Some use a language of losers, and some of victors.
Some express themselves in statements, and some prefer to question a lot.
Some use their language to gain compassion and to avoid trouble, and some want to expose their smartness and power.
Some see language as tool expressing themselves, and some as weapon and threat to manipulate others.
Some have no real relation to their language, and some make it top priority.
Either way you are fucked pushing one side against the other. Language is both, important and with not much importance. Language is the way experiencing our failure taking life as it is.
In both ways we are speechless: in luck and deep shit. Language is obviously not made flowing in deep existential encounters. Language is rather something for happening in between. Neither at the limits of knowledge, nor at the limits of joy and sadness we have a proper language.
Sometimes it is a burden having no proper language. Some say the limits of language are the limits of our world. And some say this ain`t true.
Our failure taking life as it is makes some believe a missing language is a big drama while some believe language has not THAT meaning. Both views share something in common: they suffer from a thorn they feel in their flesh.
The thorn in the flesh... Yes, human existence is related to language, and language gives existence meaning. And yes, a missing language often comes from a lack of diligence and interests humans share or not.
But any language of wanting something is somehow suspicious, like all hidden attempts of wanting something is suspicious in it`s kind. A language of victors is talking as if all is fine, if it is not; the line between exaggeration and courage is more than very thin.
Our failure taking life as it is... is often forgetting something besides our ability of language: to feel whethere it is right or not. Like the man in K-Pax said: every child knows what is right or wrong.
It is interesting, that the more someone is looking through the game, the more he or she is losing language - they feel no urge to say anything. One of my beloved thinkers is Thomas of Aquin. He wrote so many stuff. At the end, short before he died, he said, all he wrote and said, was to him like straw. The presence of God he experienced mad him silent - no words anymore...
I wish some channel persons would read those lines. Then I would say to them - stop making too much words. Not every-day channellings. As less as possible. We are drowning almost in an ocean of words, noicy words, senseless words...
Greetings from beyond the ocean...
“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.” ~Terence Mckenna
Beyond Zappa's genius, he is also 'one' of the most underrated guitar virtuosos... which of course is another language. One could argue that music is THE most profound form of language. I have a feeling you're already more than aware of this. ~InLight555
This is one of my mostly loved pieces of Zappa. Thank you very much...