A Different Way to Meditate

There is something that has lately been brought to my attention. (BTW it was brought tomy attention very loudly)  There is somuch instruction for lightworkers on how to meditate, prayers to say, ways tofurther your spiritual quest and prepare for the mission.  The problem I see is that everyone is so busypreparing and trying new and better ways to manipulate the grid and work thelight that it seems the most basic principle is being overlooked.  To truly fulfill your mission, you need tostop preparing and trying out new things and just go where you are led.  You are frequencies of energy that, whencrossing through the grid physically, initiate change.  Whatever frequency you are at when you movethrough the physical world, is what determines how you affect the grid.  There is so much more power in doing it thisway.  It is the difference betweenrebuilding 1969 Chevelle and rebuilding a Smart car.   Surethe Smart Car is easier to make run right because you are just installingsoftware, but the joy and passion that goes into hand tuning each part of theengine using nothing more than the feel of proper vibration and timing to guideyou is infinitely more gratifying.  It doesn’trequire any online help, it doesn’t require new methods or preparation, yousimply get your hands dirty and do it the way it was meant to be.  You are the mechanic and this world and itslife is the machine.  It is a lot easierto just jump in and figure out how to fix the part you are here to repair orrestore or whatever; than it is to spend your time trying to do it byproxy.  You are trying to work the 3Dthat isn’t fully upgraded yet from a 5D system.  You need to remember your Creator heritage.  Thought-manifest, no “do”.  You need to work on seeing the grid all thetime and feeling your energy as it runs into the grid everywhere you go.  Meditation should be something that overtakesyou and is as natural as sleeping and eating.  There is no need to practice meditating.  You only need to be ever mindful that when you feel clogged orungrounded, you can take one slow breath and think to yourself “Con ah chiToyannis”  (closest translation-thischild is open fully for you to clear)  and let Divinity decide if it is time for you to meditate.  It should just sweep over you when you needit.  That is how you know you are workingwith the system and not against it.

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  • You seem to be describing Wu Wei, "effortless action." Going with the flow. Mushin, or "no mind."
  • I agree with you in theory, though would debate the "no need to practice" It is 'all' practice, the difference is are you aware of the practice? If not, you need to practice.
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