I am not see on this site anything about A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. I am convinced that He was doing very much for our spiritual progress on Earth. Is anyone has some informations? Thanks to All
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Dear Prabhu, I just asking about Prabhupada. About ISKCON I know everything. But thanks!
All his lectures are available at http://www.prabhupadavani.org/
Krishna is great but bowing down to Gurus and eating their leftovers is not my cup of tea...you can join the movement but be prepared to bow down to Gurus and eat their leftovers.
In reality we should not worship or bow down to deities but because human consciousness has fallen so low deities came into force so humans could focus on them and remind them of Gods BUT THE VEDAS DID NOT RECOMMEND DEITY WORSHIP
Yes and NO..A lot of Indian Scholars disagree with some of his teachings.
He advised people to give 50% of their earnings to the Hare Krishna Temples...yes 50% which seems a lot...people should give what they can afford
A great spiritual master but not all that he did was right...in the end he was poisoned by his own closest devotees.
The movement he stated THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS spread all over the World but now there is corruption, greed and politics in it and it is slowly deteriorating...and he said THAT HIS OWN DEVOTEES WILL RUIN THE SOCIETY...at the moment there are a lot of wrong people posing as devotees in this movement and it needs clearance which will probably be done by KALKI MAITERYIA .
There are lots of YouTubes you can watch about him..his lectures ..his life story