Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Message from Archangel Michael June 2009 * LM-6-2009 "LIVING YOUR PERSONAL REVEALED TRUTHS" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, there is a Light Path that will lead you out of the density into the LIGHTNESS OF THE SPIRITUAL REALMS. Th
Read more…Ascension – Part 1May 26th, 2009by Maitreya.For many years many people on the earth plane have talked about ascension. Many have said that space beings will come to the earth plane and take the good souls away. Others have predicted that only certain
Read more…9D Nibiruan Council on Nibiru’s AgendaBy Devin/Jelaila Starrwritten May 23, 2009Greetings,It feels my heart with so much joy to reconnect with you. My communication today is from myself and fellow 9D Nibiruans, your ancient, ancient ancestors, as wel
Read more…Light Body Symptoms===================Transitioning to a Higher Vibrational FrequencyLight Body symptoms are manifestations of energetic changes that are being created in our bodies as we absorb more spiritual light into our beings. Some people use t
Read more…Two messages from Lord Buddha including some good news & an invocation.A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace Buddha – A Significant BreakthroughMost Beloved Lightworkers,I come through this d
Read more…May 10, 2009Beloved Ones,We come forth this day to speak with you about the intense rays of Cosmic Light that have been pouring down upon the Earth in the last several days. These energies are proving to be difficult for even the Lightworkers to assi
Read more…Archangel Michael`s May Message.........Passport to AscensionMESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-5-2009TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA HERMANPASSPORT TO ASCENSIONBeloved masters, the ascension process is initiated when you become aware that you are out of
Read more…Where Love Does All The Work -Lord Arcturus20 April 2009 - 7:53pm.Channeler: Lauren C. Gorgo''Warriors of earth, gods and goddesses of light, priests and priestesses of the ascended way…we call to you in divine countenance, united and in the name o
Read more…1. This is Matthew, with a short message to greet you with love and assurance that the latest Illuminati plan-biowarfare-not only will fail, but will be a huge breach in their remaining toehold in your world. Jean Hudon asked for my comments on the s
Read more… addressing the April 7, 2009 Ashtar teleconference:"Greetings beloved dwellers of Earth and Sky! It is I, Pan, come to greet you. I am chosen this evening, because I volunteered and because I have
Read more…Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation6 Ix, 2 Kank'in, 4 EbSelamat Jarin! We come before you with more to talk about. As your world moves through the ongoing economic chaos, signs are cropping up here and ther
Read more…Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.www.spiritlite.comMessage from the Masters:Message from the MastersApril 6, 2009Anshallah! Antui! Asi, Asi, Asi. Entui ensitu nahallah, anh enliah!Greetings to you from the light, with the light and within the light! We are
Read more…During the 1950s, the following telepathic message was received from benevolent Space Friends of the Interplanetary Confederation:"We have left you outstanding landmarks. These were carefully placed in various parts of Saros (planet Earth), but most
Read more…How far it can become?How can you imagine it is going to see .What will become what if you can not see forever .You are Messenger you are..You chose your destiny and your way.. you chose the way you inhale..What if the world does not know where to ga
Read more…I am Cmd. Ashtar! I/We are with you and introduce to you the newest news from aboard our vessels! We teach love and only allow those that channel Us to show love in the words written and what is read by each of you. Know that only words that feel goo
Read more…Hi!!!.. i just want to share this information with you... if in any form it is usefull for everyone of you...Differences about how the relationships can work between dimensions 3 vs 4 - 5th:A Sociological Comparison of How Relationships can work (bas
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Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…