Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
The future of your world lies with him, and it is supportand not criticism that is needed. Your faith in him willnot be found wanting, but make allowances for the taskthat lies ahead. He will not fail, and we are his assuranceo Read more…Hello there. Just go straight ahead with that which you feel appropriate to enlighten us with.Dearest souls of earth. We are abounding in Love for you and your service to the betterment of your planet and to those living upon it and within it. May we
Read more…Just before the equinox, Carolyn Evers and I received powerful messages from Jeshua and Quan Yin regarding the energies joining us through this gateway. In truth, the messages were not just about these energies. As it was an activation point, a trigg
Read more…SaLuSa 23-September-2009The mighty wheels of the Universe relentlessly continue to turn, as does all that exists. A majestic path that is foreordained is followed, as all movement brings each Sun and its planets into a cyclic pattern that propels its
Read more…SaLuSa 21-September-2009The changes continue unabated, and are coming to the notice of many of you who are aware of what is taking place. There is even a realization that people are rising up in their consciousness, and more than ever they are moving
Read more…Understanding your True Path and Purpose- Lady Quan YinChannelled through Natalie Glasson- 21/09/09Greetings and much love is expressed to you now from every aspect of my being, I am pulsating with love and light as I communicate with you now. I am L
Read more…Message from the Ashtar CommandCusco, Peru, 9/16/09 to Madame XThis is Ashtar. I’m here today to honor each of you for listening the call, for being free and being who we really know you are. We honor you/your beings as One on the New Earth.The fathe
Read more…Hello there. It has only been a week of our time since we last spoke and yet it seems like ages. Again I sit here with an empty canvas for you guys to paint on … what will your picture be this night? I do love the excitement of wondering what will ha
Read more…SaLuSa 16-September-2009The effects of the worldwide recession, are instrumental in bringing out the changes that shall ensure you do not totally go back to the old ways. Even at earthly levels it is obvious that you must move on from the experiences
Read more…SaLuSa 14-September-2009Following the upliftment of your energies on the 9th. September, we have recorded a significant increase in the Light upon Earth. This is most encouraging, and you may recognize your own changes that have resulted in a greater
Read more…Message from Master KuthumiChanneled by Stephanie AzariaSeptember 14, 2009I greet you on the Ray of Love and Wisdom Beloved Ones;I have been away from you for a while, but I have not left you. In Truth, I cannot leave you, for I AM you. I am not sepa
Read more…eLibrary archive of over 100 free channeled eBooks andeTexts available here. Enjoy!
Read more…SaLuSa 11-September-2009We look to you our dear friends upon Earth to promote the idea of our existence, and where it is accepted to gently prepare people for our arrival. That time is not too far away, but the more there is an awareness of what is p
Read more…An email I received today, for your own discernment:-----This is to introduce messages from Jeshua and Mother Mary regarding the date we know as 9:9:9, September the 9th, 2009.Many know this is a powerful date. James Tyberonn at
Read more…SaLuSa 9-September-2009You have come a long way in a relatively short time, and the result of your dedication and determination will bring the result you seek. Ascension is for those of you who have stepped upon the lighted path, that lifts you out o
Read more…The New Energy Wave of AcceptanceChannelled through Natalie Glasson- 07/09/09A great gathering is occurring on the inner planes, within the Temple of Mercy, the Great White Lodge of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Kingdom and all kingdoms and level
Read more…41. Hello oh non earthlings!! I am asked by so many to ask you so many things. It would not be realistic for me to ask them all. You are probably fully aware that on this internet system we use there is a mind of information about EVERYTHING. TOO MUC
Read more…SaLuSa 7- September- 2009Dear Ones in the context of how you experience time, it is growing short where your intent is concerned. If you aspire to ascend before the end of the cycle in 2012, it is necessary that you move your consciousness to a level
Read more…Arcturian and Pleiadian Peace Keepers ForcesUncensored interview with Theda,a Commander of these forcesTheda speaksQ-" What can you tell the readers about the planet "Arcturus?"A-" When the Divine Force of Creation set about to form spheres of habita
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Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…