I saw a crop circle posted on this website a while ago and it was in the shape of an eye. Not long thereafter, I had a dream where there was this hand with a pencil drawing this big eye that looked like the crop circle I had seen, and that made up the whole head of the alien. It was looking at me.
Then the hand with the pencil started drawing the rest of the body from the neck down, which was long and skinny and spaghetti-like. It had 2 arms and 2 legs, with hands and feet - like a human - and a long torso. It kinda weirded me out because this is not the first alien I've seen. (I saw one outside in the middle of the night while I was awake at the age of five.) In my dream I knew that an alien was visiting me.
The the first alien lifted it's arm and pointed like it was sending another alien at me, but this alien had no body. It was genuine spirit; shaped sort of like a little dark cloud. It came at me from the right and I felt it press down on me, like it was trying to come in to me. It was almost like it was trying to have sex with me, or mesh within to my spirit, but it couldn't because my body was in the way. Then I woke up and I thought that I hopefully successfully did not let this second alien come in to me or rape me or impregnate me or whatever it was trying to do.
Kind of scary dream. I went to an evening church gathering with a prophetic guest speaker and she happened to be a dream interpreter (http://barbiebreathitt.typepad.com/) so I asked her about this alien dream and she said it was an INCUBUS spirit. Whatever that means. I'll look it up. But please reply and share what you think please.
I think the reason why I saw that eye in the dream was that it was just in my recent consciousness and it was coming out again. I know that the reason why there was a hand with a pencil drawing it is because I am an artist: that's what I do and what I can easily & readily relate to.
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first of all an incubus (male) and secubus (female) are demons that "sleep"/have sex with your during your sleep. they are real.
in your dream, you are the creator/artist and you were simply playing around with "something recent in your consciousness"
you were simply toying around with the idea of what alien interaction could be/feel like, due to your actual experience at the age of 5, which I assume did not involve a total abduction experience.
Alternatively, dreaming of drawing could mean you need to allow yourself more creativity in your work! and u surely did that by drawing aliens out of crop circles, etc!
..the being u describe that the hand draw seems like a grey alien to me...
...usually religious people refer even aliens as incubus because this is in their world view...the word alien is not in their dictionary..lol...
this being can come from people with names like: alien, bad spirit, incubus, shadow being, inorganic being, the shadow, negative energy being...and many others...