
Dear Ascendees,

As many of you know, our physical dense bodies are mutating from a carbon-base, into a new type of crystalline-based life form, which is due to utilise a 13-chakra harmonic...and a fully integrated light body and aetheric body...We will look the same, but will be able to absorb far more light into our bodies than before...as Ascended Ones. So technically, carbon possesses allotropic forms of graphine and diamond..We are moving to a diamond crystalline, from a carbon graphine...

As a part of cosmos, our bodies are simply changing as instructed...

These transformative energies are sourced at the galactic core and relayed out in pulse waves...the galactic alignment did occur in December 2012, as a result of this grand cosmic alignment and another significant pulse in 2022, energized by a red nova, from constellation Cygnus, this planet is being subject to  higher and higher aetheric light code frequencies, which are being received by the encoded filaments within our DNA....We have been situated within the Photon Belt since 1997, albeit a diluted effect. Now the photon belt becomes increasingly activated...

This is a natural cosmic process, but can be enhanced as we respond with co-operative intent with this divine will...as our thoughts of acceptance produce an energy signature that attracts even greater change, and so on...so a loop, as follows:

Cosmic impulse--DNA stimulus--mental acceptance--feelings of gratitude--modified lifestyle--raising consciousness--hormonal change--physical aetheric change--new energy centres--Novaman

The final mods will be completed within Federation Light Chambers, as those particular mods are the most dramatic and dangerous...like putting a finger in the live mains, unless conducted scientifically within the chamber...each being calibrated for the individual user's use.

In summary, all chakras are being modified, but the new ones are starting out as lesser energy centres, which are fast becoming more powerful, consolidating their status within the aetheric body, then the various centres inter-react with each other in a new way, in preparation for the ascension of the physical body. 

The new and prior chakras are listed as follows: 

1... Root
2... Sex
3... Solar Plexus
4... Diaphragm
5... Heart
6... Thymus
7... Throat
8... Well of Dreams
9... Pituitary
12..Galactic Female
13..Galactic Male

One of those newly forming chakras is the diaphragm centre, found at the base of the thoracic cavity. It will be replacing the solar plexus as the centre for storing negative emotions, eventually removing all stress from the bodies by empowering divine will energies, currently stored in the modified solar plexus. There is a newly forming chakra that is placed at the base and back of the head, near the occipital lobe, which is the “well of dreams."


Dramu kas….! (Sirian for much love) 🙏


Col. Drekx Omega

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  • Wow, she even looks like Movella.....Plus, an action heroine and medical officer, too....😍

    Moreover, if there is anyone reading this, who may need to work on the thymus chakra, note that the mental plane visualisation, is pale blue-green...Or specifically, a light turquoise shade....

  • Thank you Drekx and Justin. Much appreciated information.
  • Hey Drekx, great blog! I think this is my first read of it. The 3 day fasting period, prior to the metamorphosis chamber experience makes sense. I assume our personal Galactic Mentors will explain this process when they arrive.

    I had one question for you or your Sirian contacts. I believe Sheldan in his webinars use to talk about the arrival of Galactic Mentors to the surface of our planet, and even our individual homes, sometime after the Mothership tours.

    Is that still the plan? Do you know when we will be introduced to our personal Galactic Mentors? I look forward to the period when we can focus primarily on preparation for metamorphosis chamber transfiguration.
    • Randy I found this when going through that page I made a while back with all the clips from some of Sheldans webinars hope this helps also. https://youtu.be/QIoU2F5bChw?si=Es0FIIUotUYqQyOg
      • This one also has great info. https://youtu.be/hfHu1XSNl5I?si=QFMu0cHyKlhcwfiP
        • Yes Justin, that plan is still in place, as far as I'm aware.....This gives a linear perspective of the process...And of course, the Ascended Masters will be EXTERNALIZED as well...That follows Lord Maitreya's "day of declaration."
    • Yes Randy, following the tours and raising consciousness, worldwide, all who qualify will be alloted galactic mentors, who are able to explain the preparation requirements, prior to the 3-day metamorphosis, in the chamber..
      This may include instruction anent fasts, as while in the chamber, the ascendee must be fasting and will not be eating food, or drinking fluids...
      In order to be fasting adapted, it should be a practice developed prior to the light chamber, so as to make the process safe and seamless...
      One should preferably be adapted to burn ketones, rather than glucose, as well.....This is a clean energy, which protects the cellular mitochondria, from oxidative stresses...So a mentor will talk everyone through this process of being adapted, mentally, physically and emotionally, for the ascension process...

      It is also important to remember that the 3-day transformation in the chambers, is simultaneous to the planetary ascension of the surface environment...
      Some of us will be aboard ships, in our chambers, many will be in Agartha....And then instruction will be provided for newly ascended, in the arts of higher consciousness protocols....We will be guided through all this and assisted...
  • A webinar by Sheldan Nidle, on the progressive rise of crystalline humanity...A process which takes time, but will not take decades, but rather years....

  • Silver represents the GALACTIC FEMALE vortex and gold represents the GALACTIC MALE vortex....These two chakra points allow a fuller expression of spiritual identity upon the full consciousness, cosmic degrees.....So one enters jschwisch/jschrisch, progresses to srut, then to bansrut and finally, completes the arahat athersata degree of perfection....

    Each cosmic initiation that follows the planetary ascension, requires these two energies of male and female, in balance.....BUT, there are only TWO SEXES that are incarnated, as a galactic human....There are no additional sexes, as described by the deranged earth people, who are close to absolute insanity, as they strive for this "multiple sex" ideal and will never truly discover it....

    Explanation of PAO Symbol
  • Thanks for that link Ivy, I'll bookmark it....My energy supplier has not raised any payments, as yet and I'll see what they do in October...😊

    Now, a change of subject in service to any member who has autoimmune issues....I myself have never suffered such a condition, but I do live by the motto; "prevention is better than the cure...!" So the attached video, by the renowned Dr Berg, is intended to assist those who wish to avoid big pharma products (very wise) and instead use the very natural processes of the body, to rebalance the immune system, so that it becomes of use, rather than a threat...👏🏻

    Of course, Berg's answer is FASTING......And the ideal scenario being OMAD, or "one meal a day," between the intermittent fast....And the occasional prolonged fast. I've done a three day fast, which would be useful in the LIGHT CHAMBERS....As you won't be able to vacate the chamber, during the transformation process....So fasting also prevents nausea, from the various high level vibrational energies, being pulsed through the body...Nobody wants to vomit in a light chamber.....It could in fact, stop the whole transference of the physical form...From graphine carbon base, to diamond carbon based....If you choke to death in the chamber, from vomit, then you will leave your body, prematurely, so fail to ascend physically and have to be reborn on surface Mars...So practice the fast, to avoid this possibility...3-days is a long time for some to go without food and the energy field is strong, in the light chamber...You will very likely feel your stomach churn....🤢🛸🛸🛸

    There are other technologies the Sirians always recommend to only apply to those in the fasted state....For example, teleportation....(Try that on a full stomach...lol)🤢

    😊So as for fasting, OMAD and intermittent fasts.....:
    This is exactly what the Sirians themselves practice and they are fit as fiddles....I likewise try to apply and it works....One is never hungry between meals...the one meal per day....And this is because of the natural suppression of the hormone named ghrelin....Produced in the gut....It signals hunger pangs, but does not activate if one is completely nourished by healthy food, (from the one meal) with the fat burning hormone, glucagon, activated by ketosis,....Glucagon converts glycogen to glucose, in the liver.👏🏻

    "The Best Treatment for ALL Autoimmune Diseases....The current treatment for autoimmune diseases comes with a lot of side effects. Let’s talk about the best natural alternative.

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Moreover, if there is anyone reading this, who may need to work on the thymus chakra, note that the mental plane visualisation, is pale blue-green...Or…"
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