Chapter XIX
The Shift — What it is... Why it’s Happening... How it's Going to Affect You and The Mastering of Alchemyby Jim SelfWe’ve been hearing about “The Shift” for so long, it’s hard to believe that it’s finally here! But what precisely is shifting? What ar
Read more…This Spiritual Gem of a book explains how one can go to other Planets by the means of Bhakti YogaRead EASY JOURNEY TO OTHER PLANETS@
Read more…The reincarnated children: New book tells the extraordinary story of the children who believe they are a WWII pilot, star golfer and a Hollywood agent from a past life – and have this scientist utterly convincedDr Jim Tucker has spent the past ten-ye
Read more…Barbara Hand ClowIn 1991, I published a book about kundalini rising and astrological transits, Liquid Light of Sex. It explores how kundalini energy is activated during major planetary transits, such as Uranus opposite natal Uranus, known popularly a
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Money was invented in Babylon for temple prostitutes. Follow the history of money in this amazing presentation. Gets into child sacrifice, eating human flesh, and bathing in blood (I just love how he says that so casually) knights templar, freemasons
Read more…Before the Delusion: Secret Vatican Files of the Pyramids and Stonehenge is an excellent book that changes nearly everythin
I have been reading this wonderful book and I wanted to recommend it. It is clear well written and from the heart. I had the pleasure of listening to him talk last Friday night.An exPlosion of loveThe color of all things beautiful.By tigmonk<3
Read more…Hi Friends,
Here are the links to my first published book "Beyond the Shelters of Stone".
For those of you who have read and enjoyed the "Clan of the Cave Bear" series, I am sure you will like this as well.
Feel free to comment and Happy 2013!
Best Wishe
Read more…I found this Site while browsing the Internet..Check it out if you wish @ tell us your viewsAlso check out this site: The Lost Civilizations Of Atlantis @
Read more…This is my summary of the interesting book Witness from Beyond I recently read. The book is out of print and hard to find.
So that I am within the free will of copyright, I will gather the themes of the book that caught my attention and then discuss
Read more…Digital versions of some of the Worlds most significant religious manuscripts @
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It is now overwhelmingly clear that we are facing immense challenges as a species that are completely unprecedented. These challenges are a complex, multi-layered and interwoven tapestry of many previously disparate arenas that are now converging.
Read more…The upheavals of the early 21st century have changed our world. Now, in the aftermath of failed wars and economic disasters, pressure for a social alternative can only grow.
This is an edited extract from The Revenge of History: the Battle for the 21s
Read more…i read this book and love it so much. i think falun dafa is good and it can answer the questions in safe mode! very fast with no fear . a complete and safe ascension way at the moment . just if person can concentrate on single cultivating way . afte
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This is one film that everyone should watch. A true classic of art, film, animation, and storytelling. Well written and executed with a moral and leaving you thinking for days after you seen it. - Fantastic Planet (French: La Planète Sauvage, lit. T
Read more…Visionary author Patricia Cori and metaphysical artist Alysa Bartha have collaborated together to bring a new consciousness to the tried and tested realm of the Tarot.
Weaving together the world-reknowned teachings deiivered through Cori’s best-sellin
Read more…The 707MB books from Project Avalon can be downloaded from:
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Chapter XIX