The following article by Mike Adams was transcribed verbatim from: ways to improve your health and happiness in 2010Wednesday, January 13, 2010by Mike Adams, the Health RangerEditor of The New Year is upon us, and for many people, it includes a New Year's resolution for achieving improved health and happiness in 2010. Here are twenty-five health-enhancing ideas to help you accomplish that goal.#1 - Replace sodas or soft drinks with tea or water.#2 - Commit to eating one raw fruit (or serving of vegetables) at every meal.#3 - Add just 5 minutes a day to your exercise routine. Don't have an exercise routine? Start with 5 minutes a day!#4 - Get more sunshine!#5 - Learn some Pilates. It's probably the #1 exercise system for core strength and flexibility.#6 - Drink a superfood smoothie every day.#7 - Buy more indoor plants: They purify the air in your home.#8 - Take a quality, wild-harvested fish oil supplement that contains vitamin D.#9 - Eat more quinoa: It's a high-protein, low-carb "grain" that can easily replace rice or couscous.#10 - When you get out of bed each morning, do five sit-ups first. It sounds simple, but just 5 sit-ups a day can make a difference.#11 - Instead of trying to find a parking spot so close to the grocery store, park farther away. You'll get a little more walking exercise and a little more sunshine.#12 - Get a good water filter so you can stop drinking tap water (or bottled water).#13 - Pick up a "gentle" art like Tai-Qi or Yoga. It will reduce your stress and improve your physical stamina.#14 - Take a relaxing hot bath with epsom salts and soothing herbs like lavender. It will do wonders for your mind and your muscles.#15 - Get a professional massage! Massage therapy is really, really healthy, and it's a great way to reward yourself for some of the other accomplishments you're making.#16 - Grow your own sprouts! With a simple, low-cost sprouting machine, you can grow and eat your own sprouts. Eating just one ounce of sprouts a day still had a huge impact on preventing cancer and boosting immune function.#17 - Prepare for a Spring garden. Sure, it's cold and snowy right now, but make a commitment to start a garden this Spring, and you'll reap many health benefits in the months ahead.#18 - Get a mini-trampoline and do some rebounding in your living room. You can even watch movies or documentary DVDs at the same time.#19 - Make a point to get at least eight hours of sleep for 2-3 nights a week (or more, if you can). Most people are sleep deprived, and the health cost is enormous.#20 - Start visiting local farmer's markets so that you eat more local food in 2010. You'll be healthier and happier as a result.#21 - Got a job you don't like? Quit it! Downgrade your lifestyle to live on less money, then pursue what you really enjoy. Being happy in a small house is better than being miserable in a big one.#22 - Get off those medications! Make a point to learn how to safely and gradually get yourself off all the medications you can by eliminating underlying imbalances or illnesses. The fewer medications you take, the healthier you'll be!#23 - Throw out your television! Are you still watching cable TV or satellite TV? It's a complete waste of your life (but you already knew that). Disconnect the cable. Read more books and get your information online where news sources are more independent and intelligent.#24 - Make a decision to think of food as nourishment instead of entertainment. Eat what your body needs, not what your taste buds desire.#25 - Teach others how to be healthy! The more you talk with others about healthy habits, the more you'll follow them yourself. :-)That's it! I hope you enjoyed these 25 ideas for improving your health in 2010 (and beyond).Of course, one of the best ways to keep improving your health in 2010 is to keep reading NaturalNews! We'll be bringing you more natural cures, herbal remedies and self-care tips throughout 2010.I'm personally looking forward to sharing a great year with you!

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  • I read number one, literally, as I was opening my Pepsi.
  • nice post, Thanks!

    #1 - been on soda rummage, It leaves feeling of acids on my throat. Back to filtered water.
    #4 - I've started spending some minutes sun bathing in the afternoon. different and good it feels after years of no direct sunlight of staying just inside our home. it is really like being recharged.
    #22 - I stopped using medications years ago when I've learn that illnesses just healed naturally and begone days later. Instead I use natural remedies found on the internet. one instance saves me my tooth. I don't like dentist.
    #23 - no matter how much I dislike the noise in the TV, I can't throw it off even when I want to. my family loves watching tv specially at noon and evening tv marathon. I really hate it.
    • Good on ya, Yowan!
      #23 - I won't get rid of my TV either; I watch a lot of uplifting/useful documentaries and feel-good/happy ending comedies/romance comedies, as well as great music on the music channel.
      #22 - I agree with you 100%.
      #4 - Good one! Vitamin D from sunlight prevents a lot of illnesses, including cancer.
      #1 - Great idea!
      Abundant blessings to you.
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