Crystalai (c) 2012 cosmicdolphinmagic.com

There has been more and more data surfacing about the meaning of 2012, the End of the World or the Beginning of a New Reality.

Here, at the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, we have a completely different set of facts that have come to us directly from the Source of our Creation through our Founders Races and Guardian Races who have been preparing the Angelic Human Race for their next level of Evolution into the Sixth and Seventh Races for about 250 billion years.

The truth of what will happen in December 2012 needs to be known. The Human Race needs to know that we will be advancing 2500 years into the future at the end of this year. This change will happen instantly -- not gradually. The biological transformation of the body our of the carbon based structure will be changed into the crystal based eternal life chemical and biological forms.
The Human Race needs to know where they came from, how they got here, what races they are related to, how the Earth will transform into the Higher Realities of the Inner Earth immediately in December, and how each and every individual will be transformed into light and transported to Tara within the next several years. It needs to be known that the rumor of the HARVEST is true. There will be individuals who have five or six DNA strands so perfectly in tune, that they will immediately walk into the new reality of TARA. There will be a few that will even be able to step directly into Gaia.
The Human Race needs to know how and why this transformation can and will happen so quickly. The present background knowledge of those on this planet has been created by 3D perceptions. This means they haven't seen the ante-matter, invisible realm of reality. That fifth dimensional reality of the invisible and the visible will become the new reality on this Earth by the end of 2012.
First, let's look at the date 2500 years in the future. Our Founders Races will be moving us forward in time 2500 years in order to save us from the Phantom Matrix that the Zeta-Dracos Invader Races would be pulling our planet and everyone on it into come December 21, 2012. That topic will be covered in greater detail later. The Angelic Human Race needs to know that the plans of the Annunaki, Jehovians, Zetas, and many other agendas that were planning on capturing, brainwashing and using humans for their energy source for another thousand years is not going to happen because of the Founders Races plan to move us forward 2500 years. It also needs to be known that we have been living within their brainwashing and holographic illusions for millions of lifetimes.
The reality that we have been living in has not been a normal one. When we think in degrees of things getting better after December, that is an understatement of infinitesimal proportion to what is actually happening to us. We will be living in a time that is 2500 years more advanced than the one we are living in now. We will not just be gaining technology that is a little more advanced than ours, we will be  regaining our Divine Blue Print that makes us able to manifest anything we want any time we want.
The new reality is the reality that Source wants us to live in. Those who live through Angelic Consciousness, which is Cosmic Consciousness in alignment with Source can create any idea that they wish to experience. That is what an Angelic Human was created to do. We will show you in detail how this manifestation principle works in the Normal Reality that will appear immediately after our 45 degree shift. We have not been living in a Society of Angelic Consciousness. We have been living on a Planet of FALLEN ANGELIC consciousness. This is why the change will be astronomical.
On December 21, 2012 Earth's angular rotation of particle spin shifts 45 degrees and aligns into oneness with Tara. Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and the halls of records begin transmitting data through the Earth's grids. Universal memory will begin transmission through planetary grids. The shift will then balance out to about 23 degrees, which will align Earth into At One Ment with Inner Earth, and then we will begin balancing into the new reality of a new time of about 2500 years. The new alignment from the Inner Earth into Tara will allow those on Earth to be moved to Tara in what ever way is appropriate for them.
 This will be our first pull into the future as our particles spin faster and faster through the angular rotation of particle spin that rearranges our biology, chemistry and scenery. Those who have not prepared for this shift will be seeing ante-matter that will appear as darkness to the 3D perception. That darkness is equivalent to the darkness that appears as ante-matter or spiritual substance that we may create our new reality upon. We see ourselves in our blue body at this time created as an immortal being in a more etheric form included within a Divine Template of Immortality.
While we wait in this darkness we could be using this as the prime time to make dreams come true. We create through the mid brain frequency specific attunement with Source Consciousness. We create by knowing that we are now and always have been this perfect self who can manifest anything the heart desires. We can know at that point in time that you we always been wealthy. We have always been healthy. We have always been the Christ Consciousness of the All Knowing Mind of God. The more we practice creating our new realities and our manifestations, the more prepared we will be for manifesting the reality of TARA to appear in December. Those interested in Manifestation Workshops email crystalai54@comcast.net
The Inner will become the Outer. The Inner Earth that some know as Agartha or Hollow Earth is at an angle or particle spin that is so close to the Outer Earth that it is only one density level higher. From the eyes of angels, that is really, really close. In reality, when we grow into fifth dimensional perception, we will realize that the angle of the within can be the same in the outside at just a slight angle. We will also learn that all of the space we see around us isn't space in other reality fields. It only looks like space to us because we have three Merkabas of energy spinning through our energy fields that are creating the idea of space between objects. As the Merkabas shift into a different spin rate and angle, the perceptions of reality around us also change. Everything that has been proven to be a reality through Scientific Data is very incorrect. The truths taught in schools are only truths for this Earth because there has been a large group of entities keeping us trapped in an ocean of stupidity. And it isn't as if there aren't plenty of scientists in the higher echelons that know the truths that I'm describing. They've always known it, they've just made it illegal for us to know the truth. Because the truth will set us free.
May 5th will begin the AWAKENING on Earth.
May 5th of this 2012 there will be an activation coming to Earth from Sun Alcyone and the Blue Flame Holder from Tara will bring an activation to Earth beyond anything we've been given before. I am very connected to this activation. I have been communicating to my soul families through Sun Alcyone for many years.
Five million years ago the genetic mutation was placed in DNA strand 1 to cause blockage of physical and etheric bodies.
The sixth activation code (over tone) of the first DNA strand was removed, causing mutations in 1,2, and three DNA. It manifested in blockages of bodies particles and anti particles of the spiritual body of the parallel universe.
That seal removed the humanities ability to have an Immortal body. It removed bodily transmutation and ability to pass into our Divine Blue Print.
Eight thousand years earlier the D4 Seal of Palaidor - a genetic mutation caused blockages between second and third chakras division between 2,3, and four levels of auric field and separation of emotional, mental and astral identity levels. This seal will be released from the masses on May 5.
First, on May 5th, a 12th level avatar will be born on Earth which will open  the Sphere of Amenti to cause the carbon based death seal of 666 to be removed from the human race. This carbon based inorganic seal will melt away and we will begin our awakening into the crystal based organic eternal life bodies. A spontaneous MASS AWAKENING WILL BEGIN on May 5. The Blue Flame of Amenti will embody within the Blue Flame Keepers.
 Earth and Tara will begin to merge. Blue Flame keepers will become 9th level avatars, as the blue flame spirals down from Sun Alcyone. Flame Holders who carry a rare recessive gene will have this gene activated. These holders contain a specific magnetic base tone in their DNA that allows them to become very magnetic and are able to hold this activation on Earth. Once the D 5 flame holder holds the frequencies of Sun Alcyone and pulls the frequencies into her Flame Keepers fourth heart chakra an intense infusion of harmonic universe two frequencies spread through the Amenti morphogenetic field and through the Earths Grid. This will allow rapid acceleration of fifth and sixth DNA strand assembly to occur throughout the populations. The seventh strand will begin assembly in those who already hold fifth and sixth. This activation will create a huge multidimensional awareness to occur on Earth.
When the halls of Amenti (the blue sphere holding our divine blue prints) merge Tara and Earth together, those who have assembled the fifth strand and are eligible for ascension to Tara will be guided to interdimensional transportation locations to Tara. Those who have sixth and seventh strands may be  transported to Gaia. There may be others who will be transported to Aquarius, Aquafaria and a few who will go play in the heavens with the gods. This time is coming very soon.
First, we will shift into a different chemical make up. We will leave behind our carbon based bodies. We will become less dense. Our bodies and our environment will change. Those who move on to Tara will have an entirely different type of body than those who stay in Inner Earth. Those who move on to Gaia are almost invisible. Those who are of higher densities can see the lower densities; but those who remain 3D will not be able to see any of the new realities. It might seem like things are disappearing because the higher particle shifts will pull some in one direction and the lower will pull those in another direction. There are infinite density levels.
The three primary flame holders will activate the opening of the Etheric Level Dimensions within Earth's core. This will allow prana to begin to flow through our atmosphere. At that time our universal memory comes on line and we will regain memory of our Akashic Records for anyone who has activated 4th strand memory.
Earth's elemental particle base will rise to 5 and the Earth's atmospheric particle base will rise to 6. This accretion level will allow the atmosphere and elementals from Inner Earth to appear on Earth. This will be our first vision of our New Earth. We will begin to see the atmosphere of Inner Earth forming around us and then we will notice more and more new species and inner earth gardens will appear. All of the animals and plants in Inner Earth sing continuously. We will notice this difference in Earth immediately.
Angelic Humans and the races of Earth will soon be prepared for visits from the Inner Earth Eieyani, Sirius B Maharaji, Azurite, Aethien and Serres Emerald Covenant Races. They will make contact through our Founders Races and will invite Earth races to join the Emerald Covenant. The first contacts will our Founders Races be made individually and privately as each individual tunes into their Fifth Dimensional Consciousness. First, we will meet with Eieyani races because they look the most like us - only they are blue. After we become familiar with the Eieyani, we will be met by Azurites and Maharaji. The Fallen Angelics and Illuminati races will be escorted to  quarantined healing facilities in the Sirius star system. Remaining Angelic Humans and Indigos will progress in their 12 Code activation and DNA blue print activation.
The happy ending begins December 21, 2012 when the age of enlightenment will most definitely begin and the Universes in our Time Matrix will begin the victory celebration they have awaited for 250 billion years, when the Stellar Electric Wars began the downfall that allowed the creation of the Phantom Matrix. The Phantom Matrix will be removed FOREVER in December. Founders Races will release the Star Gate Seals for Universal Star Gate 12 in our Time Matrix to reunite the Inner Earth Time Matrix and the Trans Harmonic Meajhe Time Matrix. The three Matrixes will link to create the Divine Cosmic Trinity of our new beginning of a new Cosmic Reality.
In December 2012, Earth will receive Stellar Wave Infusions of D10, D11 and D12. The Primal Light Infusion, the Christos Liquid Light Infusion, The Rainbow Ray Infusion and the D12 Pre matter Hydroplasmic Liquid Light Christos Divine Blue Print of the Earth, Tara Gaia System, and the D12 Pre Matter Blueprint or Universal Christos. This will all happen on December 21, 2012. That's a lot of Light!!!
These Frequencies of Light from all 12 Stellar Systems containing our Soul Families will flow back into our Consciousness and we will all remember who we really are and where we really came from. We will be transformed into the same substance that our Families in Inner Earth are made of so that we can meet those families and learn great things from them. This will all begin happening in 2012.
The more we gain our frequency specific mid brain connecting into the mind of God through our Soul, we connect to the Source field when anything we desire already exists. We inhale that reality into our mid brain and project into our holographic realm. We make Gods movie on Earth. We create heaven on Earth.
This information will be covered in great depth at the COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE. We recommend that you read our e-book, 2012 - THE GREAT AWAKENING at our website.  Details about How our Bodies are transformed during this ascension process, How we obtain the Mind of God, How we learn to see the invisible realities, How we become a fifth dimensional Blue Body, the true teachings of the Music of the Spheres technology, the power of the Breath of Creation, and the most powerful technology of creation - crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. We will also take you on a short review of the true history of our planet and our universe and the reason for the 2500 year fast forward.
We are announcing the move of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse from Monterey, California to The Goddess Temple, Chico, California. We have been working with our Starry Brothers and Soul Families who are a part of our Founders Races who are preparing the Ascension of Northern California. We were directed to a specific location in Monterey that opened a portal to a stargate that was being blocked by a huge team of Zetas and Illuminati. Now, we have been directed to this new Divine Location to finish our ascension project. That story in itself is contained in the e-books and free pdf downloads at our website.
We are announcing the move of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse from Monterey, California to The Goddess Temple, Chico, California. We have been working with our Starry Brothers and Soul Families who are a part of our Founders Races who are preparing the Ascension of Northern California. We were directed to a specific location in Monterey that opened a portal to a stargate that was being blocked by a huge team of Zetas and Illuminati. Now, we have been directed to this new Divine Location to finish our ascension project. That story in itself is contained in the e-books and free pdf downloads at our website.

This information will be covered in great depth at the COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE. We recommend that you read our e-book, 2012 - THE GREAT AWAKENING at our website.  Details about How our Bodies are transformed during this ascension process, How we obtain the Mind of God, How we learn to see the invisible realities, How we become a fifth dimensional Blue Body, the true teachings of the Music of the Spheres technology, the power of the Breath of Creation, and the most powerful technology of creation - crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. We will also take you on a short review of the true history of our planet and our universe and the reason for the 2500 year fast forward.


WORKSHOPS will posted on our website. http://www.cosmicdolphinmagic.com/
Crystalai (c) 2012 cosmicdolphinmagic.com

email: drabarnett54@gmail.com

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