
The Wes Penre Papers – A Journey through the Multiverse” (First Level of Learning)
1st Edition, October, 2011 ©2011 Wes Penre (http://wespenre.com)

Table of Contents

Introduction  (February 16, 2011)

 Paper #1: Exploring the Unum–The Building Blocks of the Multiverse (February 16, 2011)

  • 1. ENS (Extension Neurosensing) — A New Advanced Form of Remote Viewing  
  • 2. The Idiomaterial Universe  
  • 3. Seven Levels of Manifestation (LOMs)
  • 4. The 7 Superdomains
  • 4.1. The Prime-Causal Superdomain
  • 4.2 Thought Superdomain
  • 4.3 Unisonic Superdomain 
  • 4.4 Logomorphic and Syntonic-Diffusive Superdomains
  • 4.5 Templaic/Quantum Potential Superdomain
  • 4.6  4-Space/Time Superdomain 
  • 5. The T-Boundary 
  • 6. Regions of the Unum
  • 7. Subquantum Vacuum-Plenum 
  • 8. The Overfunction and the Akashic Records 
  • 9. The “Big Bang” Theory Revisited

 Paper #2Known Life Forms within the Milky Way and Beyond (February 25, 2011)

  • 1. Idiomaterial Life Forms and the Merkaba 
  • 2. Different Life Forms in 4-Space/Time
  • 2.1. Different Life Forms Beyond 4-Space/Time  
  • 3. Indexing of Planetary Bodies and the Reality of the “Ascension” Concept 
  • 4. Observership and “Common Reality”
  • 5. Space/Time vs. Time/Space 6. Wormholes (Einstein-Rosen Bridges)

 Paper #3: The Prime Creator Experiencing Itself (February 17, 2011)

  • 1. From Nothingness to Somethingness
  • 2. A Hierarchy of Creator Gods  
  • 3. The Galactic Tributary Zone and the 7 Planetary Zones 

Paper #4: The Flow of Energy in Daily Life (February 18, 2011)

  • 1. Karma and the Law of Attraction
  • 1.1. Karma
  • 1.2. The Law of Attraction 
  • 2. Psychic Vampirism 
  • 3. Schrödinger’s Cat and Different Timelines

 Paper #5: The Misconception of the Ascension Process and the Nature of Channeling(February 18, 2011)

  • 1. The Ascension Fraud
  • 2. How Channeling Really Works   
  • 3. The Nano-Second and the Importance of Staying Grounded in our  Bodies
  • 4. The Real “Ascension” 
  • 5. The RA Material
  • 6.  Some Final Words

Paper #6: There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel – What Happens After Body Death? (March 25, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract 
  • 2. Regression Therapy in Modern Times – A Brief Background
  • 3. The Positive Version of Afterlife
  • 3.1. Three Levels of Soul Groupings
  • 3.2. Returning to a New Incarnation
  • 3.3. The Council of Elders
  • 3.3.1. The Appearance and Composition of the Council
  • 3.3.2. The Presence
  • 3.4. Privacy in a Telepathic Environment
  • 3.5. Between Lives Learning Centers
  • 3.5.1. The Library of Life Books
  • 3.6 Time/Space Nurseries and the Birth of Souls 
  • 3.7. The Meaning of Life
  • 3.8. A Few Additional Selected Quotes From Dr. Newton’s Subjects
  • 4. The Negative Version of Afterlife
  • 4.1. The WingMakers Theory
  • 4.2. The Moon Matrix
  • 4.3. L. Ron Hubbard and the Afterlife Implant Stations
  • 4.4.Robert Morning-Sky and the Terra Papers
  • 5. Conclusions
  • 5.1.Dr. Michael Newton Revisited
  • 5.2. The WingMakers Theory Revisited
  • 5.3.David Icke and the Moon Matrix Revisited
  • 5.4. L. Ron Hubbard and Robert Morning Sky
  • 5.5.The Edgar Cayce Section Revisited

 Paper #7: Six Different Types of Civilizations (March 12, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. Why Different Types of Civilizations

Paper #8: Human Origins and the Living Library (March 31, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. Panspermia–Life in the Universe is Seeded by Creator Gods3. The Creation of the Solar System
  • 3.1. A Violent Visit From Sirius
  • 4. The First Creator Gods
  • 5. The Galactic Wars, Our Human Ancestry and Genetic Engineering
  • 5.1.Evidence of Giants on Earth
  • 5.2. The Vegan/Lyran War
  • 5.3.The Draconian and Orion Wars
  • 5.4. The Pleiadians–Immigrants From a Previous Universe
  • 5.5.The Vegan Entrapment
  • 5.6. The Continuing Story of the Living Library and Major Genetic Engineering on Earth
  • 6.ET ArtThe Stories are in the Rocks
  • 7. The Zeta Reticulians, aka the Grays

 Paper #9: Nephilim, the Fallen Angels (April 7, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract: The Sitchin Version
  • 2. The Seeding of the Sirian Anunnaki
  • 3. One Catastrophe After Another
  • 4. In the Days of Old, In the Days of Gold…
  • 5. The Unsettling Settlers
  • 6. War, Some 300,000 Years Ago

 Paper #10: Genesis or the “Genes of Isis”? (April 10, 2011)

  • 1. Experimenting With Genetics
  • 2. YHWH, the Schizophrenic God
  • 3. Did the Anunnaki Really Spurt Our Evolution by Tampering With Our DNA?
  • 4. The Early Humans Become Miner
  • 5. Adapa, a Genetic Upgrade
  • 6. Marduk’s Choice
  • 7. The Birth of Noah
  • 8. The Great Deluge

Paper #11: After the Deluge (April 16, 2011)

  • 1. In the Aftermath — Building a New Earth
  • 2. Gold! We Need More Gold!
  • 3. The Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Builders of the Sphinx
  • 4. Marduk Becomes Ra and Amen Ra
  • 5. The Murder of Osiris and the Battle Between Horus and Seth
  • 6. Inanna’s (Ishtar’s) War Against the Serpent Clan
  • 7. King Anu Decides to Give Earth to Humankind
  • 8. Educating Mankind
  • 9. The Tower of Babel
  • 10. Marduk Ra is Rewriting History
  • 11. Inanna Rules the Indus Region and Uruk in Sumer
  • 12. Gilgamesh and the Elixir of Immortality
  • 13. Marduk Offering Pharaohs Immortality
  • 14. Sargon, the Akkadian Warrior King
  • 15. Inanna’s Armies Move Forward
  • 16. The Enlil Visited by Galzu in Dream State
  • 17. The Anunnaki Drop Nuclear Bombs Over Sinai Spaceport before Leaving Earth to Marduk

 Paper #12: Abraham, Moses, and the “Chosen People” (June 23, 2011)

  • 1. In the Aftermath of the Nuclear Fallout
  • 2. The Enlil Branding His Cattle–YHVH’s Chosen People
  • 3. And the Axe Was Made of Gold
  • 4. Jacob’s Ladder and Jacob Becoming Israel in Egypt
  • 5. The Enlilites Against the Enkiites of Egypt and Babylon
  • 6. YHVH–the Brutal Mass Murderer–and his Hatchet-man Moses
  • 7. The Ten Commandments and a Blood-Thirsty God

 Paper #13: Discussing the “Anunnaki Papers” (April 24, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. The Accuracy of the Sumerian Cuneiform Clay Tablets
  • 3. Dr. Michael Heiser, Sitchin’s Main Debunker
  • 4. What About Atlantis and Lemuria?
  • 5. The Mars Findings
  • 6. The Frequency Prison
  • 6.1. Reptilians and Giants
  • 6.2. Stuck Inside a Radio Station
  • 7. Gold and Longevity
  • 8. Dr. A.R. Bordon’s Close Encounters With the Ša.A.M.i. and the Forming of “The LINK”,  Annual Meetings with Extra-Terrestrial Groups
  • 9. LPG-C and the 3% Rule

Paper #14: The Marduk Issue and the Earth-Bound Anunnaki (May 5, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. The Anunnaki and Their Human Hybrids — The Global Elite
  • 3. ET Disclosure Projects and Their Two Major Advocates
  • 4. The Exodus of the Anunnaki Earth-Bound
  • 5. The Announcement of the New King!
  • 6. Marduk Returns to Earth
  • 7. Marduk’s Council of 12 — The Corteum
  • 8. The Earth-Bound Anunnaki: How They Look Like and Their Whereabouts
  • 9. Marduk’s Challenges
  • 10. Supriem David Rockefeller and the Thule Order
  • 10.1. 
  • Supriem Rockefeller in Review
  • 10.2. The Thule Society, Fulfillment of Prophecy, and the Gateway to the Gods

 Paper #15: The Remarkable Michael Lee Hill Case (May 6, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. Two Comparable Experiences; Two Comparable Blood Disorders
  • 2.1. The Terrell Copeland Case
  • 2.2. Michael Hill’s Sightings Over Lake Erie and Blood Test Comparisons
  • 3. Face-to-Faceless Encounter With Marduk?
  • 4. Birnes of UFO Magazine and UFO Hunters: How Much Does This Man Really Know?
  • 5. Some Additional Information From Michael on the Anunnaki Topic
  • 5.1. The WingMakers/Anunnaki Letter
  • 6. The Eric Clapton Connection
  • 7. Michael’s Meeting With a Known Musician, Claiming To Be of High Order and in Connection With the Arcturians
  • 8. Afterthoughts and Conclusions

 Paper #16: Revelations on the Story About the WingMakers, The Labyrinth Group, and S.A.A.L.M.(May 26, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. How The WingMakers “Saga” All Began
  • 2.1. What is Myth and What is True? Here is the Key
  • 2.2. How the WingMakers Site Was Found
  • 2.3. Dr. Anderson, Defector From the ACIO/Labyrinth Group, Speaks Out
  • 2.4. The Origins of the WingMakers Race
  • 2.5. Mark Hempel, the Middle-Hand
  • 3. The Mysterious “James” Enters the Stage
  • 4. Who Took Over the WingMakers Site?
  • 5. Changes Made to the Original WingMakers Site
  • 6. S.A.A.L.M., Supreme Anunnaki Assembly of Lord Marduk
  • 6.1.S.A.A.L.M.’s Secret Conversations Leaked
  • 7. Black and White, Or Just Different Shades of Gray?

 Paper #17: The Animus, Artificial Intelligence, and Blank Slate Technology (June 4, 2011)

  • 1. The Labyrinth Group, ACIO, and the NSA Revisited
  • 2. Fifteen; The Man Behind the Number
  • 2.1. A Cloak of Secrecy, Two Different Defense Weaponsand Hidden Agendas
  • 3. Accelerated Intelligence
  • 4. The Corteum – How They Supposedly Look Like
  • 4.1. Elongated Skulls vs. Skull-Binding and Cranial Deformation
  • 5. Seven Superdomains, Seven Superuniverses and the Seven Tributary Zones
  • 6. The WingMakers as the Central Race
  • 7. Prophecy
  • 8. The Animus; In Search For Soul-Carriers
  • 8.1. The Origin of the Animus
  • 8.2. Disconnected from Source
  • 9. Vertical Time, Blank Slate Technology, and Memory Restructure Procedure
  • 9.1. Horizontal and Vertical Time
  • 9.2. Memory Restructure Procedure (MRP)
  • 9.3. Using BST Against the Animus
  • 10. A’shayana Deane, The Guardian Alliance, and the BeaST
  • 10.1. The Makers of Wings and Other Things

 PFC Paper #18: Present and Future Earth Changes and Their True Causes (June 17, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. When Earth Nearly Died, Around 11,500 Years Ago
  • 3. Planet X, Nibiru–The Effects of the Incoming
  • 3.1. A Detailed Description of What Nibiru Looks Like
  • 3.2. Nibiru’s Effects on Earth and the Other Planets in the Solar System
  • 4. Monoliths in Space–Was Arthur C. Clarke Right?
  • 4.1. 2001–A Space Odyssey
  • 4.2. Revealing Photos From Leading University, and Video Taped Monolith Statement From Famous Former NASA Astronaut
  • 4.3. Reports on Monoliths in Space
  • 4.4. What the Off-Planet Monoliths Really Are
  • 5. The Year 2012 and The Wave of the Supernova

 Paper #19: The Return of the Gods (June 24, 2011)

  • 1. The Tribulation
  • 2. The Lord’s Return
  • 3. The Battle of Armageddon
  • 4. And the Lord Will Reign for a Thousand Years
  • 5. Anu Stepping Down From the Throne
  • 5.1. Political Dramas on the Home Planet
  • 5.2. The New King and the Second Coming
  • 6. We Don’t Need No Anunnaki–We Don’t Need No Thought Control

 Paper #20: More on Artificial Intelligence, Increased Longevity, and Nano-Tech—The Path of the Gods  (July 7, 2011)

  • 1. Abstract: The Fine Balance Between Science and Metaphysics 
  • 1.1. Waking up the Sleeping Giant
  • 2. The Codes of Consciousness
  • 3. How “New” Alien Technology Will To Be Introduced Creating Split of the Human Race
  • 4. Protecting Our Biology
  • 5. The Internet vs. the Innernet
  • 6. Welcome to the Machine Kingdom–Man and Machine Becoming One!
  • 7. Artificial Life Created, Called “Cynthia”
  • 8. Smurf’s Village
  • 9. WikiLeaks and a Flashback to the Atlantic Technology Era
  • 10. Technology and Longevity
  • 11. A Multi-Dimensional Perspective on Nano Technology

 Paper #21: Breaking the Spell (July 14, 2011)

  • 1. Introduction to the Frequency Fence and the 3rd Density Quarantine
  • 1.1. Ungluing the Radio Knob–Freedom of Frequency
  • 2. DNA Code Activation
  • 3. The Quarantined Earth and the Misuse of Energy
  • 4. Subliminal Messages in Films and on Music CDs, and the Effects of Electronics
  • 5 – How to Conquer Fear and Anxiety

 Paper #22: Earth As Real Estate (July 25, 2011)

  • 1. All Biological Life is Seeded
  • 2. The Free-Will Zone
  • 2.1. Free-Will vs. Predestiny
  • 3.Revisiting  Old Egypt–Era of Magic and Multi-Dimensionality
  • 3.1. The Pyramid Structure and What It Does
  • 4. The Attractive Real Estate–The Gods Return
  • 4.1. Shapeshifting
  • 5. The Electromagnetic Spectrum and the Reptilian Consciousness
  • 6. The Purpose of the Human Experience
  • 7. The Pleiadians and The Complexity of Power
  • 8. Regaining Sovereignty of Mind
  • 8.1. Owning Your Sexuality
  • 8.2. The Migration into Virtual Realities
  • 9. The Collapse of Time
  • 10. The War Over Real Estate and the Human Factor
  • 11. Opening of Stargates to Let the Ša.A.M.i. in
  • 12. Pain and Sex and Pornography Addiction
  • 13. Numbers and Game Masters
  • 14.Remote Viewing Within the Military
  • 15. How Do We Counter the Global Elite and the Hostile ET Presence?
  • 15.1.David and Goliath

 Paper #23: Expansion on the Living Library, DNA, and Ascension (August 7, 2011)

  • 1. Borrowing From, and Returning to, the Living Library
  • 2. From the Dark Ages to Big Pharma and the Witch-Hunt on Alternative Medicine
  • 2.1. The Witch-Hunt on Mind-Altering Drugs
  • 3. The Future–Back to Using the Living Library
  • 4. DNA – What it Is, and How to Reclaim What Was Taken From Us
  • 4.1. The Early Human had 12 Strand DNA, Corresponding with 12 Chakras
  • 4.2. How We Were Unplugged From the Multiverse and How To Plug In Again
  • 4.3. Healing Along the Lines of Time
  • 4.4. Triple Helix DNA
  • 4.5. Nibiru’s Coordinates and the Original Creator Gods Have Landed on Earth
  • 4.6. The Number 12 in Relation to Earth and Our DNA
  • 4.7. The Family of Light and Multiple Living Libraries
  • 4.8. Sex, DNA, and the Living Library
  • 4.9. The Gardeners

 Paper #24: Understanding Multi-Dimensionality (August 21, 2011)

  • 1. Moving Into a Multi-Dimensional Reality  
  • 2. Messages and Mass Agreements in Dream Land
  • 3. Spirit Guides
  • 4. More on Time and How It is Used by Physical and Non-Physical Beings, the End of a Cycle and the Start of a New
  • 4.1. Time and Frequency (Earth Splitting in Consciousness into Mainly Two Different Planets)
  • 4.2. Choice and Victim Hood
  • 5. Amnesia
  • 5.1. Clarification of the “Human Experiment” and the Dependency on Linear Time
  • 6. Timelines and the Electromagnetic Fields
  • 7. Multi-Dimensionality in Summary

Paper #25: The Great Initiation (August 31, 2011)

  • 1. Male versus Female Power
  • 1.1. More on Game Masters, Master Numbers and Divine Female Energy
  • 2. A Short Metaphysical Aspect on Astrology
  • 3. Geometric Downloads
  • 3.1. Crop Circles and Geometrical Figures
  • 4. What is Your Personal Reality? (Multiple Earths)
  • 5. The Law of One
  • 5.1. Jesus and the Law of One
  • 6. The Initiation Process
  • 6.1. The Fall From Grace
  • 6.2. Rising From The Fall
  • 6.3. It’s All About Numbers
  • 7. Service-to-Others/Service-to-Self
  • 8. The New Earth
  • 8.1. The Split in Consciousness
  • 8.2. Technology in the New World
  • 8.3. Smart Cities; Safe Places to Be; Map Dowsing 
  • 8.4. The Fusing of Probable Realities
  • 8.5. 2015-2024; the Formation of a New Society
  • 9. How to Emit Good Energy10. The Six Heart Virtues

Paper #26: Coming Full Circle (the Future, and the End of the Universe) (September 2, 2011)

  • 1. Quality of Love and Light–The Old Atlantean Karma Revisited
  • 2. God’s Black Angels
  • 3. Cruising Through the End Times
  • 4. The Cycle of Universes




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