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The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
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Your right, people are changing and I see it and experience this everyday. I think people want to be positive and make the world a safer place now.
Good post Adam, thanks for an intelligent and comfortable conversation.
Yeah there will be a split, some will race, others will walk. But all will respect each other's choices.
It really comes down to respecting the law of free will and that will come from within, it's being demonstrated to us ever more how important that law really is. The more we use our 3rd density approach, the more we are pushed and pulled to realize we can't continue using those old ways.
(All the people that constantly draw negative reactions from others, are being told that their particular approach does not work any more. And this is a situational thing, most people of sound psychological health change their approach to different topics they answer to/events they are involved in and while they may really grate people on certain things/places/events, they do the opposite with others. In other words everyone is being shown, at their own pace, the best way forward, the best way how to be the best they can be.)
It's not by chance that that singular law, the first law of Creation, just so happens to be missing from all religious texts, only being found in the esoteric teachings. It's so, so that the people could realize it (and its importance) from within, instead of treating it as say one of the Judaic 10 commandments - something enforced upon a person. The gulf between the two approaches and their subsequent results is what we are being pushed to realize.
And as you can see from this website and all around the world in the larger arena of the many human endeavors, its not easy, it's a subtle thing, it takes fine tuning. Even if you know about the law its importance intellectually.
It's ultimately pushing people to realize that they must make the journey back into their high heart.
The inner transformation of the individual, creating a being in perfect harmony with their environment.
I share both your vision for a beautiful future, and your optimism. People are doing so well, I'm immensely proud to be here at this time.
Namaste, Brother. Enjoy the fireworks :P
I hate to break it to you....but no matter how dirty you fight, or how many weapons u have, a physical civil war would be like playing right into the governments hands, they would lower population swiftly and put the living fighters under lock and key. I would still fight for my family and friends safety if i had to though dont get me wrong. Its a mind game with them, a psychic war, always was.
u fight by taking control of your reality again, taking ownership and responsability for your life, if u dont need government to live your life, or survive then u have won and others will embrace this way of life. Use your mind as a weapon, words, thoughts, dreams and visions ultimately change the world, all actions stem from thought forms, and words.
If u have an idea or vision clearly in mind and u believe in it, while u work toward your vision the physical aspects needed to create it as reality will come together as long as you still believe in your vision. It may be faster and easier than u imagined, if u have people sharing in your vision it will happen even faster and easier. Life is but a dream....the future is like a fully lucid dream that we create as we live it.
Thanks for your positive message. We will need all the positive energy one can muster in regards to 2013. This will be a year of unfortunate noted conflict between government and society with the final Uranus and Pluto square taking place, regardless of how "untrendy" this conflict may be viewed by the mainstream media. And this technical conflict will take place despite efforts of those who vist this site and who have never studied physics or astronomy, but actually have the incredible kahonees to try to use their untested knowledge of these sciences (that they know nothing about) against the people who visit this site in an attempt to evolve to a higher plane (and who are now being risked into being labeled as a population of having a mental illness. Once that happens, then you can't own a weapon to defend yourself. This is the game these people played in Hitler's Germany, Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, Pol Pot Cambodia, Castro Cuba, New York, New York, San Francisco, California, and Chicago, Illinois). AGAIN: you have been warned.
Best, Malcolm
P.S. Don't laugh.
The barking and control only has the power you let it have over you and your life. We were all born to create our reality as we live life, not made to fit a mould of reality which is layed out by beings who dont have our best intrests in mind. We have been tricked into creating a reality where we are seen as cattle or money. The collective reality we all create is changing as our perceptions and awareness are changing, especially regarding love, respect and unity within our diversity as a race. I think the illuminatti is beginning to feel real fear, and humanity is feeling more powerfull as a race, sheer numbers of us are uncontrollable if we rise up, say no more, thats all it would take.