5th dimension? Really?

I had a bit of difficulties where I should post this discussion and decided to start it under this category.

I'm lost.

I mean... I am happy, I have family, my dad, my mom, and I love them! 

My point is... if I have happy life, friends, girlfriend...

then why I need to raise any frequency or contact with E.T.?

I know this is important for many of you. So, simply why? I have given for mother-earth and had something in return. Still, I see signs of "spiritual patch" Which is one thing I'm thinking about. Like appearance of 108, events fitting with other events. Puzzle is not ready, its always getting more simply, thou it's very beautifull to see pieces fitting together.

My primary question is: Why we need to do this? Live our life on some rock circling around infinity?

Feeling pain while bulding some beautifull and enjoyable? Life is... It is building. Be carefull. If you make even small mistake that building would collapse. And I am not talking about phycsial building I'm talking about Trust, Friendship, Family.

Yes, life is incredible. Be honest, dont lie, be yourself. Haters gonna hate lovers gonna love.



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  • Its very interesting never saw life as a "puzzle"

    but in the past months I have seen how you "improve" other people life by improving YOUR own life


    many times we are teached to act in a certain way, like in my culture uruguayan, to complain always to others  and I have found myself how that injured people around me and the most awfull yourself, when I started to inmediatly change attitudes,people around reacted in just a second, the guides allways tell me I am a sort of "beacon" of my life and others, ANYONE is an example of life and to all and the butterfly effect, no matter how many people (even my family) denies it, it exists and is INMEDIATE


    if you are a good nice person, if you think negative of you thought like I was doing to me people will treat you BAD "trying" to "help" you, after I changed, everyone understood me,they were not ignoring me because they wanted to.... I was asking them to do it


    if people would realices how much effect has change our world would be so different

  • only if you feel called to raise your frequency

    if you are called then do so and if you don't feel the call then don't

    i raise my frequency to connect to the divine, because that is where for me all and everything resides.....

    for me the 5th dimension is the unitive life

    feather winger is correct our raising of frequency..... especially for me is not about me and my happy life what I can get from anyone else........it is about me and my family especially, me and other people i come in contact with.....if i care for myself and nurture myself others are nurtured......

  • great feather so spot on....

  • Yeah. You make your point, Feather Winger. Thanks for reminding me. There are much people strugling on this planet.
    Like I said, I am little bit confused about "reality", "do we really exist". And should I say: there are no stupid thoughts until you make your point.
    Why we need to live? Huh.
    I believe that there was one consciousness. We are chosen by ourselves to be here, or some force picked us to be here or something.

    And yes Sam Dolin, choices indeed. They make us "human". Our complex chain. Our simple life "to be".

    Love, brothers and sisters. Thanks For being out there.

    • If you don't want to that's your choice
    • No one is telling you to do anything
    • It's all up to what you want to do with your life
    • No one has the right to tell you otherwise
    • Do at your own pace
    • Whatever is your choice, so be it

    We are all on this "rock" and it is what it is. No one knows all the answers. It is a game where each of us finds the answers to existence. And if you think you've done all that you can do, that's great. But I can almost bet you can experience more ;)

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