Chapter XIV
2011 - The New Paradigm:The Truth About Our Existence, Our World, And Where We're HeadedPlease spread this article as far as possible to as many people as you know. Thanks.This is a lot of information compiled into an article. I'm sure many will have
Read more…This article is added to a new post from News from Ashtar as I feel that it needs it's own area. The original title is called "Strength of Ascension" I am adding Part I and Part II here (which I just finished channeling.) I can't get online every day
Read more…I ran acorss this yesterday and it really touched me. Thought I would share it with the rest of you. I also attached a song I wrote a long time ago in honor of this if you care to listen...Welcome address to freshman class at Boston Conservatorygiven
Read more…This is a video journal shot only one hour after my second physical appearance of a ET ship, and after my friends Fred's first appearance. We shot it to record our state of mind at the time, and maybe it can be of use to others here in the channel.Pl
Read more…In December I had my first physical ship fly over me, and although I had been teased with their presence for months, it was a real wake up call. One night later i brought my buddy to the same site, and then sprung on him the process of ascension, and
Read more…A little over a year ago later one night after seeing a video about the Ashtar Command, and asking for assistance with ascension and DNA unblocking, I decided why the heck not, I can join the shift in consciousness as well. Three days later I was wok
Read more…About six months ago, I knew nothing of the circles of light. They however entered my life, and I decided to photograph them. I believe they are benevolent energies painting with light through a holographic interference pattern. I now have hundreds o
Read more…The night of my second close up encounter with ET benevolent ships, my friend asked why do I think I had made contact, what did they want. I suggested it was not them that contacted me, but me them, and basically I made up a story about acting like a
Read more…During a meditative session one sunny afternoon I got lost in thought and was inspired to try a new process of dealing with some negative past experiences.It resulted in a release of energy in my heart area that flooded my body, I felt as if a fire s
Read more…Dear loved friends,My wife told me that I had been in some strange trance state two days ago. She was horrified. For her this kind of phenomenons are unfamiliar. She had told of this event to her working partners and friends. This is embarassing beca
Read more…The Galactic Hub Public Release For May 4th 2009http://TheGalacticHub.blogspot.comI am writing this message to announce that on May 4th 2009, The Galactic Hub will be releasing an article that we believe has THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR HUMANIT
Read more…Hey guys just wanted to show you something. I was playing with google earth this morning checking out the 3d street feature of my house when I thought I would pan up to see if I saw anything as I have seen others do. Imagine my surprise when I saw th
Read more…"Mary", caller to the Power Hour on March 30, 2009, gives many details that the Dept of Homeland Security is transporting and distributing bird flu in mass quantities.
Read more…! We come again with more to say. Inner Earth and its Agarthan nation await you! The Agarthan people have lovingly constructed a whole series of special crystal cities for you to live in just before and afte
Read more…If you’re asking the above question, you’re not going to get the answer because when you’re asking the question from outside, you’re rejecting the answer from inside, especially for this kind of questions – true and realistic answer can never came fr
Read more…his past month, Spirit has shown me so many things. There are things going to happen on Earth that have the possibility of knocking you out of your balance. Those who can see or hear spiritually may already have caught wind of some of the things that
Read more…I was looking cnn and abc news website and there is a story about Air Force Aircraft and fighter jet led flying over New York city causing fear for people."NEW YORK (WABC) -- A photo shoot involving an Air Force aircraft and a fighter jet led to hund
Read more…Hii... did u see this? is this part of us government plan?
Read more…http://thegalactichub.blogspot.comThe Mayan Calendar has been on the minds of many, especially recently for its supposed theory that it predicts the end of the world on December 21st 2012. Of course we all know the end of the world is something that
Read more…Ron Paul's bill to Audit the Federal Reserve Bank, HR 1207, has now garnered 55 co-sponsors and has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services. This is a major development.The bill will now be debated and voted upon in the Committee a
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Chapter XIV
Above photo from; this was the last reported photo of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa together in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For years, actor Gene Hackman’s doting and protective wife Betsy Arakawa would…