2012 The Journey

One of the major issues on Earth today is that so many people still believe that Earth is the beginning and the end - we are born, live out our lives and die - to oblivion.
This is one reason why such people are so materially focussed, wanting only to "make the most of it" through grabbing wealth, material possessions, gratifying the physical senses and so on, in a very self-centred way, that precludes actually giving, service to others before self, respect for Earth, nature and all Expressions of Life, and generally living in a very self-centred, Ego based, narrow sphere of perception.

One of the wonderful aspects of this Transitional Era in which we are Blessed to Experience here however is that millions of people are awakening to a much greater reality, in full acceptance that "death" is a new beginning, not an end, and are understanding that how we live our lives "here" is the major determining factor as to the what we may Experience after we leave Earth for another Sphere of Life.
This awakening is manifesting in many different beautiful ways. War for example is now mostly restricted to localised tribal conflicts with the exception of the global agenda of the hegemon which we will not go in to further - but will soon be over.

Not so many decades ago, people would travel to Africa and other wild places of natural beauty to shoot and kill animals with a gun, and return with the heads of these creatures as a trophy. These days people travel to the same places and shoot the animals with a camera, that they may bring the pictures back home as a constant reminder of the beauty and harmony of these animals in their natural environment.
Yet millions of others are taking this respect for life a step further, and instead of seeing animals as a source of food on supermarket shelves, are turning to adopting a Vegetarian and increasingly Vegan lifestyle, from the abundant harvest of Earth.

Aside from these, there is an ongoing Spiritual Awakening or at least awareness.
From the numerous emails I receive though, there is still much misunderstanding about the Nature of our Journey as it relates to the "bigger picture", which, although not absolutely necessary to understand yet, does certainly assist in Awakening.

One of the main such questions is about the subject of "reincarnation", which is actually a misnomer as well as misunderstanding.
The popular perception of "reincarnation" is that we are a "singular entity" which lives on Earth, dies, goes "somewhere" to rest and review that life and so on, before returning here again for another Earth Experience.

While this is flawed on many levels for reasons we will discuss later, I must add that there are many other Beings in the Universe of All That Is, not of Earth, whose Higher Self does technically gain Experience in this linear way - but not Humans.

In considering these matters, we must first take in to account that "time" as well as "space" is an illusion/delusion - we have discussed this before in Newsletters and will no doubt do so again. Beyond the illusion there is no "time" therefore there can be no absolute "sequentiality" - that which may appear "linear" is actually concurrent.
The Primary Aspect of Who We Are - which we have discussed in previous Newsletters and no doubt will again - is the Higher Self.

The Higher Self is our "I There" - our Individuality - our True Being - existing, before the Cycle of life on Earth is completed - as an uncompleted "work in progress".
It is the Higher Self who was Expressed as an aspect of God, Source, in the "beginning" - not individual Humans on Earth, although, as aspects of Higher Self individual Human Beings are still an aspect of God, Source - there is no separation.

It is the Higher Self therefore, faced with the Divine Mission who chooses the "physical Universe" "route" as a "fast-track" to further Spiritual Evolution - many Higher Selves "balk" at the prospect, and are content to take a less dramatic route.
While Earth-life may seem "harsh" therefore, we should be Blessed that we have the opportunity to contribute to Higher Self - our Spiritual "I" - in this Divine Journey.

While Life here may often seem "tough", the "rewards" are Truly Great, although we should never, ever allow this to influence us in any way. We can never achieve anything worthwhile with an "ulterior motive", because such motive would be totally contrary to the reason we are here in the first place. We Can Only Be, Never Try.

Before the Higher Self becomes a completely integrated and autonomous Being - at least at that level - which in the grand scheme of things is still a beginning - Higher Self must first gain a complete spectrum of Experience in the "physical" universe - Earth or other planets of both - before gaining the Spiritual Maturity to assume Greater and far more profound roles at a much Higher Vibration. Only then may the Path truly begin, Higher Self assuming the Identity - Individuality - Unique Energy Configuration of the Personality incarnated on Earth who completed this "mission".

We here phrases such as "past life regression" and so on, but this implies a linear model of incarnation on Earth, which simply is not True. No Personality - incarnation - can possibly have knowledge of another aspect of it-self, because there isn't one.

Each Personality is an autonomous aspect of Higher Self - which is the way it must be, otherwise, any actual knowledge of "previous lives" would compromise Freewill.
Now - "past life regression" does in fact have a basis, which we will not go in to today. Suffice it to say - there are two possibilities to explain this. The first is that beyond space-time, because all "lives" are concurrent, a person, under "regression", can access the residual energy signature of another concurrent incarnation - similar to "remote viewing" but not the same - and thereby gain access to that information.

The other possible and most likely way is for the person under "hypnotic regression" and therefore expanded state of consciousness, may access his or her own Higher Self, and thus retrieve the knowledge of "alternative lives" through that source.

Anyway - I mention this only to highlight the point that "incarnations" are not linear.
To illustrate this, I will now turn to a metaphor that I often use - the humble Apple.
If we let the Apple then represent the Entire, Complete "Universe" of "All that Is" - "All in Creation" - Source Mind - God if you prefer - then this is what we may observe:
At the very "Core" of the Apple is "Source" Energy, First Cause, Source Mind, - Supreme Intelligence, God - at the very highest Energy Frequency of Vibration, Vibrating at such a frequency and amplitude that Source may be regarded as static.

This is akin to a spoked cart wheel - the faster it spins the less visible the spokes become, until upon attaining a certain speed of revolution, the spokes seem to become invisible. The humble cart wheel is also a useful metaphor as we will see.
The physical Newtonian Universe of "matter" may be represented in this model by the very thin outer skin of an Apple, analogous to the point or moment at which Energy Vibratory Potential slowed to a frequency at which it achieved the Potentiality, but not the actuality, to differentiate in to what humans now regard as "matter" - "frozen Light" as David Bohm metaphorically suggested - still an illusion.

Between the skin of the Apple and its Core we find the flesh of the Apple.
The flesh of the Apple is analogous to the vast majority of "All Creation"- the 99.99999%.... of Energy spectrum between the Apple skin and the core - Source.

Let the flesh of the Apple then represent the Infinite Continuum of Energy, at increasing Vibratory Frequency, and narrowing amplitude, but with Infinite Divine Potential, existing between the skin of the apple and its core, where may be found the Infinite and diverse Spheres of Life, Mind and Being far beyond the reach of normal conscious human perception and certainly that of any scientific instruments.

Now again let me stress again that in applying numbers, limits, and even words such as "the" are in and of themselves fundamentally flawed in duality, because ultimately
we are referring Only to the Infinite. These words will however suffice in the interests of understanding, and in the complete absence of more appropriate language.

Most mainstream science still denies the existence of these Higher levels of Energy and Vibration, because they can neither be measured, substantiated or otherwise quantified by the physical instruments upon which their entire paradigm depends.

As previously mentioned, quantum scientist David Bohm was a notable exception.
His thesis on "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" and subsequent work and writings, remains a practical conceptual model - in the interests of understanding and the parameters of conceptual comprehension - of all "Creation", taking into account Spheres of potential beyond the notion of the three dimensional, fixed, rigid, Newtonian model of the physical Universe embraced by the physically oriented sciences. Indeed Bohm later even takes into account in his model, Consciousness, which, with Mind, is Principle, and without Which nothing could or would exist.

Just under the skin of our metaphoric Apple then lies the Etheric Sphere of Energy.
This is where people first find themselves after the change known as "death", and also the realm of the entities known as "ghosts" - which is another misnomer because they are "real" people, departed human beings - who have become "stuck" for various reasons - usually due to some form of emotional attachment to Earth.

Just beyond the Etheric Spheres of Energy Frequency lies the so called "Astral" Spheres. It is to these Astral Planes of Energy that humans usually transition after leaving the physical body after the change known as "death". The Astral spheres are sometimes therefore, referred to as the "Afterlife" or much more erroneously as "heaven" - only because it seems like "heaven" by comparison to life on Earth.

Without becoming too deeply involved in our Apple metaphor, and beyond the scope of this discussion, suffice it to say that it is the destiny of all humans to commence the Great, Divine Journey at the skin of the Apple - analogous to Earth or other physical planet - as fragments or aspects of Higher Self, and to Evolve through the seamless layers of the "flesh" of the Apple - representing Energy at increasing Vibratory Frequencies, reducing amplitude, and increasing "resolutions" - like more pixels - until finally, through the process of Evolution and Perfection, the Core of the Apple from Whence we "came" in the "beginning" is ultimately attained, and with it the potential to mystically reunite, or "merge" with Source Mind - Divine Love.

It should noted, that many religions and traditions affirm that we are "made in the image of God". This is True. But each incarnation is made in the "image" of Higher Self. So - The Universe is an "image" of All In the Universe - just like a Hologram.

Every Particle In Our Body, The Energy Field of Our Soul and Spirit Integrally Includes - And Is The Whole Universe - All That Is - God, Source - With Exactly The Same Potential - That Must Be Realised As Our "Prime Directive".
This Evolutionary Process takes place as Experience assimilated through the Complete Spiritual "I", giving rise to ever increasing degrees of Perfection and Realisation of Divine Love, and thereby the corresponding increase in the Vibratory
Frequency and Resolution associated with the Unique Energy Field that represents and identifies Who we "Are", until ultimately, it approached that of God, Source.

Individuality, within the context of The All, is represented by our Unique Energy Configuration - our Unique Energy Field - which continually changes in Nature, Purity and Divine Love, Increasing in Vibratory Frequency as we Evolve through this process of Purification, Perfection and Divine Realisation to Mystical Divine Unity.

As Individual Energy Field Increases in Vibration, Transition automatically continues to the corresponding Sphere of Vibratory Frequency, thus facilitating a seamless and automatic progression of Individual Evolution, which is always Perfect in Nature.

This then is the solution of the true nature of Spiritual Evolution, ultimately driven by an Individual, Subconscious quest for Perfection and Divine Love - which is God, Source, Christ - a quest that is intimately incorporated in to our Unique Spiritual Nature, through Experience made possible by Freewill Humans are Blessed with.

Earth - indeed the entire physical Universe - may be regarded metaphorically as the "Kindergarten of Life" and Spirit. Earth is but one such planet - there are many others, including those that fulfilled their purpose Aeons ago in Earth time, some of which no longer even exist, long since destroyed when their Life giving Star expired.
The Etheric and Astral Planes are a very close extension of that same Kindergarten.

Why then is this all "necessary"?
Well quite simply because only when sufficient Experience has been gained through cycle physical "incarnation", is there a natural progression of Higher Self to increasingly more responsible and powerful roles within the context of the greater spheres of Life and Reality within the Greater Universe as a Whole, far beyond even the remotest comprehension of most Earthly humans, a role carrying with it massive responsibilities beyond imagination, but which can only be continued after the complete assimilation of all appropriate Experience, characterised by attaining corresponding Vibratory Frequency of the Spiritual Body through Spiritual Evolution.

Allowing a human to "graduate" directly from Earth to such levels of responsibility - even if it were possible - which it is most assuredly not - would be akin to giving a 3 year old child the trigger of fully armed thermonuclear atomic weapon to play with, such would be the devastatingly disruptive potential of the situation - in fact Spiritually the disruption would be infinitely greater - but never allowed to happen.

So the initial phase of Personality incarnations of the Individuality of the Higher Self - experiential windows - on Earth and/or other planets is an absolutely fundamental and necessary process, wherefrom every Unique Energy Field - encompassing All Life whether "animate" or not - must graduate before moving on to the infinitely, and to humans at this stage necessarily incomprehensibly, greater responsibilities.

The Higher Self knows the mission very well however, and will continually encourage Its fragments, or "representatives" to pursue graduation to these greater roles.
This is also the solution to the metaphor of the "fallen angel" known as "Lucifer".
As previously discussed, it is the objective and indeed destiny of absolutely every Human Being - potential Christ - to "re-reunite" with "Christ Mind" through the Divine process of Evolution and Perfection through Experience - thus completing the Cycle.

There are of course exceptions, for example the figures known as "Jesus", "Buddha", "Hermes" are such Beings -sometimes known as "Avatars" - and others - who simply return directly to the Spiritual Sphere of Energy from whence they came. But they too also underwent the same journey as every single Human Being - no one is exempt - although such Beings almost always gained Experience on other planets.

So - as previously mentioned - the Astral Energy Sphere is an environment where "deceased" Earth people usually feel completely at "home" or even regard as "heaven" or their "true home", simply because they can experience anything they can possibly imagine at will, without the needs of "money", "work" and all those other typical trappings and dark and insidious instruments of control of human society.

Astral residents will linger there at that Vibratory Frequency until they have fully satiated all materially motivated desires, infatuations, addictions and ultimately all concepts accumulated as a result of Earth life experience, which experiences are eventually recognised and assimilated as the illusions or "delusions" they really are.

Journey of the Personality to the Individuality of Higher Self continues with a unique package of Experience contributing to the Whole potential Individuality that the Higher Self represents at that stage of Evolution, on the path of Evolving Spiritual "I" within the context of All of Universal Mind Principle which is always Perfect.

Higher Self knows precisely the nature of Experiences required of each "missionary", temporal personality - fragment of it-Self - in order to achieve the level of "completeness" and therefore of Perfection and Evolution required to complete this initial phase of the great Path, to move on to greater roles and experiences.

Our Higher Self, and therefore We, always chose our parents, and our own children likewise chose us, so always treat each other with the greatest Love and respect, while keeping in Mind that "age" is utterly meaningless. Our own kids, while we may perceive them as "children", may well be far more Spiritually "advanced" than us.

This is particularly true during this Transitional Epoch where numerous Spiritually highly advanced children are being born to assist parents and humanity through their particular abilities, very often through the medium of Music and the Arts, and others.

As mentioned earlier, a useful metaphor that may assist in the understanding of this process of "concurrent incarnation" is that of a wooden cart wheel, with its hub and outer rim connected by its spokes.
Consider then the physical Universe which is recognised as being constituted of "matter" as the outer rim of the wheel, Higher Self as the hub, and with each Personality or "incarnation" being represented by each distinct spoke in the wheel.

Even as you read this you, as your Higher Self, may be experiencing alternative concurrent "incarnations" as, for example, a Neanderthal women, a medieval gentleman land owner, a teenage soldier in the trenches of the first world war, an
Egyptian Queen, or numerous other such "role playing games" - all in the same Eternal Moment of Now. For this is all they are - games - with the Freewill to play.

We are not aware of this situation simply because each Personality experiences each distinct but related incarnation through the mediation of the individual Conscious Ego Mind, which has a sort of "firewall" between other aspects of self, which actually represents only a very tiny subset of the "Higher" Individual Self.

Each individual incarnation is "firewalled" from the other at the normal level of conscious awareness in order to prevent the possibility of any cross-influencing of incarnations, which would have the potential to compromise or even corrupt them.

The Personal Ego Mind of each personality is bound by the current temporal experience as it relates to the human concept and perception of "time" and "space" which it willingly chooses to subscribe to.
Only Higher Self has a complete perspective over all concurrent incarnations, which, in any case Higher Self sees only as "circumstances" with experiential potential or opportunities, but never within "ages" in the "history" of Earth or other planet. Higher Self is not concerned with "time", only the opportunity for Evolutionary Potential.

As each personality, incarnation, Ego concludes its mission on Earth, the organic body "dies" and the Ego, the Personality - the Soul - leaves the physical shell they once used and identified with on Earth, to begin the journey back to the Individual "I", Higher Self.

Upon reaching Higher Self, the package of experience, to the extent it has been attained, is then assimilated to the Whole Self Higher Self Individuality, Which thus expands and accordingly becomes more "Evolved" and Complete in the only objective of progression beyond the material incarnational process, and to attain a more Complete Spiritual "I". In Buddhism for example, this is transcending Samsara.

Meaningful Experience is only viable when gained in an autonomous context.
This is what gives rise to the apparent experience of an "individual" life on Earth without any apparent greater "meaning" or context, although there is of course always a greater meaning that we may be oblivious to when materially focussed.

So returning to the main issue of our discourse on the nature of "Reality" - as a human on Earth, for now - we are simply experiencing a Personal sphere of conscious awareness, independent of concurrent experiences of our Individuality, through the mediation of the Ego, within the context of a notional "timeline, bound by the organic brain, five physical senses, in turn both generated and "coloured" by the Ego Mind in accordance with the nature of our own ongoing thoughts, feelings, emotions, expectations, beliefs, prejudices, ideas, pre-conceptions, societal experiences and other spheres of Conscious Mind Principle. The paper, The Quantum Matrix, available for download at our website explains this in more detail.

Before continuing we should, in the interest of completeness, re-visit the role of the temporal illusion we know as "time" in the context of temporal human experience.
"Time" as humans know and experience it simply does not exist except to the extent it is perceived to be experienced and believed to exist. "Time" cannot be measured or quantified in isolation - it is a mechanical concept and idea. Time is not a constant.

Time, to the extent in which it is experienced at all, is entirely subjective and never objective. Even the subjectivity is relative to the perspective of the experience.
Humans attempt to reduce "time" to an objective experience by arbitrarily introducing methods of measurement based upon the relationships between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. This apparent infatuation with what in reality is no more than a "concept" has wrought all manner of confusion and misery upon humanity, and is still the basis of much confusion and misunderstanding - particular within mainstream sciences who, for the most part, live within the context of a material, space-time Newtonian three dimensional, physical, material paradigm.

In reality there is no "time" - there is no "space" there is only the Present Moment of Now - Which is Eternal. There is no-thing else. The Universe "happens" Now.
If we were to place ourselves in a permanently illuminated - or darkened - room without windows, clocks or other mechanical means of measuring "time" - what happens to our perception of "time"? Very quickly we have no idea what "minute", "hour", "day", "month" or year it is. We can guess of course, but we would invariably be wrong due to lack of mechanical "reference points". As our isolation progresses, any best guesses" about "time", "date", "year" would become increasingly flawed.

Once we remove all the mechanical human reference points, "time" immediately becomes meaningless and subjective rather than objective - but even that is duality.
Even if the best scientists in the world were placed in a room, with no external windows or other modes of reference, and then allowed them access to any scientific instruments and computers of their choosing, except for clocks and other means of measuring "time", then these scientists would not be able to define or quantify time.

The amino acid based neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate human sleep and waking cycles - known as the "circadian rhythm" - melatonin, serotonin for example - would reset, resulting in a loss of all orientation with the previous concept of "time".

Such people without a reference to "time" may become disoriented and even distressed - perhaps ultimately psychotic.
If we lived on a different planet, of a different size, with a different speed of rotation, distance from its "Sun", with or without one or more "moons" - Jupiter for example - then our "clocks" and "calendars" were thus calibrated - they would look completely different. Yet - we would still live in the same physical Universe subject to the same Absolute Universal Principles, but measurement and concept of "time" would be unrecognisable. So time, like space, is all relative, to the extent they exist at all.

To conclude then, this temporary, temporal experience on Earth, conveniently called a "lifetime" is neither the beginning or the end of the Great Path, but rather just one tiny fraction of a much greater journey, which only really begins once Higher Self is
complete - at that level - and then, and only then, may the true Journey begin, equipped with the necessary "tools" with which to embark on such a Great Journey.

Every "lifetime" on Earth should be lived to the fullest - as it if where the last.
Every Moment Should Be Lives As If Matters - It Truly Does - Every Single Moment.
Every Moment spent serving self is a Moment wasted.

Every Moment Dedicated To Love, Compassion, Giving, Caring, Service To Others, Unconditionally, Without Any Thought Of Self, Is A Moment Gained.
Such Is The Way Of The Universe And Path To God, Source, The Divine.
One Ultimate Truth though is certain, Dear Reader.

All That Is - Came From Divine Love - And With Divine Love - It Must Conclude.
This IS what we are here to Express and Become. No matter how "many" lifetimes.


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  • You are very welcome Darkstar!

    Much love, light and PEACE,



  • It's great to see that things are changing.  Thanks for the info Meindert.

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