
I am surfing at the beach in Puerto Rico,thinking i would love to own a beach bar at Waikiki Hawaii.Now when i was a kid in Belgium i used to spend 2 month of summer vacation at the beach in a place called Knokke,i remember telling this lady we used to rent the beach chairs from that 1 day i would own one of these beach chair renting places.Then a few years after i moved from Puerto Rico back to Belgium i am at the beach in Knokke looking at a beach chair renting places called Cedric's Waikiki.Question is how did this happen?from the day i mentioned this to the lady in Belgium to the time i went and saw it there is a time spand of 28 years.anny theory on this?The guy who owns the place is called Cedric and has a lot of similarities with me..I have noticed that people who have the same name tend to be in the same job description or in the same situations,Next to this i have noticed that people seem to live their name.

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  • No cleu .. not so mutch into lemuria and Atlantis...just know that in my out of body experiences i do not stick around.Pitty i never remember where i go after entering this huge wormhole.
  • It is strange ,the place is called Cedric's Waikkiki Beach,and it is funny bc i used to think i would end up in Waikkiki Hawaii..But you might be right it looks like i was on track,but then changed my mind.
    • 1) The universe is energy so are toughts and dreams,this energy is universal so i geuss this other Cedric tapped into it like i did but made it real before i could do it. 2) The soul has the ability to be in more than 1 body,depending on what this souls journey is at that time,so maybe him and me are 1 soul in 2 bodies.3) Someone told me on this matter that i should be carefull with my dreams and toughts,so they do not get stolen. This is for now what i would make out off it...:))))
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