From A... J. Gevaerd in BrazilSat 8, Aug 20091,300 New Pages Of Formerly Secret UFO DocumentsSurface In BrazilOver 1,300 pages of formerly secret UFO documents surface inBrazil and given to the Brazilian Committee of UFO ResearchersHundreds of papers from the Brazilian Air Force's officialSystem for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenonhave surfaced and demonstrate how the nation's militaryauthorities dealt with the UFO Phenomena in the 60s and 70s.The papers disclose in detail the inner workings of the officialbody created by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in 1969, duringthe dictatorship years, to investigate the presence and activityof aliens in the country - the System for the Investigation ofUnidentified Aerial Phenomenon (SIOANI).This time, however, the newly disclosed documents have not comefrom the government, as a result of the campaign UFOs: Freedomof Information Now!, which has so far produced three officialdisclosures, the largest and most important of which was on May4th, largely announced worldwidely.The new formerly secret material was handed over to CBU bycivilian researcher Edison Boaventura, from Grupo Ufologico doGuaruja (GUG), who kept the material away from the BrazilianUFO community for over 10 years.Boaventura was given the documents by a retired Brazilian AirForce military source in the 90s and kept it secret since then.At the recent III World UFO Forum, held in June 2009 in Curitiba(PR), Brazil, he was formally approached by the members of CBUand decided to hand over the whole lot of documents on behalf ofthe freedom of information campaign. "I decided to contribute tothis endeavor, so I'm sending these documents to be published bythe Brazilian UFO Magazine", he declared.Last week, Boaventura gave Brazilian UFO Magazine editor A. J.Gevaerd, co-ordinator of the Brazilian Committee of UFOResearchers (CBU), over 1,300 pages of previously unseendocuments from SIOANI, along with 28 colored sketches and 64photos taken by the Air Force in the 1960's. Along with those,there were 137 pages of color files with 3 sketches and 17photos, all official. He has been asked by many other BrazilianUFO researchers why he had kept all such material far from theUFO Community for so long.Previously unreleased materialThis vastly important and significant material was not part ofthe official Brazilian UFO disclosure. The Brazilian UFOMagazine website - br - has already made availablein the last months over 1,200 pages of documents, 200 photos ofSIOANI's activities and Operation Saucer, carried out in theAmazonian region in 1977. But none of the documents received byCBU from the Brazilian Government contained anything such as thecolored drawings of UFOs made by the military personnel who usedto work for SIOANI, nor pictures of witnesses, such as that ofnurse Maria Cintra, who had a close encounter with anextraterrestrial being on the early hours of August 25th 1968,in Lins (SP) - one of the classic UFO incidents in BrazilianUfology that was secretly investigated by the militaries.Included in the newly revealed documents are the detailedresearch proceedings carried out in dozens of UFO-relatedincidents, which had not been made public so far. Some of thecolored sketches of UFO incidents investigated by SIOANI br/documentos/ sioani/Novos_ documentosAll the material handed over to the Brazilian Committee of UFOResearchers CBU) was additionally sent to the Nation's NationalArchives in the Federal Capital, Brasilia, whose reception wasofficially communicated to the President's Civil Office,and has become an integral part of the process headed by CBU."This will no doubt add to the pressure exerted upon theGovernment for the release of new folders containing datapertaining to UFOs and the military activity in the ongoingBrazilian UFO research", said geographer Fernando Ramalho, oneof CBU's members.This material now made public through the Brazilian UFO Magazineshould have been released when it was given to a civilianresearcher, over 10 years ago.Download the new files in PDF or JPG formats (over 360 Mb) br/documentos/ sioani/Novos_ documentosOther documents can be found br/documentos/ sioani/ br/documentos/ prato/ br/documentos/ extra/ br/documentos/ geral/Please note: Download, print, publicize and otherwise sharethese documents around, but please do not fail to mention thesource, Brazilian UFO Magazine and emphasize that this materialis coming to public thanks to the efforts of the BrazilianCommittee of UFO Researchers (CBU).What SIOANI was:The System for the Investigation of Unidentified AerialPhenomenon (SIOANI) was unprecedented in Brazil and in theworld. It was created in 1969, under the inspiration andguidance of Air Force major-brigadier Jose Vaz da Silva, head ofthe Committee for the Investigation of Flying Saucers.In its early stages, SIOANI had high-ranked propositions and itoperated exemplarily. Its conceptualization demonstrates so:"SIOANI is the collective resources of personnel and materieldedicated to the investigation and research of the so-calledUnidentified Aerial Objects (UAO) phenomenon". The closure ofthe USAF's Project Blue Book in 1969 may have contributed tothe shutting down of SIOANI in 1972. Unfortunately, over 90% ofFAB personnel nowadays have absolutely no knowledge of thisamazing endeavor. However, as far as we know, the percentage oflaypeople involved in the issue tends to increase quickly. TheSIOANI was organically constituted by:(a) Center for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Objects(CIOANI) - A central body of the System.(b) Investigation Zone of Unidentified Aerial (ZIOANI) - Ageographical area which comprised the Offices for theInvestigations of Unidentified Aerial Objects (NIOANI). Therewere six of those offices.(c) Office for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Objects(NIOANI) - A bureau that was in charge of observing,investigating and collecting materials for research into theUnidentified Aerial Objects (UAO). Its function could beexecuted by a military agency, a public institution orindividuals. The NIOANI was attached to its correspondingZIOANI.(d) Research and Analysis Laboratories (LIOANI) - Supportingagencies for the accomplishment of research tasks and materialanalysis related to UAO.(e) Personnel and materiel transport (TIOANI) - Means oftransportation that was first provided by official agencies,military or civilian, upon request by CIOANI, ZIOANI or NIOANI.When official transport was not available, the commercialtransportation could be used. The transport had to beappropriate, efficient and fast. A quick arrival to the spotwhere a UFO incident had occurred was basic, so that there wouldbe no alteration of traces or distortion of facts. For thatpurpose there were five small-sized aircraft, two twin-enginecraft and three single-engine craft, based on the Park forAeronautical Materiel in São Paulo, and were run by the 4th AirZone. Those aircraft were used for the Organization' s normalservices, as well by those demanded by SIOANI.(f) Communication network (RIOANI) - Comprised of a web thatinvolved the now-extinct FAB's communication networks, andfurther Singular Forces (Brazilian Army and Navy), Police Forcesand the amateur-radio network, aiming at rapid transmission ofphenomenological occurrences or the information flow between theseveral links in the system. SIOANI reported to the Ministry ofthe Aeronautics, but the results of its work was forwarded tothe Air Force's Chiefs-of-Staff. Within the 4th Air Zone, it wasoutside the frame of its Chiefs-of-Staff, but its chief was alsoresponsible for the 2nd Section (Information) , encompassingCIOANI, which confirmed that the UFO issue was handled by anInformation (nowadays Intelligence) officer.Considering that SIOANI wasn't a top secret agency and that evencivilian researchers took part of its procedures, all thisstructure proves that Brazil was the first country in the worldever to officially and publicly admit the reality of the UFOPhenomena, and the first one to investigate it openly, in a notsecret manner.A. J. Gevaerd,Editor, Brazilian UFO MagazineCoordinator, Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)National Director, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) brgevaerd@ufo. com.braj@gevaerd.comPS. Many thanks to Marcos Malvezzi Leal for helping in thetranslation.

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