Richard Boylan, Ph.D., M.S. Ed, MSW, B.A. is an Educator-Researcher specializing in Star Kids and Star Seed adults, is an emeritus Professor of Psychology, a star-cultures Anthropologist, a retired Clinical Psychologist, Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist, Hypnotherapist, and is Earth's Councillor (representative) to/from Star Nations Council.Signs That a Child (or Adult) May Be a Star Kid/ (Star Seed)byRichard Boylan, Ph.D.10.04.11 (rev)Many astute observers, including teachers, parents, child development specialists, and pediatricians have noticed that over the last few decades a dramatic change has been happening in the children and young adults they deal with. These newer children and young adults are brighter but in often non-traditional ways. They grow up faster both physically and mentally. They tackle problems and school subjects in often unconventional ways that work but often leave the on-looker baffled. They are more naturally spiritual but less interested in church-going religion. They abhor violence and tend towards compassion for suffering and misfortune. They often have a fascination with space and life elsewhere, and many feel a connection to other worlds and their peoples as “home” and “family”.These are the Star Kids, and the Star Seed adults.A Star Kid may be defined as a child with both human and Star Visitor origins.The Star Visitor contribution to the child's makeup may come from:1) Star Visitor genes spliced into the human parent's reproductive material, (genetic engineering);2) from a deliberately-chosen “missionary” incarnation of an Star Visitor into a human body to accomplish important work here, bringing useful awareness and competencies; or,3) from a “Walk-In” situation in which a human somewhere during childhood or later on begins to die from an accident or serious illness, but the departing human spirit/soul/personality is simultaneously replaced by a Star Visitor spirit/soul/personality, which carries on providing the life-force and completes the lifetime, and imbues that human with advanced abilities.These descriptions also apply to those who are Star Seed adults.Some Star Kids do not yet remember any Star Visitor contact until a later time in their life.These children are special, as their sometimes bewildered and bemused parents know all too well. They often seem to be little adults in children's bodies. And they often have a gaze and a knowingness that belies their years.Many years of continuing Star Visitor biological engineering in an ongoing effort to upgrade the Human race have resulted in children whose heads are now often so big that a Caesarian section, or at least an episiotomy, is the only way they can be born. But even though increased cranial size is a rough index of intelligence, even more important is the qualitative increase in Human development. Such areas include: enhanced psychic abilities, the ability to harness bioenergetic (chi, prana) energy and earth and cosmic forces to heal, and telepathic and intuitive linking with others and with Source Consciousness.One of the most common, if mundane, characteristics of these Star Kids is that often they will cause a street lamp (especially the amber sodium vapor type) to go out when they walk by. This is due to the influence of their body’s bioelectromagnetic field, which has been “amped-up” as a result of contact with the Star Visitors.These children display skills, such as: telepathy (mental communication), precognition (knowing the future), telekinesis (moving objects by mental concentration), clairvoyance/remote viewing (mentally seeing things distant in space or time), "downloading" information (from off-planet consciousnesses), cross-species communication, penetrating intuitiveness (just "knowing" something without being told), affecting electrical devices (e.g., devices turn on or blow out as the kid goes by), remote-influencing others (telepathically), inter-dimensional viewing, aura-reading (learning about another's health, intentions, etc. by observing the energy field surrounding them), psychic diagnosis ("reading" the person's energy field fluctuations), psychic or bioenergetic healing (transferring helpful energy to a person), invisibility work (making self "invisible" (mentally), teleportation (moving self or object from one locale to another by mental effort), levitation (rising from the ground by mental effort), mental influencing (telepathically causing another to "feel" like doing something the Star Kid wants) , earth energy adjustment work, time dilation or contraction (causing events, trips, etc. to take longer or shorter time than ordinary), pre-sensitivity to earthquakes or human disasters like car crashes, interdimensional awareness, astral (out-of-body) travel, channeling (serving as a conduit for a person not present to speak through), shared consciousness (with a Star Visitor guide), operating in close mental connection with their Star Visitor guides, and physically summoning and connecting with one's Star-Visitor and other guardians.These children embody physical changes that even they often recognize, such as: robust immunity development (most Star Kids have hardly any flus or bad colds), or, some Star Kids go the alternate path. These alternate-path Star Kids are highly sensitive to environmental contaminants, the sensitivity expressed as allergies, and have low digestive tolerance for certain substances (for instance, cannot tolerate dairy products, are mildly allergic to even whole-wheat products, and find meat-eating repulsive) , and develop disorders (labeled as "Asperger's", ot "Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity") which suggest a partial incompatibility between their neurological wiring and the nervous system of regular Humans. And these Star Kids also often have lower basal temperature (for example, instead of 98.6 degrees F, a body temperature of 96.8 F, thus meaning that the body is consumed less rapidly by metabolic forces.)These kids are also notable for their knowing gaze, mature outlook, and appealing dynamic appearance (Star Kids), which most often turns out later in life as looking younger than one’s years (as adult Star Seeds).These Star Kids are not just psi-savants, but recognize the importance of spiritual connection to Source in reverent consciousness. They also share spiritual insights, explore the connections between the physical (e.g., quartz crystal), the metaphysical (e.g., thought energy), and the spiritual (e.g., creating and transmitting the intention to do good deeds to those in need). They reverence and utilize spiritual prayer, and respect the underlying spiritual truth in ceremonies from various cultures.They most often are imbued with a missionary zeal to make people wake up to their highest and best potential. These Star Kids also want to change the world for the better, be it by working for peace, by spreading compassion and kind deeds, by working to heal the Earth’s pollution injuries, or telling people about a larger family we have out among the stars.These are some of the ways in which a Star Kid may be recognized.If you know a Star Kid, invite him/her and their parents to consider coming to one of the Star Kids Workshops© we are conducting, where they will meet other Star Kids and Star Seeds, and learn more about their special origin, current or future mission, and the future about to unfold.Our next Star Kids/Star Seeds Workshop will be shaping up soon. Contact me for details. drboylan@outlook.comPostscript: There may be some confusion in some people’s minds as to whether the Star Kids are the same as what have been called “Indigo Children” or “Crystal Children”.As described by the people who produced the “Indigo Children” label, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, Indigoes are basically children who have attentional, hyperactive or behavioral problems but are quite smart, have strong leadership drive, and are impatient with and have difficulty conforming to dysfunctional social structures, which causes frustration for their parents and teachers. Indigo children are supposed to have an indigo-colored aura.“Crystal Children” is another label attempting to describe the new generation of psychic and sensitive children now being born, describing them as intuitive, telepathic, and possessing opalescent multi-hued auras.In my view, the “Indigo” and “Crystal” labels are sincere attempts to describe the markedly different children growing up now among us. However, neither label speaks to the partial star heritage of these children. Such an omission is not trivial. The Star Visitors are a key factor in our past and origin, and their coming return en masse will be an historic element of our near future. The Star Kids are coming in now because the Star Visitors have taken compassion on our situation, and are helping arrange that the young ones being born now include the brightest and best. That is why I have found that the best descriptor for them is Star Kids.Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLCBehavioral scientist, researcher, educator, CouncillorPresident, Star Kids Project, LtdAuthor: Star Kids: the Emerging Cosmic GenerationPost Office Box1009, Diamond Springs, California 95619, United States of America.E-mail: drboylan@outlook.comWebsite: www.drboylan.comYou are invited to join my (free) on-line group, UFOFacts2, which carries my reports plus members’ messages and their reports. You join by sending an email to:UFOFacts2-subscribe@yahoogroups.comOnce you get a message about your membership being active, you can send your messages to: UFOFacts2@yahoogroups.comRichard Boylan, Ph.D., CouncillorRichard Boylan, Ph.D., LLCdrboylan@outlook.comwww.drboylan.comPOB 1009, Diamond Springs, CA 95619-1009To join my on-line interactivegroup, UFOFacts2, send one subscribing email to:

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  • Lovely Jubbly ...I am one of them ...YeeeeHaaaa
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