3 Things You Must Know About The Profound 12/12 Full Moon
By Melanie Beckler
Blessings, What a joy to step into this sacred season together yesterday with the 12/12 Ascension Gateway of Light!
And now... The acceleration continues. Coming up very quickly now, on December 15th we have the final Full Moon of 2024!
Sometimes called the Cold Moon, or the "Moon before Yule" this is a key point of energy shift and an entrance into the accelerated completion of 2024.
Are you ready for it?
This Full Moon carries the 1212 -1221 Ascension Codes which means there's a profound opportunity for spiritual growth and accelerated transformation...
But with this there's also the BIG illumination of whats been suppressed in shadow, no longer serves and needs to be transformed.
Learn what this Full Moon energy means for you and how to tune into the opportunities and overcome the challenging aspects here and now.
With love and bright blessings,
Video Link: 3 Things You Must Know About The Profound 12/12 Full Moon
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