The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world. Instead of moving through the ocean, the array would span the radius of a garbage patch, acting as a giant funnel.The angle of the booms would force plastic in the direction of the platforms, where it would be separated from plankton, filtered and stored for recycling.At school, Boyan Slat launched a project that analyzed the size and amount of plastic particles in the ocean’s garbage patches. His final paper went on to win several prizes, including Best Technical Design 2012 at the Delft University of Technology. Boyan continued to develop his concept during the summer of 2012, and he revealed it several months later at TEDxDelft 2012.Slat went on to found The Ocean Cleanup Foundation, a non-profit organization which is responsible for the development of his proposed technologies. His ingenious solution could potentially save hundreds of thousands of aquatic animals annually, and reduce pollutants (including PCB and DDT) from building up in the food chain. It could also save millions per year, both in clean-up costs, lost tourism and damage to marine vessels.It is estimated that the clean-up process would take about five years, and it could greatly increase awareness about the world’s plastic garbage patches. On his site Slat says, “One of the problems with preventive work is that there isn’t any imagery of these ‘garbage patches’, because the debris is dispersed over millions of square kilometers  By placing our arrays however, it will accumulate along the booms, making it suddenly possible to actually visualize the oceanic garbage patches. We need to stress the importance of recycling, and reducing our consumption of plastic packaging.Source Including Photos:

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  • good for the "kid"......................he deserves a noble peace price not the other a@#$%^&le........................

  • Exactly! Thank you RH! People are usually afraid to support me because the clique mentality of some people on this website start to label those who do support me as something negative.

    But you know what the sadder part is? Most of the people reading this aren't going to give my above (or below) message two seconds thinking about it.

    There are even some people on this site who think I'm being mindcontrolled or influenced by "the dark forces" because of the things I say. Which doesn't make sense... because if I was on "team dark"... why would I promote people to be decent human beings, to not give their personal power away to some imaginary/invisible entity... to take care of Mother Earth... to take care of oneself, and help others if able? Why would a negative person/entity promote such positive things? THEY WOULDN'T!

    No matter how rational, how logical, how common sensical my messages are... no matter how much I make sense... deluded people (sorry to offend, but I can find no other term that fits such as that one, and I used to be one so I'm talking from experience) cling so desperately to their fairytale that they'll make up excuses left and right about why I say the things I do. Some think my presence is some sort of test to pass... "Oh, she's trying to throw me off my path!"... "She's trying to steer me away from the truth!"

    Guess what guys? You're not going to find the truth until after you die. In the meantime, all you can do is speculate. Whatever you believe in, question the source. Who said it was so? And where did they get their information? Are you so sure that source can be trusted? Have you looked at their track record?

    People who have brain disorders can hear voices that sound like other people but are actually their own thoughts. Some brain glitch caused the brain to think the voice/thoughts was a foreign entity and thus treat it as such. People who think they're channeling through feeling and thought and then interpreting it... the "message" they're getting, as beautiful and uplifting and intelligent as some of them are... they're NOT coming from some invisible entity (this applies to negative thoughts too)... they're coming from the person themselves and they're doing themselves a disservice by not taking credit for it. They're selling themselves short.

    People on this site are always preaching, "watch out for disinfo"... "watch out for lies"... and the irony of it all, is that they're choosing to believe in lies. They're the ones who participate in spreading the lies! IF there really was such a thing as Cabal, I would say the grand master scheme of it all is coming up with "religions" (or belief systems) and getting people to believe in them... and get so passionate about it that they stop practicing rationality and common sense. So in the end, the great deception, is that the very "entities" the people are warning against, are the same ones they're religiously following:

    "Keep waiting and pray and think happy thoughts... the time will come... just wait... separate yourself from people in negative vibes (the very people who usually would benefit from your help!)"

    "Keep waiting and pray and think happy thoughts"

    "Keep waiting and pray and think happy thoughts"

    "Keep waiting and pray and think happy thoughts" (you're not allowed to have bad thoughts because it means you're either not advanced enough, or you're under attack! --- but in reality, that's not true)

    And they try and scare you. "Shield yourself! Negative forces will try to manipulate your thoughts!" --- Um, no. You still have control over your actions... AND your thoughts (and thinking you're not in control of your thoughts will set you up for quite a disaster-full state of mind... if you're having bad thoughts, own it, if you're embarrassed about it, too bad... that's part of the human condition). And if you can't trust yourself to make good decisions... you need to get help.

    Praying and meditating doesn't do shit for other people. It's only for your own state of mind. It helps you and only you. Often times it can bring you peace because you give it the power to... good for you. And when prayers do get answered, it's not because you prayed, it was going to happen like that anyways. And if you pray publically or in a group setting, the more "powerful" it seems because more people are aware of whatever the problem is that you're praying for... and it helps inspire people to actually DO something about. Like praying that someone will get enough money for an operation. The money doesn't manifest because God/whatever hears your prayers... it manifests because people are (usually) public about the need for funds.

    Above all, be decent people not because you think you have to, but because you want to. And don't get all guilt ridden because you feel you could've done more than you did... you're only human (despite whatever planet you think your spirit is from =P).

    I'm stepping off my soapbox for now. Peace \ /

  • The "go" was given for ascension in December 2012 too (and many times inbetween, and before). Remember when that didn't happen? Remember all the excuses that were given afterwards? It's always the same thing. Ascension isn't what you think it is.

    Ascend = to climb (people do that every day in varying degrees, and they have since the beginning of time... they ascend monetary problems, they ascend emotional problems, they ascend relationship problems, they ascend survival problems etc etc).

    The fairytale ascension definition = to move up the dimensional ladder... sure, it's only in your head (and yes, you can trick your brain into seeing/hearing things... the brain is very complex... and with enough focus and intention, mind over matter is a real thing). Good luck waiting for something that isn't real. Notice how it's always the unhappy people that are waiting for the ascension to take place. They gotta find a way to ascend their unhappiness... not wait for some fictional, mystical event to occur.

    P.S. - even if ascension was real... who the eff made someone else the boss over other people's growth and development that they have the authority to say, "it's go time"? Sounds pretty controlling to me. Oh wait, lemme guess... ascension is something you need the help of advanced beings to do? Really? You really think you came down on this Earth to rely so heavily on invisible/imaginary help? Get real. If they were so advanced, they'd be able to give you my cellphone number to prove they're real to prove to you that they're separate from your imagination. Put yourself in the shoes of a "spirit guide" (or whatever you want to call it)... if you had a message to give to your human, wouldn't you want them to know the difference between you and their imagination? They don't even care about finding missing children (some integrity they have, eh?) let alone your own well being (that feeling of caring about yourself you think is coming from them, that's coming from yourself, not some other dimensional being). You're not giving yourself enough credit and instead giving it away to something that is an illusion.

  • What is the Galactic Federation of Light's
    mission with earth?
    The Galactic Federation of Light mission is to assist earth,
    who is a conscious being in her transformation to higher frequencies...
    this process is called "Ascension"
    The Galactic Federation of Light are here become God wants them to be here in order
     to assist Mother earth to heal herself....this is top priority!
    Humanity's ability to live as a species in true brotherhood and sisterhood...respecting and acknowledging our Oneness with All.
    The Galactic Federation of Light reminds humanity that we are powerful Light beings awakening from illusion.
    The Galactic Federation to not force anyone to acknowledge them or to give them power or to create in collaboration with them....they tell us they honour our freewill to be apart of this grand awakening, or to remain in denial.
    They have come as representatives of God, to guide humanity away from destroying the planet and ourselves, to a more God-focused, peaceful and loving co-existance.
    Your role in all this is to figure out why you came to earth, who you are, and what it is you are creating with God or destroying with satan. What is your mission?
     What did you tell God Aton you would do, if He would allow you to be here on Earth at this special time?
    More Information @
    The shift of the ages is almost upon us...the signs are all around us.
    • The mission. And who told you of this mission? Some guy on the internet? Oh wait, some guy on the internet who hears voices? Sounds like a good role model to me!

      The Earth doesn't heal that way. You can't sit there and pray and sing and meditate the Earth into a healed state. You actually have to get up, go outside, and physically use your hands to heal the Earth (pick up trash, recycle litter, remove litter from trees, talk to people, give a shoulder to cry on, give advice if you're in a position to give it, lend a helping hand when it's needed etc). The Earth got dirty in a physical way. It needs to be cleaned up in a physical way. You can't sit there and "think" the world into a better place. You actually have to "do".

      It's like the GFL is like, "Just wait. Time is coming. All will know soon enough. Just wait. Think happy thoughts in the meantime." If anything that sounds a little controlling doesn't it? Like someone is gonna snap their fingers and make everything okay while you just sit there and think happy thoughts. Sounds like someone is trying to keep you from doing hard work and getting your hands dirty which is only DELAYING improvement.

  • Yay! I hope it works without a hitch!

  • Good but The Galactic Federation Of Light has highly advanced technology to clean the Earth Oceans....which they will do once the dark forces are removed from Planet Earth
    • lol^ funny joke Kalki

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