Multidimensional food for thought...
“The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” ~George Orwell
“It’s not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” ~Henry Kissinger
“Whoever controls the media controls reality.” ~Peter Jennings
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” ~Dresden James
~...“Nothing in the world is as it seems.”On one level, the ‘theatre of illusion’ world we live in believed by many to be true can be mainly attributed to two things.
1. The hidden controllers running the planet have managed to manipulate the mass media and in effect control consensus reality. This has been done to produce the desired behavioural patterns; thoughts, opinions, attitudes, social norms… in the masses so that they can be ruled over. In short, the media is regarded by the hidden controllers as a necessary tool for a dictatorship.
2. The majority of the human population has allowed itself to be deceived through ignorance, deception, stupidity, chronic apathy or a serious lack of curiosity and questioning, all somewhat bolstered by cynicism… Consumerism rules; as long as their bellies are full and heads filled with mindless entertainment or other gratuitous distraction… they’re happy. Genetic cloning is unnecessary. Cloning has already been done care of the effects of mass media brainwashing.
Taking the above two factors into account let’s look at just how the mass media controls consensus reality.
Tool for a Dictatorship
The hidden controllers regard the human population as nothing more than sheep incapable of looking after themselves, needing to be shepherded. This has been made abundantly clear over the years by spokesmen/agents for the controllers advocating mind control techniques in the mass media for shaping human thought.
I would encourage looking up names such as Walter Lippmann (1920’s on), one of the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tavistock Institute, England who have ties to freemasons, Harold Lasswell (1939-40 Rockefeller funded), Sir Alexander King for the Club of Rome in the 1990’s touting the advantages of new communications technology as an agent of change for a ‘one world order.’ … It’s quite an interesting insight.
In through the backdoor of the Subconscious Mind
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it.” ~Edward Bernays
For me, one of the most interesting advocates was Edward Bernays. Most people today probably wouldn’t be familiar with him, but will know his Uncle, Sigmund Freud and many could well have been at some time in their lives under the extraordinary influence of his ideas. Having studied his Uncle’s work, Bernays knew how the unconscious worked and how it could influence others without them knowing. He very successfully took his ideas to the mass media in the form of subliminal advertising through subliminal perception.
This occurs when we perceive something in the media like, for example, an advert, but only a part of it reaches our consciousness awareness. The rest of the advert, containing a hidden message, is perceived by our subconscious and because we are unaware of this can cause us to behave in certain ways without knowing why. I call it’ in through the backdoor of the subconscious mind’. These ‘in through the backdoor’ hidden subliminal messages in mass media can influence us in many ways and without doubt as Bernays had predicted has been as major influence in controlling people’s thoughts, opinions, attitudes without them ever being aware of it.
Now take a look at these examples of subliminal advertising. Most people have found this piece of conniving trickery quite fascinating:
At first glance, this looks like a perfectly innocent advert for the 18-30 club, but when looked at closely you can see the carefully planned out sexual connotations. The same applies to the advert below. In both cases the adverts are planned so that the unaware prospective customer will only subconsciously perceive the various sexual positions hinted at (but will go on to the buy the holiday..?!).
Remember, subliminal perception is used to influence the masses in a wide range of things; Political, Educational & Scientific Indoctrination [It has infiltrated most human arenas on the Gaian Matrix]...
Arrested Development
The mass media has been and still is a useful tool for the controllers in holding back opportunity for real human growth and development: It has become a massive dam of lies and cover-ups; holding back a wealth of knowledge for raising conscious awareness, self-sufficiency and unity for the human race. The result is basically a planet full of people going nowhere in their lives while the walls surrounding slowly draw in closer, further restricting their freedom.
Media Monopolization
Roughly over 20 years, it stuns me to write that the entire mass media ownership in the USA has gone from 50 to just 5 corporations: AOL-Time Warner, Disney, Sony, Vivendi Universal and Viacom.
The idea of having so few media corporations means that the hidden controllers can more easily be in charge of what they want to release to the people. This, in essence, means giving the public at large one limited viewpoint, one voice, one point of view, one propaganda message…to produce consent. For example, ‘There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq…’ used to engineer consent for the war in Iraq.
A Shift in the Wind
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be … The people cannot be safe without information. When the press is free, every man is able to read, all is safe.” ~Thomas Jefferson
An ignorant population does not look to see the greater way, never questions authorities or understand rights and therefore provides little opposition to a dictatorship. If we want to grow as a race we must start educating ourselves. Be able to learn to discern. Recognise when the media is trying to manipulate us. Whatever it is we’re subjected to in the media, beware of the hidden ulterior motive. Perhaps it would be better to boycott this propagandist pap altogether and instead of being listless or unresponsive, do something worth-while, campaign for the truth…
( ( ( Self-Real'eyes'ation ) ) )
*From: NewParadigm &
The Media and the Pain Body..
If you were not familiar with our contemporary civilization, if you had come here from another age or another planet, one of the things that would amaze you is that millions of people love and pay money to watch humans kill and inflict pain on each other and call it "entertainment."
Why do violent films attract such large audiences?
There is an entire industry, a large part of which fuels the human addiction to unhappiness. People obviously watch those films because they want to feel bad. What is it in humans that loves to feel bad and calls it good? The pain-body, of course. A large part of the entertainment industry caters to it. So, in addition to reactivity, negative thinking, and personal drama, the pain-body also renews itself vicariously through the cinema and television screen. Pain-bodies write and produce these films, and pain-bodies pay to watch them.
Is it always "wrong" to show and watch violence on television and the cinema screen?
Does all such violence cater to the pain-body? At the current evolutionary stage of humanity, violence is still not only all-pervasive but even on the increase, as the old egoic consciousness, amplified by the collective pain-body, intensifies prior to its inevitable demise. If films show violence in its wider context, if they show its origin and its consequences, show what it does to the victim as well as the perpetrator, show the collective unconsciousness that lies behind it and is passed on from generation to generation (the anger and hatred that lives in humans as the pain-body), then those films can fulfill a vital function in the awakening of humanity. They can act as a mirror in which humanity sees its own insanity. That in you which recognizes madness as madness (even if it is your own) is sanity, is the arising awareness. is the end of insanity.
Such films do exist and they do not fuel the pain-body. Some of the best antiwar films are films that show the reality of war rather than a glamorized version of it. The pain-body can only feed on films in which violence is portrayed as normal or even desirable human behavior, or that glorify violence with the sole purpose of generating negative emotion in the viewer and so become a "fix" for the pain-addicted pain-body.
"Outrage" screams the three-inch headline, or "Bastards." The British tabloid press excels at this. They know that negative emotion sells far more papers than news does. There is a tendency in the news media in general, including television, to thrive on negative news. The worse things get, the more excited the presenters become, and often the negative excitement is generated by the media itself. Pain-bodies just love it.
read full article..
The New Earth by Eckhart Tole. In his insightful look into humanity's ego-based thinking, Eckhart Tolle provides practical teachings for waking up to a new, enlightened mind-set. This involves a radical inner leap of consciousness from the current identification with our ego to an entirely new way of thinking about who we are.
Excellent info, dear Feather... thanks for sharing
Free Thought vs. Social Conformity
by Kingsley L. Dennis
As celebrated thinker Edward de Bono notes: ‘If everyone is going in the same direction, then anyone who is going in a different direction is “wrong”. The other direction might be better – but it is still wrong.’
Such is the powerful pull of social conformity. People cannot be fully trusted to say and do what they think is right if others around them are all expressing an opposite opinion. This is because the pull towards social conformity, whether conscious or unconscious, is just too strong. The danger here is that in such environments a person is more likely to give away their personal responsibility than act upon it. A group more generally exhibits a lack of responsibility on the part of its members since each person thinks that the overall responsibility can be shared. Since there is no individual blame to be accrued, a person tends to relinquish their own personal responsibility.
The result is that each person reinforces the other’s inertia. Thus, non-action actually becomes the accepted norm within the group. This inertia is then reinforced and validated, often through personal rationalization, since so much has been invested in the group. To be wrong could inflict much angst upon an individual; it is therefore better to rationalize one’s actions as correct. This ‘fear of responsibility’ is a product of socialization and renders an individual less capable of dealing fluidly with the uncertainties and complexities of a full life. The result is that there is a tendency for people to prefer to submerge themselves within ‘the mass’; in other words, to be a silent part of the collective behavior of the crowd. And it is this exact type of behavior which has been repeatedly seized upon by dictators and rogue ‘leaders’ as a way of gaining authority and legitimacy…
…many people insist to themselves that they have personal freedom, yet externally they fear exhibiting ‘too much’ freedom. It has been found that people who conform most are likely to have the least tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. Social conformity has thus inculcated a feeling of safety: belonging is a safe haven from where a person is protected. Yet such emotions – of comfort and dis-comfort – are often programs socially conditioned from birth. Much of our ‘human behavior’ thus stems from the influences that have shaped us. Yet what is often not realized is the degree to which these social forces are deliberately constructed in order to shape and govern a collective mass.
Through a range of various social institutions specific ‘knowledge systems’ are established and which often serve to supply a consensual and bland array of stimuli. The ‘reality’ of the situation is that we are subtly coerced to enroll in systems of imitation through which we are trained to memorize information which is passed as knowledge. This information is then reinforced through authoritarian institutions (such as science and ‘expertism’), thus making it appear as true…
…alternative systems of thought are often labelled as subversive and subject to human acts of modification and/or dismissal. In this manner specific physical, mental, and emotional patterns are engrained, reinforced, and modulated by human institutions. Standardization has been exploited as the key to an orderly society of high population. Yet this very method of consensual consciousness and controlled patterns of thought is anathema to the natural need for evolutionary conscious thinking. This step by step drive toward herding people into an increasingly controlled social environment also, by its intrinsic nature, serves to debilitate social change agents.
Social agents of change are those people in every society who are not afraid to break away from the norms of social conditioning and to learn to think for themselves – often against the pull of the masses going the wrong way in the ‘right’ direction. The awakened individual is now required more than ever, so that conscious thinking and conscious behaviour can co-create a way forward, through the morass that surrounds us, and to light the path toward going the right way in the ‘wrong’ direction.
read entire article at: Waking Times
by Jon Rapport
It’s hard to know what a lock is unless you know what a key is, and how they fit together.
In this case, we can pile up many words to describe the lock: the mass of unceasing propaganda that bombards the population; global elites who fully intend to manage the planet as one integrated entity; the assault of toxic medical drugs and environmental chemicals on the human neurological system; the intentionally vapid and indoctrinating educational apparatus; the money-invention structure of banks; the hidden rules governing who, now and in the future, will eat and who will starve, who will have water and who will go without, who will have money who will not.
And this is just the beginning of the list.
But the key that fits into the lock and brings about a deep acceptance of things as they are…what is that?
It is the human mind. A mind not only conditioned by external factors but programmed by the person himself. A mind that provokes an onrush of emotions that hold a person in place, unable to break out. A mind that fosters false but convincing beliefs about what exists and what doesn’t exist. A mind unprepared to view potential and dormant human capabilities that exceed the physical laws of space and time.
A mind that wants to insert itself into the lock and form a durable partnership with what everyone else assumes reality is.
A mind that wants to function within certain boundaries. A mind that embraces limiting illusions about the so-called human condition.
A mind that, in a significant sense, obsessively copies reality, mirrors reality, becomes “a twin of the physical world.”
The mind seeks The Other, and believes The Other is the “world as it is.”
In order for this strange dynamic to operate, the mind has to believe it is lost and needs to find itself.
The key that fits into the lock is a mind that is waiting at a cosmic train station for the express to arrive. And when it does, the mind climbs on board, as if it has done the deed so many times before. And it has.
This is an old pattern. This is the mind mistaking a labyrinth for the familiar physical world. So the mind enters a maze and becomes wrapped up in a mystery that never ends, while thinking it is home.
This is a form of hypnosis that introduces the mind to increasing levels of complexity, until, exhausted, it gives up the ghost—and wonders why the world, which was so full of hope and warmth and comfort, turned into something else.
So a life is lived. And then another life. And another.
And the mind becomes unable to understand, as the old Tibetans did, that, in a very significant sense, the universe is a product of mind.
The mind becomes unable to understand that actions of both creation and destruction are more than myths depicting ancient gods. These stories are metaphors for how the mind can become brilliantly aware of the alive space(s) beyond mere acceptance and submission and surrender.
At the center of all this stands the archetype of The Artist. I mean that in the broadest sense. The Artist brings new realities into being and casts others away. He builds and he tears down. He, like the ancient figure of Hermes, can view the utterly insane joke of erecting and embroidering billions of trappings that define the one space of “things as they are (and must be).”
The overwhelming majority of human beings believe they want that space above all others. They believe that largeness represents a personal danger and smallness confers security.
They believe in the lock, and they struggle to discover a way to insert themselves into it. Permanently. Forever.
And in order to believe this, they exercise the majestic ability to put themselves into a trance state.
Below these issues I am discussing here, far below, is society/civilization and its attendant conflicts and madness.
Civilizations come and go, come and go. They purport to be the only show on Earth.
They are window dressing on Matrix.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Waking Times
*In 'New Age' circles, deconstructing the kind of data on this post can seem redundant... as if it's all been said a thousand times. & while I can understand this, to a degree... from where I stand, Humanities current state of affairs calls for continuous clarification of the prison walls that still keep us in mental bondage. On a mass level, we simply can't change what we don't collectively acknowledge! So, reiterating this information in as many ways as possible, is a crucial part of the clarion call for our Awakening... which includes, the destruction of the Timeloop & all the dualistic, Archontic shadows that come with it. Our return to Unity-Consciousness depends on our willingness not to whitewash the challenges ahead with 'it's all good' mantras, etc. Mass awareness of the tools being used to manipulate consensus reality inevitably leads to the full dissipation of the Matrix... & as painful as it can seem, it's worth the Spiritual work it's taken to get to this exact moment in 'time'. ~InLight555
Going Deeper...
( ( ( FreedomCalling247 ) ) )