Disclose.tv - 9/11 New 3D Analysis Video
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You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
Knowledge of Uranian Astrology (and use of the 90 degree dial) is required for understanding this analysis. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The analysis will focus on use of the Ascendant, which…
The truth always comes out...and when it does, people will have to stare it in the face and deal with it instead of deny it. All the puzzle pieces will come together eventually, and many know that its all about control and power by those that want to keep us weak, powerless and most of all enslaved... Now on to being positive! ;-)
So what happened to the Boeing 767s and all the passengers aboard? Or were those 2 fake non-existent commercial flights? How about the third headed for the pentagon that crashed prematurely?
There does seem to be a therory that the fuel in the planes igniting would not be sufficient to cause the destruction which occurred and that explosives had been rigged inside the buildings to detonate with the planes crashing.
I am willing to entertain the theory of some kind of hanky-panky by a desparate illuminati or whatever to stage the incident terrify and control the USA populace but there are too many holes in this although I give the guy credit for some serious research.
Love, B
At the pentagon they had trucks of soil on standby to literally come dump it on the lawn and cover the whole crash site up. The twin towers was made a memorial site. How convenient. Nobody can come around and ask any hard questions.
In Shanksville the local coroner was denied access to the crash scene. This was only after he started asking questions. When he asked where the bodies were they told him that he was not even supposed to be there and he should go home, as they ushered him off
Wow, what a terrific scam!
The # of people involved and intricacy of the plot is admirable. What won't they think of next!!!
In 1999 I had a vivid vision of the USA being struck by a huge calamity and the threat of more to come. Along came a cowboy in a white hat on a white horse and he successfully made the nation safe but at the cost of surrendering our personal liberties to the control of him and his group.
The real struggle is on the vibratory level between those who wish us to evolve using our free wills and those who continue to control us "for our own good".
We're getting the 3D reruns.
Thanks for more info on 9/11.
I like to concentrate my awareness on the positive stuff, but it's good to be informed.
I always look both ways before crossing the street and so far have never been struck by a car. But I don't dwell on the possibility of being run over by a truck.
Love, B
Only the other day, I had an argument with a friend who mentioned all the privately shot footage of the plane hitting the towers. I asked him where it is. He told me it's everywhere, so I asked him if he has seen it. Of course he hasn't, but he's heard of it.
When will the rest of the populace of this dying planet accept the truth, and how much evidence do we have to present?