We the Body of the Christ expressing our Buddha Nature...
In this Moment in time and space —as our Vernal Equinox.
Let us remember the Blessing of Balance (equal)... The Violet Fire of
Freedoms Love is the saving balance to Earth & Humanity... Our
Awakening to World Service as a Global
Group is the balance most required for Humanity’s long sleep.
We ask you to make this Call from all of your hearts for this revealed need, being the protection of the three Americas.
Their is a willful intent; a gathering to inflict wide destruction at
this time because the Americas must fulfill the next step for the
continued unhindered Ascension.
---This is most important!---
Through the presence of Life; That I AM, I Stand as a Global Group of
Unified Intent for the immediate Protection of the entire coastline of
the Three Americas by all the Powers of Light!
By all the Love of all the Consciousness’ gathered for this Planet’s
Freedom; to DO whatever is necessary to prevent, prevent, prevent, any
applied intent to disrupt -to further manifest ...Oh God I AM and Great
Host of Many see to it that this Call is amplified 10 Billion Fold and
our Higher Selves repeat this call for 44 days.
Oh God everywhere present: I Am, We Are so Grateful...
thank You
You all received my Light Brother's request this morning, He lives at Mt. Shasta, about 60 miles from me.
I ask that all members do this as all who are familiar with Shamans' Vision map have seen most all of west coast Gone!
As well as were you may live in the Americas, Yoj & I are in NW, so that's what I remember on map, we are Gone!
I suggest setting a time every day to do this for the 44 days, so that
we all will connect. Over at GCM we have a set time for our Med every
Sun. Copy here:
The meditation takes place at noon GMT- here is a conversion for major cities:
4 AM – Vancouver, BC, Canada
7 AM – Columbus, Ohio
7 AM – New York, New York
12 noon – London, England
1 PM – Amsterdam, Netherlands
2 PM – Pretoria, South Africa
3 PM – Moscow, Russia
5 PM – Tashkent, Uzbekistan
8 PM – Singapore
10 PM – Brisbane, Australia
If you further need to clarify the time for your meditation, go to:
Explanation of how it works copy here:
The place that we meet (inside ourselves) exists where time is less
linear and more fluid (just like time in the New Earth). Here,
intention influences the "place" in time. And so we have discovered
that the point in linear time really doesn't matter. You could set the
intention to connect with this meditation from ANY point in linear
time- it could be hours before or after or even days. You'll still "be
there". Hannah
Unfortunately we only have hours each day, but it will work.
Include outer Islands on all coast lines & all of north in Arctic
& the tip of South Amer., just send Positive Energy with Love to
all, Vision with you 3rd eye what ever protection Energy works best for
you. Bring in All Light Spirits of the God Source, God, with the Angels
of Energy
whom neutralize negate and cast into the Ethers of the Universe Negative Energy with their Positive Energy.
Do Not, I repeat Do Not send any retaliation of any kind to the ones of
"willful intent" the are Negative entities in the world and in spirit,
you Will Just Feed them if you do!!! Hopefully you all Know this!
Send copy of this to any other like groups you may know of, I am sending this to all at PGP, hopefully we just may Double
this Call is amplified 10 Billion Fold and cut it to 22 days, actually
today is 1st day. Some as I have already done this, however, We Must
Unite as One doing this!!!
I as a Light Bearer Implore you to Answer this Call!!!
Clare de Lis' HeartStream of February 1, 2010
May the Divine Forces of the Ancient of Days Continue To Lead You Forward!
The Accelerated Path of the Keepers of the Lightning, the Bodhisattvas of Love
Intuitive Hearts Who Are Progressing in Buddhic Mindfulness,
A tender approach toward all life is essential in developing Buddhic presence. An attitude of quietude whereby you may hear and feel the sacred impulses of life and light flowing and glowing within allows you to maintain a state of listening grace. A sense of peace wherein nothing riles you to reply to the outer world energies with a reactive spirit of rancor and angst allows many Buddha beings to protect you in their joy flame.
I am Clare de Lis. And I am continuing to share my perspective on the path of grace whereby you can sustain a presence of beingness all around you to keep you in the flowering mode of the awakened ones. Though the lilies and roses close as they sleep at night, when the sun is shining they are expressive of all of the divine essences of their fully-illumined state. So it may be for your souls, blessed ones.
The vicissitudes of life at times challenge even the most progressed of conscious ones to maintain a state of inner balance and harmony. Yet the adepts have managed to do just this-transcend outer limitations to keep the light flowing and emanating through their beings at all times, in every situation. All at times have been beset by the dark storms and boisterous winds of the Maras and Satans of this world. But with your continuous striving to remain tethered to a higher reality you may be secure in Buddhic heart-mindfulness always.
Not all is revealed at once to the newly-awakened ones, for they must have ample opportunity to stretch their wings and learn to fly. Yet if each progressive step is taken by listening to the internal impulses of the Spirit and you abide within the framework of eternal grace as you live and move and have your being in the space of grace, your attainment and victory will come.
The ascended masters are available to help, to coach, to lead and at times to exhort. Just as with any truly enlightened one it is always our desired way to gently coax you to fulfill your highest purpose by an inspired example of grace and beauty. So long as you maintain a humble demeanor and a positive attitude, the more intense methods and rigors of chastisement and challenge will be few and far between along your path.
Often, though, we see arising from deep within the subconscious certain age-old behavior patterns stemming from a core of personal rebellion or angst toward the Godhead that must be dealt with swiftly and surely if you are to progress as you outwardly desire and profess. During these times the Buddhas may come as those who devour darkness in what has been portrayed as an almost demonic appearance, like Kali, to free you from the impositions of egoic tendencies that if left unchecked can cause you to fail your initiations and stymie your spiritual progress.
Trust in the Buddhas' wisdom is essential, beloved ones. They may come to speak not only through the Messenger but through many who can see clearly what is acting in your world that needs your attentive response through active change. Those who continuously ignore our prodding will have to work out their own salvation apart from the direct sponsorship of the glorious ones who always provide the surest and best way for you to come home.
Some have sought to accelerate the path of initiation for their soul's evolution so that they may be of greater service. This is typically the case with all true messengers of light, for they have seen the suffering of mankind and have taken the bodhisattva vows to save each and every soul whom they can. When you choose this pathway to benefit all sentient life, the most intense means are often used by us to assist you in carving away the last vestiges of your human creation so that the full, shining radiance of your own Buddha Nature may emerge and be brought to bear to the world at large.
The Keepers of the Lightning are just such devotees, dear ones. They afford heaven by their own free will the opportunity to work with them at an accelerated pace, and therefore their progress may also be swift and sure. Although caution is always given at the juncture of choosing this path, once it has been entered into there truly is no turning back the divine hand in giving every form of strong assistance to the aspiring adept.
Dearest hearts, our way is not the way of the mass consciousness of the world at large. It is a way of truth. It is a way of divine knowledge. It is a way that requires the internalization of Godly beingness at all turns, and especially during those bends in the road where the initiatic path is daunting and where you seem to be tried in the most intense way and where there is no outer answer to the dilemmas that you find yourself in.
The pressures of living within presence simply bring everything out of you. And this testing experience is one that few can pass without a little bit of the scorching of one's human pride in the process. Yet, keep on striving, blessed ones. Allow the lightning to deliver the divine impulses into the very core of your being. For as each new foothold is won you have a better grasp and you can see more clearly the panoramic view of where you had come from and where you are going.
My heart is yours to claim as the victorious heart of Clare de Lis. My smile is yours to see within the sky, within the sun, within the center of every flower, within the movement of the trees, the flowing formation of the clouds and the very subtle expression of holy presence upon the face of a child.
Some of you have conjectured just what I was doing during the final years of my life when outwardly I was not in the "messenger mode" of delivering teachings, dictations and fiery initiations to the chelas. Dearest ones, know that during this time of deep introspection, of pulling back and going within, I was able, through a very fine level of inner, Buddhic awareness, to actually accomplish just as much if not more on behalf of the souls of those whom I had come to serve and save.
Many of you had the experience here and there of knowing my presence in a dream, in a fleeting vision or in a simple feeling of my presence with you during those hours. So it is still in a sense the same in this time after my ascension that my presence in your midst may be magnified even as you enter into your own Buddhic presence of mindfulness. For that is where I now abide and reside, dearest hearts.
My blessings flow to each and every one of you who are helping to deliver this world into a new age by first being delivered from your own past lacks and fears into the Pure Land of Buddhic love. May the divine forces of the Ancient of Days continue to lead you forward! I thank you.
Copyright © 2010 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. All messages released through The Hearts Center are copyrighted, but we encourage you to print and share them with discretion with heartfriends throughout the world. Bracketed words have been inserted for greater clarity with the approval of the dictating master. Short excerpts may be quoted as long as full credit is given to the author. Correspondence and contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.
Messages from the Ascended Masters is supplied courtesy of The Hearts Center
We encourage you to forward them freely to family and friends.
Information and Request from Children of the Sun
Specifically Yoi Chase and Terry Howe
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!