I invite all spiritual beings to help me find an answer to this question:
Is there any "significance" to 20 October 2010, too?
Your comments are highly appreciated.
Love and Light
Roger Stone…
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
I found this very incredible though to have been mentioned on the forum, to me this shows a sign of something, this day could probably have more meaning to the Earth as well.
Much love, light, blessings and joy to you all !!! n__n ~* xx
I think that maybe 19.10.2010 is an trigger date, of the same vabration of 10-10-10. Do not have any idea about 20.10.2010
Since I do have a face book account, I flagged the misleading Blossom page as either a fake or identity theft.
If several more do so, I'm sure it'll go away.
Hope you have a wonderful one :)~
Some will type 10-20-2010 and others 20-10-2010.
There's someone posing as Blossom on Facebook and he/she said the 20th was a "watch it" date.
(Blossom has never logged on to or in to Facebook. YET) Her Email follows:
Good morning everyone!
It appears that some bright spark is posing as me on face book! They have taken a picture from my youtube with White Cloud and have put up a fake channelling saying I have been in contact with a 'being' who says that there is to be a landing on 20th of this month. THIS IS NOT ME!
Thankfully I awoke this morning to alerts from my mailing list as they were questioning it, as it didn't seem authentic. IT"S NOT!!!
I do not do face book at all. So anything that is up there is not me!
I shall get onto facebook straight away, but please would you be so kind as to spread the word about this on any sites that you know my channellings go on.
Many thanks ....
Lets send that little prankster so many Golden Rays he/she will sprout wings and fly ...... far away from facebook!
Lets be of
Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays
I know I had my hopes up, but soon got hugely disappointed, then the constant released information stating we hadn't reached a high enough level of consciousness yet.
It's like a magic act, where the magician goes through every card in the deck asking "This your card"?
I stopped believing these information releases, as much as I'm anxious for first contact (first admission of the truth anyway), I don't listen to these people who grate on and keep changing.
It's like religion!
Whenever I asked religious leaders about being abused as a child, they always throw the "FREE WILL BS" in my face, and I simply say "What about my free will as a child, and my wish not to be abused"
Free will is a cop out, and there are many charlatans claiming to be mediums!