Hi Precious Heart,
Thank you for joining us for our Weekly Vlog. Over the past several months, not only have we experienced unprecedented influxes of Light and shifts of vibration taking place at a cellular level within our Earthly Bodies, we have also been experiencing a greatly intensified purging process within the Elemental Kingdom. This is evident as we witness the record-breaking weather events occurring around the World.
Both the acceleration of Light and the purging of the Elemental Kingdom are vital aspects of Mother Earth’s Ascension process. Unfortunately, in many instances these events are wreaking havoc on our physical bodies and the body of Mother Earth. As a result of these physical challenges millions of people are asking for Divine Intervention to help Heal our Earthly Bodies and calm the Elemental Kingdom. In response to these sincere Heart Calls the floodgates of Heaven have opened once again. Our Father-Mother God have given the Legions of Healing permission to assist us in more powerful and profound ways.
It is difficult to fathom the magnitude of what this Gift of Divine Grace truly means, but during this Cosmic Moment Humanity is now able to receive from On High unprecedented assistance with the Healing of our Earthly Bodies and the Elemental Kingdom.
To help each of us fully understand what is causing the increased challenges in our Earthly Bodies and the Body of Mother Earth, the Company of Heaven is revealing that the inordinate stress we are feeling in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies is the result of the overwhelmingly toxic substances that have been dumped into our environment over the past 50 years. Our food, water, air and even our homes are filled with toxic chemicals that are causing all kinds of designer diseases.
These afflictions include heart and respiratory issues, obesity, diabetes, cancer, autism, Alzheimer’s, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorders and myriad other maladies in our bodies. We are being told that these toxic chemicals also trigger mental imbalances which are causing much of the violence, rage, fear, mental confusion, and irrational behavior people are demonstrating around the World.
The government revealed not long ago that there are 80,000 chemicals polluting our air, food, water, and other areas of our lives. Of those 80,000 chemicals the FDA has thoroughly tested only 200 of them. Of the 200 chemicals tested five of them were determined to be powerful carcinogens. It is no wonder people everywhere are being inundated with mental, emotional, and physical challenges that often seem beyond their ability to cope.
There are many things we can do to try and avert some of these toxins such as eating fresh organic food and drinking pure water, but that is not going to be enough to reclaim Vibrant Health. In order to do that, we are going to have to raise our frequency of vibration and Transcend these environmental pollutants.
Video - Archangel Michael - Clear, Cleanse, & Lift
The wonderful thing about the Gifts of Divine Grace that are being made available to us at this time by our Father-Mother God is that all Life is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. That means that when we invoke Healing for ourselves and our Loved Ones that Healing Light is then available for every man, woman, and child on Earth. Since Humanity’s thoughts, words, feelings and actions are reflected on the Elemental Kingdom, as we Heal ourselves, we will also Heal the Elemental Kingdom and the Body of Mother Earth. This collective effort will help to calm the natural disasters that are manifesting around the World, and it will lift the Earth and all Life evolving upon her into higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline SOLAR Light Mother Earth is now abiding within.
These frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline SOLAR Light Transcend the dense toxins and pollutants that are causing the majority of our problems. From this higher frequency, we can blaze the Emerald Green Flame of Healing and the Violet Flame of Transmutation into the toxins and Transmute their adverse effects. This will prevent us from having to experience the diseases and disorders the toxic substances are causing in our carbon-based bodies at this time. This may be difficult to accept but know that God’s Healing Light is infinitely powerful.
For this specific facet of the unfolding Divine Plan, our Father-Mother God have invoked the Beings of Light from the Etheric Temples of Healing and Music. Our God Parents have given these selfless Messengers of God permission to intervene in more powerful ways to assist with the Healing of the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and Mother Earth. All we have to do to receive this enhanced assistance of Healing is ask for their assistance.
The Beings of Light who are associated with these Etheric Temples are Beloved Mother Mary who holds the Immaculate Concept for all Healing and the Ascended Masters Hilarion and Saint Germain. Hilarion is the Director of the Emerald Green 5th Solar Aspect of Deity which pulsates with Healing and Truth. Saint Germain is the Director of the Violet 7th Solar Aspect of Deity which pulsates with Transmutation and Transfiguration.
The Sacred Fire that blazes on the altar within the Temples of Healing and Music in the Inner Realms is an Emerald Green Flame with a Violet Radiance. Our Father-Mother God have told us this Flame is the most powerful frequency of Healing Light available to Humanity at this time. With Mother Earth’s Ascension into her NEW Solar Reality, this Sacred Fire has also Ascended into a Solar frequency. It is now known through all Creation as the 5th-Dimensional SOLAR Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation.
As the Emerald Green Flame of Healing restores and transforms our bodies, the Violet Flame of Infinite Transmutation Transmutes into Light the cause, core, effect, record, and memory of whatever caused the maladies in our bodies in the first place.
Mother Mary, Hilarion and Saint Germain have at their beck and call Legions of Angels who serve with them in the Etheric Temples of Healing and Music. These selfless Angels have now been empowered to help Humanity to effectively utilize the NEW Solar Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation.
Video - Archangel Michael Energy Cleanse
Due to the urgency of the hour, Mother Mary, Hilarion and Saint Germain have directed their Angels to respond to the Clarion Call of the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth with the most intensified Healing Light that Cosmic Law will allow. In deep humility and gratitude these Angels of Healing and Transmutation have volunteered to enter into and to remain within the energy fields of ALL Humanity while we go through the process of Transfiguring the diseased and mutated cells within our Earthly Bodies and the Bodies of the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
We do not have to fully understand what all of this means in order to benefit from the intensified Gift of Healing that is being given to Humanity now by our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Healing. All we need to do is ask our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to take command of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies during this activity of Healing Light.
If you have the Heart Call to do so, please join with me and Lightworkers around the World for this opportunity And we begin.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. The Healing I invoke for myself this day I invoke for Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and Mother Earth in perfect alignment with the highest good for all concerned. Beloved Presence of God, I AM, through the Divinity blazing in every Heart Flame I invoke the Legions of Angels associated with the brand-NEW Solar frequencies of the Emerald Green and Violet Solar Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation.
This Emerald Green and Violet Solar Flame is the most powerful frequency of Healing available in the NEW Solar Reality Mother Earth is now abiding in. This Sacred Fire Transcends everything less than Vibrant Health and God’s Infinite Physical Perfection.
Beloved Angels, blaze forth the most intensified activity of this Healing Flame that Cosmic Law will allow. Project this Sacred Fire into the Core of Purity in every Electron of precious Life comprising the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and Mother Earth. Cast every frequency of vibration that is less than God’s Infinite Physical Perfection into the Violet Transmuting Flame. Instantly Transmute every frequency of vibration in any facet of Life that conflicts with the Immaculate Concept of Humanity’s, the Elemental Kingdom’s, and Mother Earth’s 5D Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.
Beloved Ones, increase this activity of Healing Light daily and hourly with every Breath I take. Allow me to be the Open Door for the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Solar Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation.
I AM a Force of Healing for Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her. I AM magnetizing into my sphere of awareness every person, place, condition, or thing that I can assist in any way with God’s Healing Light. Father-Mother God, give me the Divine Opportunities to Love FREE all Life on this sweet Earth.
Dear One, give yourself the Gift of focusing regularly on this Healing Flame. God Bless You, I look forward to being with you next week.
Video - Meditate In Your Own Divine Presence With Mary Magdalene
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