Well, this is technically "old news", yet it describes the pending actions to come for all to look and determine for them selves..


Update on the Three Days of Darkness  (3DD)

Aug. 20, 2012

Christ Michael thru Candace





Dearly Beloveds, this is Christ Michael and an update is due.


The time is close. We give no dates but I am here to update today about a small change of plans that will affect you. The craft to eclipse the sun has been behind the sun and ready for some time,  close and easy. We have begun to move it more "forward".


Now,  because folks are NOT aware of what is planned,  and most are NOT listening within, the 3DD   will start with a partial eclipse of the sun.  This will last for about 24 hours so that everyone can prepare for something coming. It gives "notice".   There are many countries in which the news will cooperate during this time, but some don't plan on it. I think the pressure will require it, when the whole world notices an unexpected partial eclipse and wonders WHY.


The eclipse will look somewhat different than a partial eclipse by the moon.  You will NOT see a huge round  dark disk as the method is different but it will be obvious and certainly much more obvious that this is not NIBIRU or any such other thing, in the method we will use.  You will not see a gradual eclipse forming.  Due to the method used, it will be sudden.


At the end of the 3DD there will be another 24 hours of similar events.  The electricity will be turned off shortly after the total eclipse is manifest but not before.  And hopefully most news stations around the world will be making that statement about the electricity, so people can prepare some sort of lighting in their homes. People will be advised to GO HOME.  For those traveling, home would be of course the hotel or whatever other temporary arrangements are being used.  ALL aircraft will be landed during these first 24 hours, we will see to that.


Countries are being encouraged to bring ships into port, and this has been out for a time to leadership, but not much seriousness has been taken by some players on the world stage. Generally however,  the big boats make their own electricity and will be fine and smaller ones, if the people are so dumb to not come in to port, and have no way to generate heat or light, it is their problem.


Hospitals of course will make scarce use of electric generators and hopefully during the initial 24 hours will send stable patients home.  Ditto other circumstances.  Since most businesses require electricity, everyone is going home, there is no need to run any services except for emergency needs.


This is WELL planned beloveds.  Do not fear.  But we will not be dropping flashlights to people.  They will be challenged to manage.  Of course native types will get thru it fine.  There is still the mini stasis during this.   All intelligent animals will be in stasis, those requiring human care.  We do not let cows go un-milked, they go to sleep too. This is but one simple example.


The mini-stasis will last at least one week and likely more.  Those of you coming aboard during the mini-stasis will be lifted on our schedules devised.  Generally shortly after the electricity goes off, but will fluctuate according to local circumstances.


We need those of course in the know, to be working with those who are going to be afraid.  If you can have some sort of extra candles, flashlights and batteries that might be useful to share.  MANY are NOT needed, one per house is enough, as to flashlights, you chose on candles.    It is not hard to get thru 3 days without  electricity and in the dark, but it is made easier if the house has some sort of lighting to find the way to bathrooms and the like.  It will NOT be pitch black in the day time.  The sun's corona extends a fair distance from the sun and the corona will not be completely blocked, so it will not be pitch black in the daytime, but more like a heavy dusk.


You can assure people that its fine to go outside and look out windows. It is the thugs who put out that one needs holy candles and must stay inside flat on the floor in prayer. People will be in prayer though, I assure you.


Where media will cooperate, this will be told in fact.  People will be given some time to get small amounts of lighting to find their way in the dark. That is truly all that will be needed anyway, except in hospitals, and nursing homes and most all of them do have generators.


Anything to make light will work as long as its not on the grid.   Most people with solar electricity and battery storage may have some light and it will be friendly of these who do,  anyone with generators also, to invite neighbors in.  There will be NO removals during the darkness.  That occurs ONLY during the mini-stasis which is scheduled in the middle of the period of darkness.


The 24 hours of fading eclipse afterwards, allows the grid to be gradually brought back on line and the increase in natural light then will encourage those "left behind" to begin gathering and dealing with what has happened.


Many of our team are to be lifted, including those not known to AH who have roles in this.  These ones will all help during that 24 hours of "half light" after the 3 days are over, and  many of them will be triggered into action in the preliminary 24 hours. Most of the ones brought up shortly after the darkness starts, will be returned a few hours before the end of the darkness.


Now, during the mini-stasis, the plant and animal life NEEDS the sun and the planet cannot be allowed to cool to much, so of course the eclipsing craft will be moved so the sun can shine.  And then the craft moved back when the mini-stasis is over.   With the two "half light" days,  this makes a total of 5 days plus the mini-stasis.


As soon as it is visually obvious the sun is partly occluded, you in the know, go to work.  Some of you may awaken even to news in the morning if this starts during your individual sleep cycles.  This 1/2 "light" initial day also provides a powerful motive to some of the dark to clean up their act, but it mostly so ones can prepare as best they can.  It will make the shock and awe LESS.


Plan now accordingly and simply LIVE until the time happens.  These 3 days are generally done on any planet  where possible in the seasons of fall and spring, or the approaching of those times, so the planetary people do not have to deal with so much cold of winter months.   Your southern hemisphere is beginning to warm, generally speaking. And the food is near harvest, in the north.   Man will be busy with harvest as appropriate after this is over.


This is more than enough and should probably be the last update that will be needed.  In great love of you ones who serve AbundantHope, my 2nd Coming Organization,   Christ Michael.




This piece is under copyright protection of  http://www.abundanthope.net It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site.  It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link.  Thankyou, Candace.





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  • Hi Auorix,Drunvalo Melchizedek speaks of it since 1998 even earlier (just different wording): here the link: http://www.in5d.com/drunvalo-melchizedek-the-shift.html
    to me even if a minority of Urantia People are raised they awareness, the shift may not happened at all ... allowing others to catch up with the program ... ;) Evolution - is very jumpy thing, nobody knows when or how, it just happens - Based on this article:http://humansarefree.com/2011/04/amazing-scientists-our-dna-is-muta...  - we still jumping forward.

    • Thanks! great info..:-0

  • @Starstud..... :)

    I'd avoid anything to do with 'abundanthope' everything on that site is a load of rubbish and utter twaddle, I've browsed the site in depth and it is not what it appears on the surface...



    • @LightBeing...everything on that site is not rubbish..you are just looking at one section of the entire site!..there is news and other writings..the site is huge!..

      • Apart from the odd link to some very nice music on YouTube, it is a pile of rubbish and I have not just looked one section of it, I’ve trawled though the utter ‘tosh’ and it is not what it appears on the surface. Simple as!

        It’s entirely up to you what you believe in, it’s all of your own free will, but I would not hold any credence to any thing that is said on that site, if you can really see beyond what you are seeing, you would understand exactly where I was coming from.

        And yes the site is big, a big pile of Elephant Poop.

        There is some utter 'tosh' on this site at times, but i'd take this one over that anytime.

        • @Lightbeing

          Well, why don´t you share your sources of truth with us?

          I must say that your blindness makes me stunned.

        • @LightBeing..so the section on health and nutrition is a pile of rubbish?..The story how continued cell phone use increased the risk of brain tumors...??

          Its worth something to some..you can only see through your own two eyes.

  • Some Christians are claiming that this is what took place when Jesus gave up the spirit and descended into the deepest darkest pits of hell and arose on the third day. And he said we would have to follow in the same manner.

    • @ljwheat...it is written that the sun went black at high noon. It lasted for one hour. The sources that speak on how it happened were E.T.  It is done with a ship.

      • thanks, interesting.

This reply was deleted.

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