There has been much talk lately about " 3 Days of Darkness" this event is supposed to be the fork in the road so to speak for the ascenders and the "lucky ones" who get the privilege to be left behind. During the crucifixion of Jesus, it was recorded that the sky went black at high noon. However, it was not told as to how that happened. Not to long ago it was revealed that a ship eclipsed the sun as a sign to the people that they had did a very terrible thing. Now, a channeler by the name of "Candace" who speaks for Christ Michael states...
"...The craft to eclipse the sun has been behind the sun and ready for some time, close and easy. We have begun to move it more "forward"...
you can read more juicy info here..
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So maybey when planet X passes between the earth and sun then darkness....if you believe their is a planet X that is.
Every sunsystem has a "planet X" , but Nibiru isn´t the real planet X.
Our sunsystem is being towed to another location in Nebadon, within an eternal energystream.
Nibiru will never be near us again, this is dark created propaganda.
The 3DD will be implemented with help of a ship placed in between Earth and the sun.
Ogidoo , the people on Earth needs a awakening.
It will not be pitch black , but people will have to ponder that this might be God in work.
The ministasis in the middle of the 3DD will be used to remove the thugs and many others to prepare for the coming teaching period.
The media will be taken over by Starfleet , and the truth will be presented to the people.
I will celebrate when the 3DD arrives, thats for sure.
Please don´t confuse this event with the dark created Dec 21.
I am not a believer too much in Adundant Hope or Candice and all that she talks about. All I know is that I have countlessly dreamed about being in total oppressive darkness for a long time, and in the dream I was praying with all my heart for God or the angels to save me, but I was not afraid really because I somehow knew that the darkness was going to come and that I would be ok as long as I believed that we would all be ok as long as we stayed with the light and believed in love. Weird I had this dream since I was a teenager and I just stumbled upon the Abundant Hope site a couple of years ago and wondered why it talked about three days of really caught my eye. I have had reoccuring dreams a lot in my life, and then I would stumble upon a site that would talk about things I have dreamed and then it makes me wonder why I dream the things I do...prophetic, future life recall, I don't know. It just puzzles me.
could be Deja vu. if you believe in such a thing.
Yes! you are so true!. you can take it how you want but you cannot say no one ever told you about this.
@Ogdoo .yea, I personally wouldn't be qualified to give a deeper explanation ..:-). Not my area of expertise. I just found it interesting enough to post..:-)
No I don't ;). But I'm just curious about this, I still don't know why this would be needed. Even if it happens I'm sure it won't affect my life, a little darkness and some dried fruit is not something I would lay myself down and die from xD hahaha
well IF it does happen it will affect everyone on the planets life.
That does not help me a bit to understand why it would be needed. Does it have something to do with the ascension? Really darkness and shutting down will help us? I can't fit this together unless I get a detailed explanation why it would be necessary.