Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
State Sovereignty Movement Quietly Growing9. February 2009, 18:31by Dave NalleYou may not have heard much about it, but there’s a quiet movement afoot to reassert state sovereignty and stop the uncontrolled expansion of federal government power. Almo
Read more…I have decided that today I am going to remember and share LOVE... Who will join me in the experience of co-creating a vibration of LOVE on this day? These are simple goals I am going to put my intention into.1. To look into the mirror and remind mys
Read more…i was looking at [i never take that site all too seriously since it's filled with negative things that are fear based] but this caught my attention: on here prior to obama
Read more…I hope I am posting this in the appropriate place. I have always loved to write poetry. Recently, I have felt the need and picked up on the signs that I need to start writing again...this time not just for me but to share, for All. This piece was dif
Read more…I haven't frequented this site as much lately and wasn't aware that it had gone down and lost everything. I'm excited to see it back up again though and excited to meet new people. Welcome back everyone that I previously knew and welcome to everyone
Read more…Lets talk about FEAR... Fear of the unknown, fear of the Dark. I want to tell you all that Fear is a gift. When we feel fear, there is something we have to look at. Dont deny it and turn our heads in the sand. When we feel fear, it can be paralyzing
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Welcome back to the new AshtarCommand Website...
The transition to the new website went quite quick. I could never predict anything like this would happen. Ive learned that we have to move forward whatever happens. Nothing is Eternal in the physica
Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…