Hello, I’d like to share a vision that I had in meditation earlier today. It was stellar and one of the most beautiful sights I've ever had! I was looking at it from a little more distant than as if I were standing before her and only lasted for a fraction of a second. It was glowing with a slightly lighter shade of Sapphire Blue and this color was all around her like a blazing aura, sorta like living smoke or even gaseous like. It danced around her, shooting outwards about the distance of her radius and fell back down and moved about again and again, intermingling and flowing throughout and all around her. I said in a gasp of breath and excitement, "HA! That is Gaia!" and then got blasted with a load of loving energies.

I wasn't sure if this is what she looks like right now, or if it was being shown to me as what is coming, but I am very grateful I was shown at all -SO BEAUTIFUL!!! This may have been given to me since I've been thinking about the solar system, our sun, the big blue sun heading our way now and of course pondering, "What does an ascended planet look like, when referred to as a star look like in relationship to our sun?" So, I decided to make this image with my photo editing software. It looks surprisingly accurate of what I saw and with the recent portals opened, Gaia is now opened to a new timeline in which she is both 5D and 3D and will then split again after ascension, so with the “timing” of this vision along with the energetic response I received to what I said, this does suggest it was a sight of 5th dimensional Earth, our “Little Blue Star!” :)

All my love and gratitude and adoration, Jacob

P.S. -Hello my friends, please consider sharing this page, or even just spreading the image below of our Newly Ascending Gaia, as simply looking at this image raises the collective consciousness and brings this beautiful reality into manifestation even sooner! Love and thanks, Jacob




Just so that there is no no further confusion, I'd like to emphasize that this was a vision, which comes from a place unbound by space or time -"timelessness" What I saw was in meditation and it was of our 5D earth. I saw this, because I asked to see it. Furthermore, many of us, including several areas on/in Earth are already in 5D, some are in 4D, and many people are staying in 3D. Many of us light workers/way showers currently aspiring to move forward -those who are meditating every day, are shifting beyond 4D on a regular basis. We light workers are not individually bound by the current ascended dimension of Gaia's body.

As of right now since the 11.11 portals have fully opened up, Gaia has entered into two overlapping timelines; one of which, is a timeline that is headed towards a 5D Earth and the other timeline in which Earth will remain in 3D. I am fully aware that the transition from 4D to 5D will take quite some time for some of us. 

Are you interested in meeting your Star Family? 
Learn my techniques with my Advance Meditation Series!

Also, please check out my most recent Blog on How to Meet Your Star Family - Put The Angel Into Change!

FREE MP3 DOWNLOADS of my Guided Meditations HERE!!!

Please considering “Sharing” this page with your friends and family. Or you can “Like” my website Divine Willpower to help support the collective consciousness as we shift from a linear perspective/experience to a spherical awareness of time. 

For FREE Guidance, Support and Healing Tools, Email anytime through my website HERE.

I also do Remote Magnetic Resonance healing for only $35 per Hour! I am not in this for the money. It is my goal to empower you so that you can become ALL THAT YOU ARE!

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  • Thank you Jacob :) I think this is exactly what I was looking for right now in my life. I give you my greatest gratitude of sharing this and I look forward of exploring all those meditations, hugs dear brother :)

  • I hope to see you all soon as one, what a day that will be.

    Love to you all.


  • Is there anyone here who might assist me.  I feel that someone (spirit, angel, ascended master) is trying to get a specific message across to me.  They keep knock on my house multiple times a time.  I have strange things that are unexplainable around me and they are getting stronger.  My dreams seem more realistic and easier to remember.  I am happier than I have ever been and more in love with the man I am with than anyone I have ever loved.  This love feels so real and it is by far less sexual but the need for sex is almost forgotten due just the extreme euphoric feeling of love and just touching another human.......I have been ascending for months now and I sense that I am above 5D.  I seldom even want to leave home.  But I feel a male presence in my home.  He has been with me for a long time and reminds me occasionally by my smelling a pipe smoking and no one in my home smokes a pipe.  My 4 year old chihuhua is acting so human and more intelligent than any dog I have ever had.  Is there anyone here who can assist me in channeling this spirit to find out who it is and what they need me to know..........I feel the spirit is urgently to get this message and guiding me to confer with someone here.  The spirit does say there there may be at least 3 readers of the blog that may respond. Your assistance would be appreciated and I could oblige you in a channeling and energy work.

    In Love & Light,



    • Get up and answer them when they knock. ;) That's when the real fun starts. Please feel free to email me anytime on my website. ..love Jacob

    • The flow comes naturally, first as a trickle, then increasing in momentum and before you know it you will look back at the past few days and say, "Wow. I'm really channeling now." You didn't notice the beginning because it grew very gradually and slowly. Don't worry. All is proceeding as planned.

  • This looks very similar to the visions I have been having except in mine the earth is within bubbles that are ascending up towards the sun and as they ascend the bubbles birth off they start joining and the ones that are further from the sun start pupping.  Upon each level of ascenion within the bubble the earth become much bluer and greener with many bright beautiful coolers of multiple trees and flowers and as you move in closer to the earth the scenery will be much like a beautiful garden like you may have seen as I have the beautiful Cypress Gardens in Florida...........These  colors are so beautiful and bright and are mesmerating to they eyes and them smells of the plants, trees and flowers are son tantalizing to the senses that elevate you to the level of Euphoria................All the fruits, berries, nuts an all plants will taste so good and make one forget the 3D need to consume meat unless it were like fish or eggs.

  • Thank you FW, Devi, and KATherine, I love that image? Do you happen to have a full size 1920 image of that one?

    ..love Jacob
  • It will be 4D earth, not 5D, GET OVER IT.

    No one will go to 5th dimension without going through the 5th.

    • Dear heart, this was a vision, which comes from a place unbound by space or time -"timelessness" okay. What I saw was in meditation and it was of our 5D earth. I saw this, because I asked to see it. Furthermore, many of us, including several areas on/in Earth are already in 5D, some are in 4D, and many people are staying in 3D. Many of us light workers/way showers currently aspiring to move forward -those who are meditating every day, are shifting beyond 4D on a regular basis, my friend. We light workers are not individually bound by the current ascended dimension of Gaia's body. I can help you with this, if you would like. And btw, I do this for FREE too!

      As of right now since the 11.11 portals have fully opened up, Gaia has entered into two overlapping timelines; one of which, is a timeline that is headed towards a 5D Earth and the other timeline in which Earth will remain in 3D. I am fully aware that the transition from 4D to 5D will take quite some time for some of us. 

      There is no need to attack me over something you do not yet understand. However, if you took the time to actually read this, you would have seen in the 1st sentence that I said it was a vision. I have absolutely zero interest in arguing with another soul that looks at others from a place of separatism and judgment. However, if you wish to interact and to discuss this with me from a place of openness and unconditional love and acceptance, I will willingly give you my time in answering all of your questions. "Acceptance" does not suggest that you take on the beliefs of others, rather that you allow them to have their version of duality. I do hope you find peace in this message. And I certainly do offer you my mentoring as I see greatness in you, regardless this small hick-up. :) 

      ..love Jacob

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