Magenta Pixie
The Wayshowers are called to change, adapt and transform the way they present their teachings and creations in accordance and in alignment with the new non-linear reality and multidimensional time fields.
Rainbow Light Codes Activation - Galactic Core Alignment 21/12/12 - The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine through Magenta Pixie
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Check out the moves on this dude, he sure knows how to cut a rug .. lol ..
Pretty colors, nothing more. All of this stuff is just another way to live in a fantasy world. There is nothing good on the outside, and there probably never will be.
whatever is outside comes from whatever is inside .. and each person creates their own reality .. so it can be good for those who project good from what is inside them .. if there is nothing good on the outside, then change what thoughts and feelings you have going on in the inside.. your perspective.
in my opinion, there is a lot of good on the outside.
Now that was a beautiful video. My love and gratitude for sharing this. <3 <3