struggle. This against other people and the Nature. They have invented and produced (not created) a machine of destruction. Creation was replaced by destruction. Now, it is quite surprising how they managed to make it like that? The destruction of the environment has shown itself to be self-destructing for humans. 3. THE LAW OF TEMPERANCE, "THE GOLDEN MIDDLE ROAD." - Consider so that everyone gets according to their own needs. temperance is action according to need. If I do something for myself, I consider my needs. If I do something for an other person, I consider his need. To feel rightly "The golden Center", one must accurately consider if this really was a need, for the other person, and not something we only thought was his need. The law of temperance is the knowledge of justly to be able to take and give, all according to the need. Here in accordance with "the golden centers" principle (+), (-), matter and energy must be balanced correctly with each other. If one works out a certain amount of energy, for inst. let us say +10, one must in "the golden center" work out, according to need, the missing material equal to -10. This knowledge of consideration and temperance one must work out and experience individually, both for one self and for others. Here is crystallizes the special role the teachers have to their pupils. The whole time they have to act consciously or not to act. They activate action, that is, grading the work and experience for their pupils. If the consciousness of the younger ones may be bad for someone, they desist the action. They do not butt in when the experience that is gathered by the young ones is useful knowledge which brings with it useful work. This is also in accord with many other laws. To go the "Golden Middle Road", temperance, as well as taking and giving according to need, is continuously connected with a work in "peace". This in a pattern conforming to the laws and in accordance with the consciousness. 4. DUTIES TO THE LAW your work and that of others. Movement is not always development. If the work a man does is not constructive and according to the need, it brings no development. One only goes around one self and imitates thoughts, actions and things. A work like that is not creative because it only shows existing thing. Movement is first creative when it mirrors a growing sphere, ray and space. Man must develop to be able to live. One has to go through lightening fast development, or slow changes. At the same time, one must gain the necessary level of knowledge which is determined for him . The process must be carried out in the time which also the need has determined. On the road of development of the human being, the question: "What have you done with your talents" constantly pops up. If they were not multiplied, it means that they were not used according to the needs, which comes from the development of the whole. 5. THE LAW OF THE LAWS. THE LAW OF COMMUNICATIING THAT WHICH WE ARE AND THE MANNER IN WHICH WE ARE BUILT UP, MIRRORS THE WHOLE UNIVERSE (THE UNITY). IT SAYS: AS IT IS ABOVE, IT IS ALSO BELOW. Man and the microcosmos are built in the same way as the universe (macrocosmos). They both live and change according to the same laws. The same law that is valid for the building of the human being and all its tools is also valid for the universe and all structures building it. In the same way that the universe has unlimited possibilities to manifest itself and transform forms and energy, the human being also has unlimited potential and ability to manifest his inner consciousness, which is the unity. THE HUMAN BEING WHO IS CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BODY CANNOT ONLY DO EVERYTHING BUT HE IS EVERYTHING. 6. THE LAW OF UNITY. LIVE IN UNITY WITH YOUR SELF AND THE UNIVERSE. Unity is the possibility to accept. It is harmony, unity and collaboration. It is also reciprocated help and reciprocated understanding. Unity does not mean equality, but a filling in and a contrast. It is a harmony between the elements building a wholeness. For unity we may call both sides of the medallion, a reflected picture, a mould or a negative of each of the sides. The concept unity is wide and spreads out in may fields and levels. This law may be understood as unity in each living form with parts of itself, and with the whole, which we are parts of. Everything that is, which exists and is created according to the Idea, is united and in accordance with the whole. This law makes it your duty to think out from the viewpoint of understanding. The work does not commence by subjugating one self, only according to the need. That job is connected with earth, animals or humans. It may also be connected with all these parts at the same time. It may be connected with many humans, with plants, cosmos and the universe. And just unity guarantees a harmonic cooperation between the smallest and the biggest. 7. THE LAW OF TOLERANCE. YOU SHALL HONOUR YOUR NEIGHBOUR AND LEAVE HIM ON HIS LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT. The law of tolerance, humility and care together make up frames for conditions between the human beings. The law of tolerance tells that the only correct reaction to your neighbor is acceptance without judgment, the emotional "0". Only then is it possible to feel energies from others. One can then let the energies freely flow through the body, so that one can recognize common vibrations. It will also give an amplification of these through giving and taking. Tolerance is to meet the other as he is, without judgment, and without getting him to make up status quo, unconditionally. All conditions based on emotional or intellectual codes, stand for disturbances in the correct open contact, both physically and energetically. Every locked in opinion shows lack of tolerance, because it is "mine", and divides the world in mine and not mine, I like,- I don't like. The concept we are talking about, is not the same as approval (endorsement). One must not approve another beings behavior if it is against the laws. He is then driven by personality, and shuts himself off from new inspirations. A conscious human being functions in accordance with the law of tolerance. He then approves the individual law to decide for oneself, so that he does not create situations which are dangerous for himself and others. He will never seek to subjugate himself to the other. He is open and unaffected by emotions. He lets the others get their own experiences, so that they become aware of the consequences of their actions. In this manner they can draw conclusions from this. Only a combination of tolerance, humility and care will save us from superiority and haughtiness. This is also in regard to over-sweetened goodness, giving one the impulse to save others with force. Tolerance, that is an understanding for the difference between human beings and the acceptance of this difference. The concept of tolerance is often confused with conformity, laziness, thoughtfulness and subjugation to all that in reality comes from fear. TOLERANCE COMES FROM THE UNDERSTANDING THAT ALL HUMANS ARE INDIVIDUALS, HAVE OTHER FUNCTIONS TO PERFORM, HAVE DIFFERENT WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT. Tolerance is not the approval of other peoples faults, but if we do not cooperate with somebody and his faults do not affect us, do not judge him, do not make yourself into a judge, because this is not our task. The lack of tolerance comes through the high opinion we have of ourselves in regards to others. We think, we have the right to judge others, compare them, weigh, measure and cut them open, if we believe they do not fit into our idea. To encompass the whole with ones attention, that is to release oneself from ones private zone, gives one the chance to see the usefulness of every human being and every situation. Then, even those creating malice become a part of "The Hand of God". If one thus learns tolerance, it will stay with us for ever. 8. THE LAW OF HUMILITY. YOU SHALL HONOUR YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND YOUR WORK, BUT ALSO HAVE HUMILITY FOR THE KNOWLEDGE AND WORK OF OTHERS. Humility, the knowledge about encompassing incidents, concerns, humans and things with your consciousness from all points of view and from any perspective. To understand humility means to realize that all people are individuals, with different ways of living and with different work to do. One also looks at the problems from different points of view. We must also learn to understand that we cannot understand all the details of the existing whole. At the moment we concentrate on a small problem, we limit ourselves and lose the picture of the whole. Also with our physical body we can only manage to do one job. Therefore we must jointly work in cooperation. In the beginning with matter, later with plants, animals and in the end with other human beings. Humility is the understanding that there is no one better and worse, greater or lesser. The difference lies in the area of work and responsibility. It is therefore not important if a being shall do a large job or a small job. What is important, if one shall do a small job, one does the whole job. And if it is a great job, to complete it. If a task is very great, then both people doing it are equally necessary. And equally necessary is the work that they have to do according to the need for it.. It is of no significance that the one does 100 times more than the other, but that they, through cooperation can complete the wholeness of the work. And each must have humility towards himself, towards the other, towards the work, towards the plan, and towards the totality. TO BE HUMBLE MEANS TO SEE ONE SELF AS A PART OF THE WHOLE, NOT AS THE WHOLENESS ITSELF. It is as seeing one self in a long row of people, where there are people both behind one and in front of one. It is accepting and constantly being conscious of the common connection between all, and about the harmony that this brings. 9. THE LAW OF PROTECTION AND CARE. LET EVERYONE FULFILL HIS OWN FATE ACCORDING TO HIS OWN CAPACITY AND POSSIBILITY. "GIVE FREELY OF THAT WHICH YOU RECEIVE FREE OF CHARGE. This law tells us that every developing human being, who develops according to the laws, is under the care and energetic protection of a higher consciousness. At the same time showing care and giving protection to lesser developed brethren. Care means preparing the conditions for a complete development for all kinds of work and for all kinds of conditions. Care means also help to gather all the necessary experiences, as well as help to get on to a road of development rich in knowledge. In our common earthly meaning we wrongly interpret care with overprotection. We believe it is to clear the way of life of hindrances as well as living according to an accepted life pattern, and giving prescriptions on how one should behave and what one should believe in. But care and help ought to give permission to a free choice of the train of experiences. Neither does it mean to push away hindrances from the way of work. Help also does not mean to get a being on to a predetermined road. Our earthly mentality, press everyone on to one road - without considering which work or which task a man has to accomplish. But our earthly road, our work here and now (as it has always been through the whole development on earth), is great, with most goals to get in the universe. It is here one has to learn ones own road, choice and inflexibility. THEREFORE CARE, THE HIGHEST - MEANS LACK OF PROHIBITIONS, AND THE LACK OF SUCH DEMANDS, THAT ONE HAS THE POSSIBILITY OF USING THE FREE WILL ONE HAS RECEIVED. THIS TO GAIN THAT CONDITION WHERE ONE NO LONGER IS IN NEED OF HELP. 10. THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. YOU SHALL CREATE THAT WHICH IS GOOD, NOT THAT WHICH IS WICKEDNESS. REMEMBER THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS. Cause, effect and action as well as its result. Experience and conclusion, it is all the time the same chain of happenings in a logical order. But even if we find the same logical consequences of our actions, we still often figure that no one sees our "unworthy" actions, that we will be spared the consequences, that an exception will arise. We think quite differently when we act in a "worthy" manner. We await a compliment and a reward. We dislike the lack of viewers, flatter and applause. Both cases ought not to be a reason for impatience. The logic of this law is as it is in the other laws, absolute. For that which this law is valid, the law is watched over in a specially clear manner. Sometimes it may seem inconsiderate, but justice is inconsiderate. This is without exemptions, without sympathy and excuses. This law also tells that irrespective of what a human being represents at the moment, it is conditioned by one self. This is valid also for the spiritual level of development, work, possessions and possibilities to realize ones plans. What one has worked out, that one owns. If one is open for impulses from inside in accordance with the universal laws and realize this in action, one has advanced. This is the result of an individuals development and gathered experience through different incarnations. His ego is constantly enriched by new energetic information. New possibilities of development and learning begins to open up for him. For this purpose he receives energetic reinforcement and protection according to the teaching: "The one who has much will receive even more"....Thanks to the fact that the individual becomes more self-conscious, the balance point moves from the involvement with tools in the outer consciousness , to an understanding that ones real nature is the consciousness of the unity. Man has also a free will, and can chose another way. He may be deaf to the advice of the intuition and impulses coming from the inner consciousness. He fastens on to his tools, that is his body or his psyche. This without protection and energetic reinforcement. He sentences himself to use resources only from his own ego. When he runs out of energy, he loses the chance to develop in his body. This is according to the teaching: "The one who has little, from him all will be taken". It is therefore useless to curse God and people for misalignments and injustice. It is justice that explains misalignments, and understanding of own responsibility for the downs and the pleasures. This releases the human from his helplessness and sorrows, which are considered as unfair or "inexplicable fate". THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT, GIVES THE HUMAN BEING THE GUIDANCE OF HIS OWN LIFE, AND MAY BE AN IMPORTANT FACTOR TO ACTIVATE FURTHER DEVELOPMENT. 11. THE LAW OF THE MIRROR EFFECT. REMEMBER WHAT YOU THINK AND CREATE, BECAUSE OTHERS SEE YOU AND EXPERIENCE YOU. This is a sort of extension of the law of cause and effect, in the future. In the way that the previous law explains our present situation in view of our work and decisions earlier, the law of the mirror effect points out that everything we create, say and think, that energy we are emanating into the cosmos, from where it returns to us. If we emanate low vibrations, we disturb the existence of others. If we hurt other people, we must experience the same. If we function in unity with the universal laws and emanate increasing frequencies in accord with the law of the mirror reflection, we also receive high energetic reinforcement. Only in this manner can the ego be taught the responsibility for its tools. Such a teaching, in the form of energetic tracks, is inscribed on the memory of the ego. 12. THE LAW OF ANTI-AUTHORITY. YOU SHALL NOT JUDGE YOURSELF OR OTHERS. It says that we shall not mix into a work area belonging to another person, or group. This is valid when we are not a participant in the work. Irrespective of what opinion we have of a thing or a person, we should keep it to ourselves if no one asks for help or an opinion. Direct action, but also words and even thoughts may be unlawful influence of something or someone. This law is also valid in regard to one self. Self-imposed prohibitions as well as prejudice of situations and people have been accumulated through the upbringing and the interrelationship between human beings and are based on judgments and comparisons. We have been imprinted ready-made patterns for the physical and the spiritual life. From birth, and even before that, we unlawfully influence ourselves and others and let others direct us. To stand up against all unlawful influences on each others, does not mean that one should reject all that the civilization has gained. Here we must in a conscious manner make our choice of thought and action. This to be able to register any and all attempts to unlawfully influence us while it happens.

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